>I think I'm Napoleon
>Yep, that's schizophrenia
>I think I'm a girl
>Stunning and brave! You go girl!
>I think I'm Napoleon
>Yep, that's schizophrenia
>I think I'm a girl
>Stunning and brave! You go girl!
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, why the discrimination against transcelebrities?
gender dysphoria is a mental disease like any other, people just don't want to admit, but there's nothing wrong with that, you don't treat schizos or depressed people bad because of their disease, you just try to understand and help them, what would change if we accept its a disease and seek treatment?
>someone is physically male but their brain is female
How does this work exactly?. Sounds pretty mental
10 years ago they would have been viewed equally. It was only in the 2010s that trannies became mainstream.
Also, majority of people still view them like freaks.
I just find out im rrams ama
>I think I'm bf material
oh wait
Here's few scientific facts:
-Males and females have different brains
-Transgender (and gay) people's brain's resemble more the opposite gender
-Studies on rats show that atleast for them, genitals and brains gain the male/female traits at different time during the development of a fetus.
Based on these you could make the guess that you could have eg. male brain in female body if something goes wrong with the development of a baby.
I'd still guess that most trannies are just seeking attention
How does your gender dysphoria present itself?
gender dysphoria =/= schizophrenia
they are two diff things you're welcome user
also your example does not fit the bill for schizophrenia. Maybe delusional disorder.
The real issue here is that many people don't accept my transblackness.
That pic has to be a joke right? Please God save us from this nightmare of our own creation
It's different because Napolean is one human and you can't be another human. You are you, you can't be george washington, you can't be a different person
However half of the human population engages in practices traditionally associated with females, such as dresses and makeup, so it wouldn't be THAT abnormal to do something that literally half the world already does.
There are more rats than humans on Earth. That doesn't mean it's okay for me to crawl around on all fours and bite people you fucking dipshit. What kind of argument is this? You can only be what you are.
are you a male (female) or a female (male)
gender dysphoria's only successful treatment is transition
sorry that the entire body of research and experience on and about trans people gave results that you dont like
please try to make a real argument next time user, i know it's hard but i believe in you
>you have all these but the diagnoses
wtf am i trans now
>You can only be what you are.
Do the laws of physics make it physically impossible for a human with XY chromosomes and a penis to put on a dress and makeup?
Because it's
>le degenerate
Also did I mention to get
>le professional help?
Gender is a social construct. It's not a delusion to feel like a different gender; it's perfectly possible and there are observable differences in brain structure that cause that feeling.
No trans person is under the impression that they are literally a biological woman. There are biological women with XY chromosomes but that's beside the point.
You don't tell schizos to listen to the voices in their head like you do with trannies tho.
>Feelings of decreased gender dysphoria? Yep, that confirms your gender dysphoria.
Trans people don't have voices in their head. They have the brain structure of the opposite gender.
Do the laws of physics make it impossible for me to put on a dumb hat and conquer half of Europe?
>no change in suicide rate
Wow, very successful
>no trans person is under the impression that they are literally a biological woman
yes they are, why do you think they fucking kill themselves when they finally get hit with the reality after mutilating themselves with chemicals or surgery that they are not and will never be a woman
You're missing the point. What I'm saying is that you don't encourage the mentally ill. If you want a closer example, you don't encourage anorexics to starve themselves.
For the record, I agree with him on everything he says
>their brains dont allow them to function in a normal way, often leading to depression and suicidal tendencies
>no they arent mentally ill tho just be more progressive!
hitler honestly saw 100 years into the future, fucking nips ruined the fucking plan
It's disgusting how this is clearly designed to prey on vulnerable people with social issues.
These people are no better than the discord faggots who do the same thing here.
>However half of the human population engages in practices traditionally associated with females, such as dresses and makeup, so it wouldn't be THAT abnormal to do something that literally half the world already does.
That makes you a man who wears makeup and dresses, not a fucking woman.
Gender dysphoria's only successful treatment is purification, with fire.
>you cant be other people
>just be yourself
>unless you wanna be a different gender tho lol
>just be that gender
the world will burn for giving any attention to the mentally ill and their enablers
Literally half of humans often do things like wear dresses and makeup. It's absurd to prohibit the other half from doing something that a whopping 200 million americans do. This is a very common thing that many humans do, and not some freakish thing
Putting on a dressbmakes you a man wearing a dress, it dpes not make you a woman.
must suck to be a normie who views humans in black and white.
very edgy, user! im very proud of you :-)
i wonder if it might be the transphobia in society along with the depression and anxiety
also maybe the trauma most undergo
nah it just has to be that theyre crazy, time to go send them to a conversion camp and have them undergo literal torture
that isnt how they fucking view themselves you fucking moron. no fucking tranny says "oh im just a guy in drag" i dont give a fuck if some dude has a fetish for putting on lady clothes, as long as he fucking says he is a dude with a fetish
Professionals give transexuals HRT though.
It's literally the cure.
Cringe mate, you should have sex
Please don't use r9k if you talk like this, we have enough trouble here you're worse than the fags.
this is a virgin board
where do you think you are?
Didn't suggest any of that. You're the one sending innocents to their death over meme identity politics.
so what's your solution? and no, violating human rights by killing them is not a solution
>human rights