>most people barely have 3 full meals in a day >usually very small breakfasts (cereal, a piece of toast) >probably barely intake 2000 calories a day
>most people are about average weight, or maybe a little overweight?
Fucking how? I got to count calories and keep track of everything in order to gain like 4lbs a month, so how do people who eat way less manage not to be completely skellys?
No way do people eat 1200 calories per meal. And even snacking doesn't add THAT many.
Andrew Thomas
It's not a shock at all, people eat out so much and just look at the average calories of shit. A big mac is 550 calories, medium fries is 350 calories, a medium coke is 200, then you have the extra calories from the sauce packets as well. Or subway where they think they're eating healthy but they get a footlong that's 400 calories and 1k mg of sodium before even adding anything on it and so many people drench their sandwich in mayo, ranch, or chipotle mayo.
Mason Morgan
I used to be a fatass. People tend to eat a lot more than they think, or if they don't the culprit is drinking their calories. Any drink other than water can fatten you up. Also some people enjoy food more than others. It's a high.
>most people barely have 3 full meals in a day And several snacks through the day. I'd bet that the average joe doesn't go for more than a hour and a half without eating something. Meals are just formalities.
Aiden James
Jesus fucking christ do people actually eat like this? I'm skinny in burgerstan and my normal meals are like
Breakfast >iced coffee with a splash of whole milk or half and half, maybe splenda if I want it sweet (100 cal)
Lunch >if I bother at all normally a turkey sandwich (350 cal) maybe some trail mix (300 cal)
Dinner >often a bag of tortellini (600 cal) mixed with spinach (20 cal) and homemade sauce (50) and some parmesan (50 cal) and often a few glasses of wine (600 in whole bottle)
Brandon Fisher
>Jesus fucking christ do people actually eat like this? I'm skinny in burgerstan and my normal meals are like
Yeah that's why our country is so fucking fat, plus serving sizes at restaurants are usually gigantic and way too much for one meal because they use extra large plates but most people gulp it down in one sitting. Like I went to a cheap italian place and the spaghetti they gave me was easily like 4 or 5 servings the plate was gigantic and stacked completely to the top.
Gavin Nguyen
You should see the obesity epidemic in Saudi and Kuwait. Seeing muslim landwhales is hysterical
Isaac Thomas
I used to just automatically clean my plate at restaurants. When I stopped doing that and started taking home leftovers I reliably got a second full meal out of it at home. Made me feel better about the price of eating out anyway, but now that I do it I'm amazed how many people don't.
That poor guy. The look on his face, he knows exactly how the photos going to look and he's just getting it over with. But he can't turn down lunch with cheerleaders at Carl's Jr. either, so he's stuck.
Samuel Wilson
It’s because they snack constantly and eat enormous desserts plus drink calories through coffee and alcohol. I eat enormous meals by normie standards and they’re always in awe of how I manage to avoid getting fat, but my calorie intake isn’t really that different from theirs because most of my diet is meat & vegetables and I don’t snack, drink anything but water, or eat dessert.
Chase Allen
Imagine guzzling half a gallon of soda a day if not more.
That's how.
Gabriel Cruz
>>most people barely have 3 full meals in a day >>usually very small breakfasts (cereal, a piece of toast) >>probably barely intake 2000 calories a day based fucking RETARD
Wyatt Moore
This tho.
Now I'm on diet overhaul. My breakfast is basically just couple of apples and black tea with honey while for lunch I'll have some tuna sandwich. I gues dinner is where I carbed out since I usually do my exercise in the evening (mostly jogging and pushups)
It's kinda working. I lost close to 10kg after like 3 months
Aiden Martin
idk but it feels bad man, probably due to weekend binges on food an alcohol
Asher Smith
Yesterday I went out with a couple of friends. By that time I was already in my fast so I didn't participate in most things and then I realized just how much they are in one outing.
Ate at a burger joint, had some beer and then ice cream at a different place. That's probably after most of them also ate at home before and just got the munchies.
Ryder Myers
Im really curious about that powdered donut cereal, but dont want a box of pure sugar wasting away in my pantry. Anyone tried it?
Jaxon Nelson
I was thinking the same thing. It's like a pack of cigs. It's nice to have one every now and again, but if I buy the whole damned pack, I'll have to smoke them all so they don't go stale, and then it'll be harder to run for a bit, so I just end up never smoking 'em. Too bad stores don't sell singles. By that token, thrre should be a restaurant that sells single bowls of cereal. I had a friend who wanted to start a business like that. I bet it would actually be really successful just due to people coming for the instas.
Jace Myers
Basal metabolic rate(minimum calories required for sustaining basic function) is a highly variable trait, can vary >25% between individuals of the same age, and decreases as you get older.
