Mom found creatine syringe

>mom found creatine syringe

Attached: Qrv3tt5.png (732x808, 791K)

Try to calm her down before she calls the gym, you dont wanna be known as Creatine Chris believe me

>living with your mom still
>giving a fuck about what your parents say past the age of 18
Underage b&.

Fuck oh god

>doing creatine

careful you don't pull and Elliot user, i heard he was on that stuff

>mom added my favorite protein powder to the shopping list

Attached: N3XP1So.jpg (960x720, 94K)

Thinking wasting your money on rent without a need to and respecting your parents is Adulthood™

> it's strawberry

Attached: 1566100299563.jpg (234x216, 10K)

>current year
>still injecting the 'tine
PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY incapable of making it

Attached: 1565529972386.png (685x684, 436K)

>mom found the whey powder

Attached: 1565156681029.jpg (372x268, 11K)