How should I respond?
How should I respond?
I wish I could cave your head in thot
its ok OP, you'll get there
Ahahahahahaaha i
rolling for this
tell her to fuck off with that shit
letting a thot patronize you is the ultimate betashit
Thanks dad
>Yeah it's a real shame
When in doubt always use this line
Godspeed OP
Just say "wow cunt"
Preferably this tho
"i guess that one sounded funnier in your head didn't it"
Getting emotional with a thot lets them know they've won. Just end the conversation and move on.
This or just don't respond
just block and move on. let them keep sending texts that you are't actually getting.
send her this
"Ok, cunt."
>and I wish hot girls would be just as receptive as you :)
you are also implying she is not hot, give her a taste of her own medicine
I find it odd that what you said to her is conveniently cropped out. Were you being an asshole user?
>you are whitty and smart lol I wish stunning blondes girls were
>woman is bitch
>"were you being an asshole user?"
Why was the only decent answer deleted?
Probably the best one in this thread besides the one that got deleted. Absolutely smug and snide to the core. I love it.
"hot guys are busy with hot girls"
This or call her a cunt and post her response
what did it say
thanks, I wish I could say the same for you
i wish i didn't exist
If you post a reply and we will be glad you exist friend
just leave the girl on read and never reply again duh
lol rolling for this
Rolling for this
I literally cannot be serious friends with women unless i'm trying to fuck them. It may be an incel mentality but they are so fucking boring and uninteresting to me unless the end goal is sex.
Don't respond, just drop her
pls pls post feet pls
have sex (not you, send this to her)
you didn't have to remind him it was for her
there was no danger of him having sex
That is a lie user he could get syphilis and his dick could fall off
I'm sorry brah, you won't make it
>I literally cannot be serious friends with women unless i'm trying to fuck them. It may be an incel mentality
it is, you're not their friend you're a guy who wants to fuck them.
Get over yourself dude. Everyone is in asshole. Quit accepting this victim mentality society where who ever cries first is the winner of the interaction.
Y-you too.
Rolling for this
"I am pretty darn hot, what are you talking about"
Even if you aren't, the ball is in her crotch now.
"only thing funny about me are my 1RM's" :)
then she'll probably go oh ahah but u look strong :#
or some shit
Only acceptable response.
thats the answer. keep you self worth user
I wish hot girls knew how to appreciate a sense humor like you do
One of these, or don't answer at all.
Ask her to poop in your mouth
> I am a hot guy.
Disregard any other answer, including mine, that one is the one to go with.
this roll
absolutely DEVASTATING
I'm sorry but the gods decides
Reply this or with nothing. Either be witty back or just don't pmher games.
>yeah they are too busy with hot women to bother