>mom found creatine syringe
Mom found creatine syringe
Robert King
Isaac Torres
Try to calm her down before she calls the gym, you dont wanna be known as Creatine Chris believe me
Evan Davis
>living with your mom still
>giving a fuck about what your parents say past the age of 18
Underage b&.
Adrian Walker
Fuck oh god
Cameron Scott
>doing creatine
careful you don't pull and Elliot user, i heard he was on that stuff
Noah Barnes
>mom added my favorite protein powder to the shopping list
Logan Stewart
Thinking wasting your money on rent without a need to and respecting your parents is Adulthood™
Evan Parker
> it's strawberry
Hudson Evans
>current year
>still injecting the 'tine
PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY incapable of making it
Eli Smith
>mom found the whey powder