Stuffed my bra today

>stuffed my bra today
>men treated me differently
>One looked right at my chest and let me cut in line.
>Others catcalled me
>one held the door open for me as I was entering the mall.
I wish I had real big boobs.

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I'll buy you a new pair of tits if you promise to be my gf forever

>tfw entire fate of our lives is decided by size of our body parts

Will you be okay with me having another bf too

shut the fuck up woman. You stupid cunt.

Why are you the way that are you? Why is the presence of a woman enough to send you into an autistic frenzy?

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Tits arent my thing. Funny, aint it? What youve had to go through?

because she cares so fucking much about her own appearance and is posting about her own body for attention when she undoubtedly gets enough already.

I recently starred wearing my padded bra now and feel like I cant stop because people will be disappointed. I wore it one day because it was my only clean one. Now I have to keep up this charade

a titjob is only 5k, 10k at most and you can realistically finance that.

Only if the kid is mine & you sleep in our bed every night.

chestlets need to love themselves because small titties are cute

are you a trap or girl (girl)?

You want to be catcalled?

You have to get it redone after a certain number of years and that seems like a lot of work. Plus, fake boobs feel gross.

Yes, it means i look sexy and they want to eat me

Girl (girl) originally

this is not a chestlet love thread

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goddamnit i meant now*

what size are your boobs?

Does your bf know you want to be catcalled?

Oh I wish I had small boobs. Mine are an average size they are just s terrible shape

They look a lot like these, but even worse I am a shitskin

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what do you mean by terrible shape? and what kind of shitskin?

See they are technically 36b or c, hard to tell now because I have lost some weight. They are just dreadful though. If they were not so saggy and uneven they would probably look how they look in my padded bra

They look exactly like that pic, or like pic related. And im a nigger

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those look good. can i suck on your black titties while you call me sugar?

I would let my husband do it but I am terribly afraid of him being disappointed in my boobs

i dont think many guys would be disappointed with your tits if they look like those

I love that type of boobs. you two should give me your contact info.

tfw no saggy bobby gf to make feel better

thank you user this thread started to make me feel bad about my flat chest

are you thin too? flat chest+thin is cute as all fuck

why'd you buy and have it the first place? get the fuck outta here with this bullshit, you whore

I bought it when I was like 14 because it was very smooth and comfortable and also because that is the bra the fitting lady suggested to me. The padding on the bottom feels soft.

if you are attractive you will be treated better 99% of the time. im a guy and even going from being fat awkwrad and ugly during my childhood/youth and working to make myself more attractive i experienced a huge change in how i was looked at and interacted with. it sucks if you are ugly but if you arent its great. unfair but what can you do

Please come to Odessa Texas and be my cute bra-stuffing gf. I make 140k at Halliburton as a drilling engineer and you can spend it all on implants and plastic surgery to make yourself happy!

Always remember: flat is justice

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