Was thinking of proposing a womb tattoo to my wife. Cringe or based?
/tattoo/ thread
ah yes the inverted tramp stamp
very based
I mean it could be cool but the image you posted looks like the tribal tattoo you see on boomers
is it bad if I recognize the artist and the doujin?
fucking disgusting, imagine WANTING your woman to get a tattoo
No, tell us.
Only bad if you don't share
Look, the aryan race won't save itself and womb tattoos get me going
Considering a simple line tattoo from the base of my skull and down my spine.
source now
Nah, crouch tattoos on your woman is hot.
it's a two-parter
[panda]Jow Forums1106519/379bf89a46/
[panda]Jow Forums1202837/264623b139/
I hope OP is talking about crotch tattoos in general and isn't implying he wants the same crotch tattoo from a hentai involving a loli.
OP is a faggot, though.
Sorry but could somebody spill the name? Don't have panda
You pregnancy fetishists are fucking insane.
Nice try, FBI.
>Don't have panda
So get it?
>you normal humans interested in procreation are fucking insane
Yeah, no. Get your 239 genders straight and then try to talk to us, fat ass.
You probably visit blacked dot cum
>Cringe or based?
if you have to ask..
It might be pretty hot on Kuro, but someone IRL would likely look incredibly trashy.
Holy based, thanks you.
Is this actually what that tattoo means?
>t. worried
Yeah, Queen of Spades tattoo is a covert open signal that she's a submissive slut to BBC.
If a male gets a tattoo does that make him a women?
What kind of gains can i expect?
Only in the imagination of self-hating white incels. Most tattoos on women mean nothing at all, just something she thought looked cool.
Cringe as shit, but I'm sure you're a disgusting subhuman for even considering tattoos, so I'm positive you're not worth worrying about.
Imagine getting a tat like that as a man haha
This. Most girls at my highschool that did cheerleading used to get that specific tattoo in a covert location during senior year beach week as a rite of passage. It's just a fad thing.
Me to
Nice try, but those are hearts. Not spades.
This shit makes my dick hard but there's no way I would marry or make my wife tattoo this on her body unless I plan to whore her on the streets.
I would just tattoo my last name or family symbol on her womb instead of generic anime bullshit.
Suck it schmuck, womb tattoos are peak aesthetics