Is redbull a good pre-workout drink, Jow Forums?
Redbull PWO
Just drink coffee, stop wasting your money on garbage.
Homemade energy drink:
>2 cups sugar
>1 cup molasses
>1/4 cup cider vinegar
>1 tsp ground ginger
>1 gallon water
Heat the first four ingredients with a quart of the water on low until hot and well blended. Pour into the remaining 3 quarts water and mix. Store in refrigerator until needed. Only drink 3-5 oz per serving.
No, even if you go for the diet ones they don't have enough caffeine by volume to compete with other brands and they're expensive as fuck to boot.
ignore poorfags that can't afford it
red bull = weightlifting shoes
everything else = converse
no, redbull has the least caffeine of all energy drinks and are more expensive and, imhof, tastes the worst.
go with monster, coffee or a pwo powder
redbull will probably help you on a workout, but there are definitely better options
what the fuck is that
Great way to fuck up your teeth
If youre buying pre workout stricly caffeine, youre pouring your money down the drain. Caffeine is the least expensive ingredient in preworkout powders.
Buy a pre workout that has legitimate doses of ingredients like l-citrulline, betaine, glyerol, creatine HCL, agmatine sulfate etc etc. Things that actually volumize blood, increase nitric oxide production and muscular endurance. Too much caffeine is also counterintuitive and can restrict bloodflow, which is the opposite of what you want for a workout. Energy drinks are good for a pick-me-up throughtout the day, but not for actually working out, not to mention theyre pretty pricey if youre using them to workout every day.
t. supp shop owner.
what are some recommendations with a good dosage of all the key ingredients? my PWO just ran out
YUMOLA who is this cock cabinet?
Literally my first thought upon clicking the thumbnail. I went from excitement to bewilderment
anything with more than 6g l-citrulline is really good. Thats the ingredient with the most clinical studies.
Glycerol or glycerpump should be at 2g+
betaine should be at 3-6g
creatine HCL 2g+
agmatine sulfate 750mg+
thanks. what pre workout do you use? save me checking all the labels at he store like an autist
is there something cheap close to this on the market already mixed or do i have to make it on my own?
So would every other energy drink, soda, coffee, and tea.
how the fuck do people workout while drinking carbohydrated drinks. i will literally puke everywhere if i drink coke or monster or something within 4-5 hours of working out
>contains no stimulating ingredients
I have one but I warn you, it is pathetic.
>have titty coffee place down the road from the gym
>order an americana with 4 shots with cream and sugar
>if I can be naturally flirty and charming to a woman with her tits out, good.
>if I act like a beta male who kisses prostitutes then im going to absolutely murder those beta thoughts out of my body with an angry intense workout.
I also slam the hot coffee to amp me up
Chegged :DDDDD
fuck brehs i love big fake titties
Go with bang. Or c4/some other pwo powder
Yeah, if you're not caffeine sensitive currently. I'll normally start my caffeine cycle with a small energy drink and work my way up to a scoop of actual PWO. You should get the same amount of stimulation.
I fucking love red bull, I know it's lower caf per can, but I feel a lot more "awake" as opposed to simply "jittery." Only problem is it's too fucking expensive so I just drink coffee now.
Is making my own PWO by buying ingredients separately worth it?