Is hunting the most Jow Forums hobby?
>raises testosterone
>teaches patience
>hiking through woods and up hills with your kill is good for cardio
>fills your freezer with delicious, healthy and lean game meat
Is hunting the most Jow Forums hobby?
>raises testosterone
>teaches patience
>hiking through woods and up hills with your kill is good for cardio
>fills your freezer with delicious, healthy and lean game meat
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post body and you'll have your answer
No it's weight lifting user
I know I'm not as lean as most of the people on here, but I bet I lift more than most.
Lifting your six pack of beer out of the cooler doesn't count as lifting.
What kind of little faggy deer is this?
it's natty tho
Euro game is a lot smaller than US game. They just have greatly reduced habitat and US game like our Elk, Moose, Deere, Bear, and birds are more closely related to the megafauna of the last ice age
Louisiana here. Never seen a fit hunter.
No offense, but you look like you ever lifted in your life.
unless you're hunting with a bow, you're a pussy
even then its pretty gay
just stick to modding your pickup truck
Nope, it's full of fatfucks most of the time. Still I do it cause it's fun.
>Not spearhunting
Pussy. That being said I hunt with knife, spear, gun and bow. People who are picky about stupid shit like that are dumb cause it's not like any animal aside from possibly a bear will actually try to fight you. And a decent chunk of the time a bear won't either.
It's a blast. I've killed a gator too. Got some bear tags for Wisconsin last year and got lucky enough to get a bear. I really want to hunt a moose one day. Also, went spear hunting for boar in Florida with some friends and their pit bulls. Nothing beats hunting meat
You clearly know nothing about hunting. Which shitty european country are you from?
If you've ever seen the body of your average Jow Forumsommando, you'd know that's wrong. I've spotted numerous lardasses just from their fat hands in the pictures.
My cousin shit a bear in the head and the bear got up and tried to kill him. Luckily my cousin got back up the tree stand and shot the bear in the head a second time
>not being a /fitlitoutk/ erudit
A family friend if ours hints regularly and he's fatter than anyone I've ever seen. He literally cooks burgers in his deer stand while waiting to shoot shit.
I'm from Florida dumdum in fact I'm this user.
You've clearly never seen an upset buck whitetail. Or a moose. A moose will fuck you up faster than you can react.
How into hunting in the Northeast US
>Implying a buck is much of threat with a spear or arrow in it
No. Also moose aren't half as aggressive as a bear would be. Also post bowkills then faggot, show us you hunting expertise.
ya that's my point, guns are OP and EZ mode
humans in general are pretty OP
There's decent evidence native Americans hunted sabertooths to death with spears. My issue is with the idea that you're some kinda badass for using a bow instead of a gun just strikes me as silly. Majority of these animals pose such a pathetically small threat to an armed human it's silly. Hell I stabbed the gator with a knife, and the only reason we used a knife was cause we were close to people and didn't want anyone to call the cops about gunshots with a pair of men near the water.
whats so fit about shooting an animal 100 meters away?
whats so fit about having farmers kill for you while you watch gay anime at home
>but I bet I lift more than most.
not with that body
as long as you eat it
You have to drag it back to your vehicle
Lol hunting proven to be soi as fuck
user, I'm going to have to disagree with your claim that hunting raises testosterone
Thats just a strategy so they dont require much food when le boogaloo happens