Bent over row 190 kg 25 rep
last row video u will see from months getting back to press and working so less bicep usage
u mirin lol
listen the sound no fake plat
Bent over row 190 kg 25 rep
last row video u will see from months getting back to press and working so less bicep usage
u mirin lol
listen the sound no fake plat
Absolutely insane ROM. You could be the next Kyriakos.
Are you croat or serb
based retard
Based balkan retard proving that science is bullshit
Absolutely based and redpilled lifting philosophy, I started training like that and already gained 10kg of mass in a few months
Damn didn't know they released a japanese magnet train tickets to snap city
I'm laughing so fucking hard, I mean shit dude nice bod and all but holy fucking kek nice meme
serb then
you could have just answered with "serb"
Komunjara hahahahahhahaahaha
Pozz svim ljudima dobre volje
How old were you during the civil war?
mighty fine shrugs based balkangigachad
i haven't been on Jow Forums for a while and this is the first thing I see. All I have to say it keep at it champ, you are the embodiement of this board, no cookie cutter shit. just based lifting, no music, shit quality cam and editing. this is how you do it people.
use your fucking brain, it says he's 18, so he wasn't even alive
i was born in 2001 when ending
Kosovo is albania
thanks bro
I love it when you post. Today is my birthday so thanks a bunch. Jow Forums needs trips like you
Makedonija??? WE WUZ ALEKSANDAR???
Basdd balkan chad. I love your threads, god speed brother
How much do you deadlift balkan chad?
your post says rows
but your video says shrugs
you look like a real life troll rofl
shrugs involve 0 arm flexion, can you do better ?
He doesn't even get a full shrug.
i can only dream
always good entertainment.
190 is quite much to fuck around like that, i guess youre not joking, godspeed you retard
bring your self 18 year old in front me imma get you skinned off alive and raped like a berlin whore, im ready to fight you or anybody will use your bones to put my whores to fuck each other using your femur as a fucking dildo i be filmin and sellin for money gonna get a lambo to stomp your grandma your grandpa and if they dead will dig up their graves so they see the fagot you became when they you naked peeled off with your mutilated dick inside your ass so better lift the mutherfucking weight up and keep your mouth shut up
so you are actually mentally ill
Absolutely based. Rom was SHITE but I like simply because of the asspain you cause.
>so you are actually mentally ill
could he beat mayweather or mcgregor ?
Based, dabbing on the burgers
Mashallah brother
>Jow Forums
>has wife
i luv u balkanworm but be careful you gonna hurt urself bad someday
There's only enough room for one gigachad in the Balkans
You're unironically my idol BalkanGigaChad
hilarious vid, 10/10. make more
no wonder balkans peace is so rare
this guy is an apprentice of the bloatlord, if he was on a 7K cal diet, we would be seeing the birth of a power of nature
just wait untill he metabolism slows down, starts mad bulking and blast full of tren and GH, i wanna see that
Hahahahahaha griplet.
honestly i'm miring how strong you must be to not destroy your back doing that shit, you unironically have good "functional" strength that so many people go on about.
based stroke poster
ok go reproduce with your mom or sister
albanian scum
you wear that mask when you suck off dudes at your gloryhole?
>t. Serb cuckold
why cant eastern europeans just live in peace instead raping and killing each others and producing unbreed animals like OP, thats why the balkans are as poor as africa and have a nigger mentality worse than southamerica, you are destined to be poor and never improve stay poor while i make 100 k a year
i never got the albania,kosovo,serb,croatian thing
i played videogames in the past and we had a comunity of people all over the world, and they hated each other so bad everyone made fun of them, latinos make the best memes and are chill,but these albanian and croatian guys are just insufferable,they dont stand each other to the point it looks like they are kids fighting for le woody toy,fucking grow up,i dont even see this with japaneses and americans or germans and russians
Cause their war is only like 20 years old and not 90
i bet they even got a war and killed each other for dumb AS FUCK reasons, whites killing each others is AYLMAOOO, grow up man, every forum i wistened there is always this kosovo serbian albanian thing i never understood, and i dont care, nobody does actually
It was a religious thing. They didn't like the spaghetti monster of the other side.
How will user ever recover?
bro you are my fuckin idol mirin hard
your parents weren't forced out of their homeland by some slavic cucks 20 years ago, so give it a rest.
would that green carpet be able to be greenscreened into, say, hot lava with small stepping stones or maybe a row of naked men with the testicles exposed for stepping or even baby ducks
be the change you want to see in the world, user
>slavs are white
>he picks it up for more reps afterward
Based and retard pilled
whats the point of lifting when you are an agressive low IQ monkey, just promoting violence, you are also very sexist, stop lifting and engage education, look at where you live and how you dress, absolutely subhuman and delinquent, start reading more books, and educating yourself better, so you can apply for better jobs, you are looking for a life compromising injure lifting like that, at least do...i dont know, 60 kg x 12 reps, 190 kg is gonna leave you crippled
imagine trying to put down a semigod by just trying to mock him like a high school stacy >lmaohahahasofunnyhahahah.jpg
he can tear you to shred, most 18 year old guys are skinny fats vidya addicts, this man at 18 is built like a fucking spetznaz and got the functional strenght of a soviet union blacksmith, you are probably like 30, and cant do that, and even if you tried you would break your back and wouldnt be back to the gym after 3 years, if you wanna put down someone who does better than you, do it with fucking style, not like becky does
Lmao look at the little pussy trying to act hard on 4channel lmaoooo
post body
I can't wait for the summer to end
How can we be sure any of this is real?
at this point slavs are the only whites, the rest are cucks
Kek l cant even dl 190kg
What agility level so you need for that shortcut?
Can't wait till you snap your shit up, retard.
Should have known it was the niggers of the Balkans. I'm glad they took Kosovo from you. It's a shame NATO didn't bomb Belgrade into dust.
>Should have known it was the niggers of the Balkans
Tier list of balkans goes as:
explains why most Balkan states are 3rd world shitholes with avg. IQ of less than 80
i lift as a minor hobby but what you are doing there is a mystery to me
are those moves supposed to be so twitchy?
also, i'd wreck your shit you micro penis insecure faggot
>shit form
>bitch range
>bounces the bar off legs
>most of the plates probably aren't even 45 pounds
>scrawny twink
lmao you're a fucking faggot.
What the fuck is going on in Eastern Europe.
Iskreno me je sramota sto sam Srbin zbog ovog degenerika
И мeн би мe билo
>Garbage lifter is also a commie
I should have known
Serbia stronk
Thats actually racist wtf
post body
pretty gay that you want to rape an 18y/o man, kind of liked you but it turns out your a homo