I will never...

I will never, ever undo the mental damage that just a couple weeks of being a good looking male on a dating app has done to me.

Same area, same age, same bio, same number of and types of pictures as me.

Chad: 153 likes Me: 2 likes

Chad has married women wanting to fuck, Chad says one line asking them to fuck and they reply back saying yes and asking for his Snapchat. Chad has women who explicitly say “NOT LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP” in their bio wanting to fuck. Chad can act “creepy” (meaning overtly sexual) in his opening message and the girls say “thank you”.

You cannot convince me anymore that this shit is an exaggeration or a lie or that the way the IT people see relationships is actually true, IVE SEEN IT WITH MY OWN TWO EYES. It’s fucjing devastating, I can’t handle it. My self esteem has been 100 percent fucking destroyed by what I’m seeing and the difference in life quality I could have if my face wasn’t ugly. This is the most eye opening thing I’ve ever done, I’ll never be the same after seeing how women actually are when they like you.

Attached: chadfishing.jpg (3300x1840, 508K)

what the fuck is wrong with women

Deal with it bitchboy


Stay mad buddy, welcome to life

>i literally rape children
>hehe hello sexy ;)
are women too stupid to read or are they just that desperate for chadcock?

Can you imagine actually making a profile for an attractive male on tinder just to see what it’s like? That’s some weirdo shit op

Guys do the same shit but boohoo

well, you should post the profile you used then, instead of this pic, that has been posted already a dozen times.

I'm not talking about the hooking up because he's hot thing, that's whatever. I'm talking about the hooking up with someone who openly admits to being a childfucker thing.

blackpilled again and again, the ride never stops

they don't, guys don't really pursue only the top 5% of women and behave like absolute degenerates around them, only to ignore the other 95% of men or put them on provider patrol.
Men rate women fairly, women are hypergamous and it's getting worse each year
soon we're gonna return to full blown harems, and at that point there will be more and more incel uprisings with casualties
also this, I need to acquire information on the chad profiles. Give me something to strive towards

bro that bio

>Chad: 153 likes
Kinda low desu

Attached: 02058095043.png (750x1334, 833K)

Most people are just fat, by having 15% bf and great pictures you can get matches like it's nothing.

STOP EATING SO MUCH. Obviously don't be fucking deformed or weird ethnic

Update holy fucking shit I just read that bio. I've seen that post before it just didn't click until now. That's fucked

>dating apps are real life
Also, OP discovers the halo effect

>Same bio
user I think the "Convicted three times for rape of a child" part of your bio might not be doing you too many favors here.

Attached: 1553541553305.png (600x546, 140K)

Tinder is exclusively for whores

I'm 13% bf but still have puffy cheeks ;( Fucking round face shape



I look close to that,my jaw is not as sharp though,I am working on it though. I do wear glasses however,and glasses turn off 80% of the women,bu some people tell me that they make me look like someone whom they can trust ,lol.
I do not use any socializing app though,and that is why I am single,oh...and because I am an unironical Nazi.

jesus christ

it's over, before it's even started, isn't it

too many thoughs,fuck I have spent too much time in Britain,moreover fuck the typos
