What's the consensus on Brian Turner? He's a bodybuilder who once struggled with acne and went clear after going on a vegan diet. You can find his stuff on Youtube.
What's the consensus on Brian Turner...
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Everyone's body is different, just because veganism might work for one person's goals, doesn't mean it's a magical cure for everyone else.
Get lost you fucking faggot
>Eats a combination of food, one of which is heavily contributing to his acne.
>Gives everything he's eating up, goes vegan
>No more acne
Dumbass should have tried an elimination diet. A fucking food coloring in a food he was eating may have been causing it.
i dont drink much water, i always have eaten dairy, chocolate, sugar/sweets. i dont use facial cleanser, i dont detox and i eat tons of meant
and my skin is flawless
its genetics
>eating toxic plant "food" now and his body no longer has the strength to expel toxins via acne
>I'm healthy now bro trust me
Probably milk or sugar.
Can you show me?
For me, cutting out processed sugar helped a lot. Haven't had any acne since then desu. Takes a few weeks to calm down but since then my skin has been clear.
Evidently, eating meat helps you expel your stupidity through your mouth and fingers.
Same here. 0 acne ever since, used to get them every day before, now maybe once every 2 mo and it's usually under my bangs cause of the summer weather and me not having access to a haircutter worth a damn
>ITT retards that beliveve whatever a faggot shitposts on le Jow Forums
He went on accutane. Nothing new, move along. Wasted thread. Also OP you're a massive faggot
No one on this website wants to know that eating meat isn't healthy.
Just like they don't want to know that jacking off to porn is bad for your mental and sexual health
Because meat isn't unhealthy
Just wear make-up brah
>Vegan bait thread
Confirmed for AIDS and ngmi
>He went on accutane
this +he had multiple procedures done to treat his acne scars. vegan diet had nothing to do with it
Takes pictures with his eyebrows raised like some kind of faggot.
>expel toxins via acne
>Yeah, don't know what it was man, glad I'm vegan now tho
>Damn it is hard to hit macros without a full gallon of milk every day
you can tell her skin is fucking horrible even with make up
whey protein fucks my face up
I got rid of my acne when I stopped eating chocolate and processed sugar. Eating eggs every day helped too.
>have had acne for close to 8 years now
>tried everything to eliminate it
>change pillowcase every other day
>cut out dairy
>cut out sugar
>wash face 2x a day, then tried 4x a day, then once
>tried proactiv and every OTC facewash and nothing works
>still look like i rub my face in bacon grease before i head out
it went away for 2 weeks last month and i gained so much confidence but it came back this month and it looks like i have herpes. now i can't even look people in the eyes. i fucking hate when normalfags tell me "just wash your face bro!" when they've never experienced anything more than a pimple
He did a surgery like Jon venus to remove his acnea
He also had multiple treatments by real doctors
Haha, the eyes on the japanese cartoon character make it look tired. I enjoy this image. May I save it?
Less than 150g of low glycemic carbs a day and order some retin-a it's easy to find on the clearnet and is stronger than any otc stuff. I use micro but gel works well too.
I tried a almost vegan diet too for a few months and it didnt do anything. What helped was cutting out gluten I think.
go to a dermatoligist and get accutane
i've been hesitant to try retin-a since i heard it can cause severe initial breakouts
im thinking this is the only solution now. my dad, brother, and I all had/have severe acne and my dad said his only went away once he got on accutane.
>vegetables are toxic
The initial purge phase for me lasted like 2 weeks. I have already done 8 months of accutane 3 years ago, i take retin a for scars and some residual blackheads and stuff. Avoid unfermented dairy if you don't already
>pour canola oil over everything
Ive also heard this guy say accutane gives you colon cancer so... use discretion
i'm sorry bro
its literally just genetics lol like either have the right genes or get accutane everything else is a cope
Go to the doctor, try pills. That shit can help you.
cut carbs and gluten
>What's the consensus on Brian Turner? He's a bodybuilder who once struggled with acne and went clear after going on a vegan diet. You can find his stuff on Youtube.
Why don't you ask an ex vegan that also used veganism to clear peoples skin?
his problem was dairy he can eat meat he is just a gigantic faggot
like whatever lol
yeah its genetics so you need to adapt your diet to your genetics, some people should be vegetarian and some should be hyper carnivore. i say hyper because on a vegetarian diet i include chicken and fish meat
You forgot that he was taking medication for acne during his vegan transformation. Idk but that might have something to do with it
I can eat biscuits but chocolate will fuck me up. Milk or dark. I can eat white chocolate but it's technically not real chocolate. I hear some people get reaction oon spicy food but it never affected me.
Accutane bro, just do those 6 months and be done with it. Popped my fourth pill today.