That's just my big brother, user. You never see him because he is afraid of girls... I don't even think he's gay...

>That's just my big brother, user. You never see him because he is afraid of girls... I don't even think he's gay, he's just like... nothing?

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This hits too close to home. I only exist for her to throw under the bus for cheap laughs

Can't relate, because no girl ever interacts with me or acknowledges my existence

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Tell her to fuck off or make one of her friends suck your dick. Do not be a cuck user friend

Anything I throw her way will just get pushed away with "yeah but you're a virgin lol". This isn't a battle I can win by telling her to fuck off

How does she know if you are a virgin? If she says that, call her a thot

that's literal jailbait in OP pic

>How does she know if you are a virgin?
They can smell this kind of thing. I don't outside except for work and I think she just made it from that and she probably says that to the other kids at school.
I don't have the energy or social skills to keep calling her names because I know she will always find one that I can't refute. It is easier to pretend she just doesn't exist

Where did you think redditors go once they get banned?

at least she didn't call you gay

>imagine being an Ameriburger, where you can't look at a picture of a clothed 16-year old
top kek

those girls are 12-13 dipshit
and CP laws are the same everywhere, 18
Age of consent is different

He's just being retarded. You can literally buy David Hamilton photo books with full nude 13 year olds on Amazon in the US.

why they dress like it's the 80s?

I wish I had a little sister to laugh at me

i meant irl dipshit

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Holy shit what is this. Is this a trap

Lmao virgin, why dont you just fuck?

I'm not afraid of just women. I avoid people in general.
I'm unfortunately a genetic reject and I deserve to die but I'm too spineless to kill myself so thats why I just stagnate in my room

Tell her to fuck off desu.

Lol, nobody tell him. Let his blue balls suffer.

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