Jonathan Fisher
Most people are overweight or obese. Why is this surprising?
William Parker
>be stressed or sad >eat some tasty that makes you happy, if only for a while
Brayden Miller
>eat food >feel good >overeat >feel bad >don't overeat again
Aaron Moore
Your diet sucks, where is the protein/fat? Also, why the fuck are you drinking multiple glasses of wine every day?
Ethan Bell
Sedentary lifestyle. No calorie burning brah
Sebastian Clark
i do construction work, then i come home and lift 4 times a week and do yoga
I consume about 1800-2000 calories a day
I'm stuck at 215, no matter what the fuck i do. I'm 5'11 so that's fat for me.
Lucas Cox
You need to eat more that's probably why, I bet your TDEE is over 3k if you do all of that shit and you're 215lbs on top of that. If you eat way below the -500cal mark for losing weight your body will try its hardest to keep any weight.
Justin Ortiz
ya im suspecting that
I usually do intermittent fasting and i skip breakfast, so im going to be eating a bowl of regular cheerios for breakfast with whole milk, and I'm also starting to drink a full glass of whole milk before bed, see if that helps.
I'm not very rich so i have to make due with what healthy choices i can afford
Carter Martinez
average american eats more than I eat on a bulk and I'm 85 kg
180 cm/80 kg I don't eat much during summer cause the heat fucks me up. I got back into my groove and gained 8 kg in 2 weeks.
>coffee and water 45 before gym at 0530
>post workout brekky is 6 eggs, a little cheese, halal sausage (just tastes good ok? K thx) and cucumber and broccoli with veggie juice
Shower (cold of course) >blend milk, 2-3 scoops of whey (3 if leg day) banana, almond and peanut butter, two raw eggs, blueberry and strawberry, flax seeds and ice. Make enough for 3 large glasses after every meal
Have 1
>2 hours later have two Sammy's (w.e. you want) this is the hardest meal of the day and its slow
Play chess or go to school
>return and have shredded chicken with rice, broccoli and then 2nd shake
H.w. or get succ cause now g.f. home from work
>she cooks so whatever she makes
Maybe more chess or some shit idk I stopped blazing at night so I actually can focus on shit
>3rd shake
Btw the shakes come down to like 115
This is like 3 weeks work from being thinner. I just came back from Russia and family fed me well there
You don't count calories. Your estimate is too low. No way to do physical labour, then lift and eat only 1800 calories without being skeleton.
Cooper Clark
115 g protein and at least 1k cal. Dont mind my long alien appendages I had 4 leg surgeries last few years cause I climb and surf and skateboard too
Leo Gomez
average day is
no breakfast
tuna sandwich on whole wheat with banana and water for lunch
burger with cheese and a cup of peas for dinner with water
Christopher Wright
You dirty bulking animal.
Srs tho youre trying to lose weight ya?
Daniel Torres
That doesn't even look like 1500 calories total.
Ethan Green
i'm a naturally large person, i have a very broad chest and shoulders, but i would like to be at least 200 lbs, if i could wish myself a weight, it would be 190
Tyler Martinez
Ah I see I just the threads. Good luck mate. Just posted my intake ^^
Hit the bike with resistance for 30 min in the a.m. with some coffee after you lift then hit the sauana. If you do construction I assume you wake early so idk how that would go.
Samuel Bennett
have you ever taken a hard look at your macros? they don't sound good
you're probably overestimating your activity level and underestimating your diet and your macros are really bad
I mean you're talking about wanting to lose weight and you just listed two sandwiches, almost no lean meat, probably a heap of mayo in the tuna. Peas (starchy) instead of broccoli or asparagus or a hundred other options. Fucking banana, really? You need 1g protein per lb of lean body mass, so like 150-160g a day should be good (feel free to calculate it yourself but don't flatter yourself with an unrealistic bf%), ANY EXCESS is converted to carbohydrate so don't get led astray by randoms on Jow Forums saying you gotta have 200g a day or some shit. I mean you're probably getting not even 100g a day by that and you're eating all that bread too
Zachary Hill
Yeah nah fuck off. There's a reason you didn't add same weight there.
Samuel Green
Unless your squatting at least 1.5x your body weight you dont have anything close to strong legs. Lose weight dude.
Brayden Sanders
You're the poster child of that 'what "hardgainers" think they eat vs. Reality' pic >100 cals worth spalsh of milk I really hope you don't even lift bro
Liam Phillips
Eternal bulk I'm 90 kilos and only eat 2500 calories when cutting. Trying to go from 20 percent body fat to 15
Adam Kelly
No worries user coming off knee surgeries so its chill but remember by dick is bigger than your head you chode
Isaac Collins
Bread and cola. The bun of a hamburger has more calories than the meat. Cola has 120 to 190 calories. Drink 3 or 4 with a meal and you've eaten a whole additional meal.
