Is Calum Von Moger the greatest bodybuilder of all time?

Femanon here, I’m not into fitness (I’ve always been skinny and I love junk food) but I’m watching his documentary on Netflix and people are saying he is the best ever after coming back from injury. Poor guy got injured and then lost so much weight I felt really bad for him but then he gained back all his muscles it was an incredible movie. What do you guys think of him, he must be the best to ever do it right. He’s just amazing.

Attached: 23C3372A-C6AD-4911-87A9-6CD45447ED0A.jpg (750x416, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

One of the few people who actually looks good as a bodybuilder, and not some fake looking monster.

>low IQ retard hurts himself by juicing off the charts and using too much AI
I don't care. Get what deserve.

He looks way better on the right

Mirin those gains, but realistically who would actually want to look like this? Like just going to the supermarket you're a walking joke

Imagine thinking for a second that he's anywhere near the greatest
Also this Fuck off OP

Attached: femanonhere.jpg (205x200, 8K)

*blocks path*

Attached: a952f48c97.jpg (350x815, 36K)

That picture answers the question how much of your gains you'll keep after going off. They all just go back to looking like a natural that has been lifting seriously for about three to four years.

Anyone cracking jokes about someone who’s 300 pounds of muscle is either retarded or suicidal

Attached: D670917A-1A46-45A1-B068-4CD5AF695F8F.jpg (640x465, 278K)

not that user, and i didn't watch the doc, but i think he fell down a mountain and tore up his quadricep or something.

Somebody correct me if i'm wrong, but I imagine he not only stopped his lifting regimen, but he also went off cycle and his body had to hack off the muscle because it wasn't sustainable without roids.