Who else here /whitenationalist/ here?

Who else here /whitenationalist/ here?

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I thought everyone here was

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Wrong forum FBI, this is a board for traps and butthole worship

Why do you need to join a gang like white nationalism? They will only push you to extremism and make you feel worse than before

>MAGA hat
I thought you guys hated Trump and think he's a Jewish puppet.

Either way now that you've seem to run out of hope for political solutions I can't wait until you all chimp out and spend the rest of your lives rotting in jail like that Christchurch shooter. It's an inevitability and I'm already starting to see Jow Forumstards get more and more extremist/accelerationist endorsing terrorism and whatnot.

Other trannies are

Its the loser guys with nothing going for them in life who resort to that shit

i.e. most white nationalists

Why did Hitler and Germany in general resort to it.

James Allsup, one of the key figures in the white nationalism movement actually just had a kid recently. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Do you guys seriously see no problem with this?

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Wrong board faggot , go back to where you belongs , it ain't here .

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Not him, but as stupid and insufferable as neonazi Jow Forumsfags are, I don't like the idea of replacing white people in countries where they're the majority. White people deserve to live just as any other human race does.

>a father at 23
>gave up any chance he had at a stable career to hang out with TRS losers and screech about blacks and Jews
>Washington party politics have made it clear they don't want anything to do with him
>part Filipino
Something tells me him and his wife/kid are gonna fall on some hard times in the near future, but I'd venture to guess he probably wants some sort of collapse anyway.

>white nationalism
ie mutt nationalism

I'm not white and I live in the states. I can see an issue if they don't assimilate because why leave if you want to do the same stuff as the first country

I'm not white, but I see where it comes from

They're not being replaced. The existence of migrants in Europe isn't lowering white people's birth rates, and competition for resources will pretty much ensure that migrants will never "outbreed" native whites. Their representation within the overall population might shrink to a certain point but they won't just outright disappear.

I wish there were more reasonable people like you around. As it stands... you are a tiny minority so this will all probably end in misery, chaos, and slaughter.

They shouldn't turn the new place into a clone of the place they are fleeing from though. It defeats the point of leaving

Western Europe is just taking in way too many migrants at once, but I still doubt it'll escalate to anything resembling all-out warfare. Native Europeans are still well above replacement level and it'll leave plenty of time for Muslims to assimilate providing they at least slow immigration rates. It'd be pretty suicidal on behalf of the rich elites not to do so considering they rely on first-world nations being stable in order to maintain their wealth+power.

The US will be fine in the longrun; racial tensions between whites and Latinos are basically nonexistent and they assimilate pretty quickly provided they're coming here legally.

The fact that you're using an image of Pepe wearing a MAGA hat (the very symbol of Zion Don) leads me to believe that you, OP, are most certainly NOT a white nationalist yourself.

are you on that good shit user?

trump is a jewish puppet and controlled opposition cute attempt at undermining white nationalism
try harder amerimutt fbi shill
now fuck off

oh yes and commie lunatics are just prime examples of successful rational well adjusted sane individuals

you mean white american nationalism user
nice try my obese ameriburger friend

Because life feels empty, lonely and painful. By joining some cause like white supremacy I might find some sense of meaning and a goal worth living for, or at least be able to release some of the bile and misanthropy that builds up inside me when I look at the society we live it.
The core axioms of white supremacy also happen to be supported by evidence and reason but that's only a sidenote. The ultimate reason to become involved in any extreme ideology is what I wrote above. The objective facts merely explain why white supremacy rather than Muslim fundamentalism or far-Left extremism.

>ethnic pride and nationalism is supremacy
do you feel the same way about other forms of nationalism or just ooga booga whitey nationalism?

The right cause for robots is the Beta Uprising. Becoming the bitch of normies just because they are the same race as you is only gonna make things worse.

so being the bitch to some ooga booga third worlder is better?

Nah that's /b/ these days

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Why do you think everything has to work in opposites? Just because you shouldn't ally with people based on the fact that they're white doesn't mean you should ally with people based on them not being white. The message here is to not ally with people based on race, not to ally with this race instead of that race.

No. I'm specifically talking about my own emotions. I happen to think they are likely to be shared by many who espouse white nationalism on Jow Forums, particularly those drawn to the more extreme fringes, but that's just a supposition.

Of course, if white nationalism wasn't so villified I likely wouldn't find myself pushed so far to the extremes.
And if we lived in a thriving society with a strong sense of community and hope for the future (ie one where immigration wasn't forcing down wages and pushing up house prices, where multiculturalism wasn't shredding the social fabric of our towns and cities, where Whites weren't blamed for all the sins of the world) then most likely I wouldnt find myself in this headspace to begin with.

Imagine being a retard that worships Hitlers cock like Jow Forums users

>these days

Literally when wasn't it like that?

okay fedposter

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Nice deflection, retard.

You are the laughingstock of humanity. White nationalists are below people who eat feces

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> Native Europeans are still well above replacement level
What? Literally all white countries have below replacement birthrates and at the current rate they'll probably all be white minority in less than a century.
It's fine if you don't care about whites, but I'm not sure why you have to make up all these lies.

>time for Muslims to assimilate
I don't believe the universe will be around long enough for that to happen



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>White nationalist
>Will never have kids

You guys are pathetic

hey bro did u get the math homework? pls man i need answers idk whats going onnn bruh


I am involved in the American White Nationalist scene, sometimes I wonder if I'm going down the right path, not morally, but financially, if I get doxxed I probably wouldn't be able to provide for my future family.

I'n too involved now to leave, I also don't want to leave, but I wonder how bad things will get acceleration wise and what will happen to us once we secede from the U.S..

Traps always existed on /b/ but they were usually used as reaction images in the past or posted to fuck with you, showing the dick dozens of pictures in. Butthole worship is a zoomer thing. There used to be actual funny threads on /b/ and not just 20 cuck threads.

>once we secede from the US
So never?

>or at least be able to release some of the bile and misanthropy that builds up inside me when I look at the society we live it.
not really, the whole white nationalist/alt-right internet causes you to build up bile and misanthrophy within yourself, shit sites like dailystormer, trs and the far-right youtube bubble that you get through the algorithmic recommendations just feed you a steady diet of unnecessary hatred and loathing. i feel my entire worldview and approach towards life has become much more positive again after getting completely out of that bubble.
i used to kinda think similarly to you in that it felt like it gave some transcendental meaning or goal to work towards through something very easy (shitposting and spreading the ideology) but it's really just absolute crap, it makes you more and more negative, more and more cynical until you can't enjoy anything anymore and just become a miserable loser who can't get joy out of anything except nigger and jew jokes.
i'm glad i stopped caring about it for good this time, after being in-and-out of the bubble since 2011, back when /new/ was still a thing
some people might just be too far gone and never get out of it and i don't really care about getting anyone out, it's their own choice to make, but personally i am glad i left this crap behind and moved on to better things in life

Pretty much this. The alt-right is extremely joyless and any "humor" within it comes from a place of extremely bitter cynicism. It just makes you more and more miserable/hopeless which leads you to either commit sudoku or do something like what that New Zealand guy did, either way it inevitably ruins your life if you don't get out of it.

Because the place where they came from is ran by corrupt jackboot thugs and nothing will change until a revolution happens... wait a second...

People are organizing a political migration to certain states to basically follow in the footsteps of what the South did to secede, once White Nationalists out number non White Nationalists in the states we'll be able to vote our guys into office without changing a single person's mind, it will happen, but the question is what happens after.

White Nationalism is a meme ideology and both the left and right will oppose it
It won't take off during our lifetime and I'd be surprised if anyone takes it seriously