How y'all enjoyin' church this morning?
How y'all enjoyin' church this morning?
It's another men desire companionship and romance and women desire status and wealth episode, who could have guessed
I just thought being a murderer would be less attractive than the default of being "nice" but apparently it's not.
Actual nice people are extremely rare
Murderers, at the very least, have an intensely strong point of interest about them. That's bound to get some people curious about them.
If you're the bare minimum then there's no reason to ever see you romantically or sexually.
I always love passover. The Church is always so nicely decorated at this time.
That just bothers me that what is supposed to be universally bad is more attractive. So if I murdered, even children, it seems like I would be guaranteed female attention.
It is, isn't it? Lot of nice pastels and such.
I don't go to church often anymore since the pastor of my last one left to take care of his dying wife and the guy that took his place turned out to be a Joel Osteen-level huckster. But, I can always appreciate nice aesthetics.
That sucks, man. I've had trash pastors before.It usually ruins an otherwise invigorating experience. But our usual one is solemn, deep, and mostly takes Mass seriously. Lucky to have him around.
I'd maybe not think about it that way but in a way kinda? I mean, there's always a deeper level to most of these killers.
Look at the Columbine Kids for example. They had ideals behind the murder, even if they were edgy and dumb. Elliot had ideas behind his murder. They had inner lives, they had actual personalities. Evil is more attractive than empty, I guess, because the implication is that there's more to it than that.
"Witty, sweet, thoughtful, etc" Good luck with that lol
Women are attracted to strength, power, great sex, and stimulation.
Most of them are existentially bored, having been targeted by creeps like you since they're 13. They find men dreary with their demands, expectations and obvious ploys. Yes, your ploys are obvious to women. They play these games all day every day.
This has turned them into cynical hedonists with zero compassion. And frankly,why do they owe you anything? You are just trying to use them for your own sexual and psychological gratification anyway.
Better to get alpha cock. Alphas don't sweat them or whine. Don't make demands.They satisfy their needs and then leave. Not only do alphas satisfy their physical needs, but in taking them off the pedestal, they make them feel human again.
She can finally be herself because she knows the guy isn't idealizing her on his pathetic beta wishlist.
All other needs : money, comfort, entertainment, etc can be manipulated out of chumps like you, without having to fuck them.
Go ahead, which part is wrong?
Then do something, instead of just dreaming about it.
Another reason is, I'm just not all that religious. Confirmed Christian but I'm pretty much agnostic. I appreciate the ideals behind a good sermon though. If you're getting a message of love and hope out there, that's always good.
Sorta related, but I saw this concert film in theaters, "Amazing Grace". It's Aretha Franklin recording that album in front of a crowd at a church, and the level of community and love in that kind of fellowship is staggering. Nearly brought me to tears once or twice.
If you're chasing women without the intent to procreate and make a family, then just masturbate or get a sex robot/prostitute. You save a lot more and your heart doesn't get broken
Jesus Christ user I love the way you type no homo
It just has such inflection.
In a roundabout way you're kinda confirming the thesis of the OP post (Women want more than just "nice"). I don't think women want JUST witty, sweet, thoughtful, whatever. They do want something more, but as I've learned they fucking suck at articulating it.
I know the issue. I never used to be as pious as I am now. Only thing I can say is that most of the Faith you develop is a result of your own dedication.
I've been continually reading Scripture some months ago, and throughout that process, it wholly altered my perception of the world.
I never even looked up at the sky when I walked outside before, but now it seems so much larger, so much grander, and infinitely more radiant.
I can't convince you to do it. Nobody is ever "convinced" to take up this path. It happens naturally and of their own dedication. But I can at least say that Divine Humility is a VERY gratifying feeling to have.
Anyway, good luck out there, user. Don't let the world blind you to the beauty within it.
I understand this and was just going over this in my internal monologue. I don't beg for people because I'm "nice" and deserve it, I'm nice because that's all I can offer. I'm just a body. I'm not particularly good at anything, I'm not attractive and I have 0 social skills. Frankly I don't even want anyone in my life because they would be far more desperate and fucked up than I am and that says a lot. I Only hope I can die helping someone who matters because that's the one thing I can offer the world.
Chad is literally not any of those things that she said are attractive personality traits, not really. She's just attracted to guys that look good, even if they're assholes.
Never listen to what an woman says about what they like. They generally mean the exact opposite. There's plenty of advice from other men online.
Yep. Saying nice is the baseline is so disingenuous, it's clearly fucking not
I'm sure this roastie cunt brings a very deep and interesting personality to the table and she is definitely not like all the other girls
>all women are this all women want that
ok incel
I think she means about being nice as the only defining trait of person.
Screenshotted this post to show my son if i ever have one
>Go ahead, which part is wrong?
The sociopathic outlook is. Not practically wrong, per se, and not factually wrong either, but it is amoral in the purest sense - it is disdain for romanticist conceptions of humanity, soulless pragmatism taking their place. People need to have romanticism in their life philosophy, else there is no incentive to strive for the better long-term ideals that don't bring immediate gratification.
Not him but his post strikes me as quite romantic. It's the attitude Don Juan took, or any hero of Sade or Battaille's.
It's the 'soulless' rationalist, utiltarian, modernist mind that figures to be "nice" to a girl to get laid. It is perfectly logical to reason out that if you behave pleasantly and offer her a safe, secure, well-provided for life she will come fuck you. This is how it has been for much of human history (except through most of history this offer was something only true chads could make).
So when men use this trusty logical niceness ->sex input/output algorithm of course women feeel like computers, they don't feel human.
Actually, she put this perfectly. She's a roastie cunt, yeah. But she's very much correct.
Don't break your ribs sucking your own dick, faggot. No one gives a shit about your typing style, you fucking idiot. lmao
Fucking kike get out ree
She is 100% correct. There's nothing more unattractive than a man who spends most of his time by the computer.
shes right you know
robots be mad
Funny to see a woman complain about men not having a personality. How would she know? Women are genuinely all the same and I'd challenge everyone here to find an example of one woman in the world who had any personality trait whatsoever