Connor Wright
I eat a lot. 3-4 eggs in the morning most days with good toast. I usually get a solid lunch like deli meats and fruit and milk. I eat chicken a lot for dinner and other meat like hamburger or steak. I think it comes down to exercise and genetics. I weigh 160. I just had hip surgery and a broken hand screw fixation and I still can’t put on weight while sitting around all day. I haven’t slowed down my eating at all at the same time. Genetics man. I wish I could put weight on easier
Dominic Diaz
he's right though. the human body is complicated as fuck and you can't just "eyeball" a random person's metabolic rate. I went on some expensive weight measure device thing that uses electric wave shit that measured my total bone, muscle, fat masses. turns out I had 10kg more muscle than my aesthetic mate who looks fit. I just look skinny fat. skeletal frame, joint width matters a lot when it comes to lean body mass. then take into account your natural blood pressure, heart rate, cardio levels, amount of sleep you get, and you will be baffled at the caloric differences two similar looking guys may require to gain/lose weight. there are even more variables like fatigue, resistence to temperature and humidity (some people get lethargic in heat and the body autonomously makes you tired and exert less force to move around). I won't even mention hormone levels, because the more I look into it the less I understand. the whole "calories in calories out bro" is legit, but there is so much more to it when it comes to reaching your goals in a healthy manner. and if you just follow calories-in/out blindly without looking at 100 other variables, you will make shit gains.
and different foods have different bio-availability. your body might be crap at absorbing nutrients from milk products, or from some other foods. that 1% digestion difference might not seem a lot, but in in 10 years it adds up and affects your body composition.
when I read random posts on Jow Forums in 2012 I thought I understood it all, but after checking out studies and doing some experimenting myself, I just don't know anymore. the body is too complicated.
Easton Myers
Snacks, fruit juice and smoothies and alcohol. Plus they sit on their asses all day.
Austin Russell
Luis Peterson
They eat fast food for two to three meals a day, they snack throughout the day even though they aren't hungry, they live sedentary lifestyles, they drink a lot of soda, etc. etc.
If you sit down and try to plan out a bulking diet and you can't figure out how the average fatass stuffs 3k calories into their day, then you aren't looking in the right places. It's blindingly obvious why people are so fucking fat these days, you just don't see it because you don't eat like complete shit.
Eli Williams
Its alright. It is very powdery and the texture is weird. Like almost youd think its stale but its not. Overall rice chex and grape nuts are still the goat cereals.
Kevin Ramirez
>Too bad stores don't sell singles. By that token, thrre should be a restaurant that sells single bowls of cereal. It exists. Run by skeletal söy-fueled hipsters.
Logan Morris
My breakfast is a pound of flank steak, half a box of cheerios, a quart of lactose free milk, 2 bananas, 30 grapes and 4 apple sauces
Jonathan Morgan
Imagine not drinking a minimum of eight glasses of milk a day
Cameron Powell
And your toilets breakfast is
> a pound of flank steak, half a box of cheerios, a quart of lactose free milk, 2 bananas, 30 grapes and 4 apple sauces
Parker Watson
No way people could consume so much food daily.
Levi Parker
>cereal A bowl FULL of cereal and FULL with milk(how people actually eat it) is like 800 calories you retard skellie
Alexander Parker
It's kinda wild being an outlier when everyone around you eats a fuck ton. I literally only eat when I'm hungry and that typically leads to OMAD, or at the most two meals. I have to force myself to bulk, and it's kinda annoying because eating is less pleasant. :/
Meanwhile, I see people on the opposite end eating morbid portions like it's nothing, hate to be so judgmental but it's kinda gross desu.
Luis Williams
What the fuck? Are you on of those disabled people with fucked up guts lol
Imagine not being able to digest food and refusing to see a doctor
Charles Perry
This. Its the snacking your missing out. A lot of people snack on breads crisps and chocolate which by the end of the day can add up to about 500 - 600 calories
Anthony Allen
OP don't be ridiculous. If you started drinking beer with everything too you'd absolutely get heavier.
Nathan Watson
>probably barely intake 2000 calories a day >most people are about average weight This isn't true at all. Have you been outside lately? Most people are fat as fuck and are constantly eating junk or drinking soda
Henry Morgan
My DL is 450, squat is 4
Carter Nelson
Especially the Starbucks, those fuckers can be upwards of 400 cals, and people drink like 2 a day
Sebastian Perez
Wait, where is mexico? They only drink cola all day and are the fattest country per capita, right?