>stuffed my bra today
>men treated me differently
>One looked right at my chest and let me cut in line.
>Others catcalled me
>one held the door open for me as I was entering the mall.
I wish I had real big boobs.
Stuffed my bra today
I'll buy you a new pair of tits if you promise to be my gf forever
>tfw entire fate of our lives is decided by size of our body parts
Will you be okay with me having another bf too
shut the fuck up woman. You stupid cunt.
Why are you the way that are you? Why is the presence of a woman enough to send you into an autistic frenzy?
Tits arent my thing. Funny, aint it? What youve had to go through?
because she cares so fucking much about her own appearance and is posting about her own body for attention when she undoubtedly gets enough already.
I recently starred wearing my padded bra now and feel like I cant stop because people will be disappointed. I wore it one day because it was my only clean one. Now I have to keep up this charade
a titjob is only 5k, 10k at most and you can realistically finance that.