I'm a fembot living in Europe but I could fly anywhere just to end it with someone, and not leave this place alone like I was all my life. Just a little joy before vanishing in nothingness If someone else has this desire please reply to this post. The only thing I request is being dead serious (ahah) about it and no stepping back
>a little joy Does that mean fucking before we die?
Christian Morales
Which country are you from? Orginal
Grayson Edwards
I'm sure it's doable. I'm sure plenty of suicidals wouldn't mind double suicide. But double homicide that's crazy.
Grayson Thomas
If yes then I'm down
Sebastian Thomas
I second this user. If so we could have a threesome and off ourselves.
Jackson Watson
What if I no longer wanted to die after meeting you?
Jaxson Foster
I'm wondering the same thing as these anons. We could have a gang bang.
Carter Robinson
Why do you want to kill yourself? Is there anything in your life that's so fucked you can't fix it?
Brandon Davis
What is the point of it though? A straight up gangbang before a double suicide? That makes 3+ and now you have options as to where the third wheel goes.
Jaxson Wood
Could you sex-obsessed degenerates fuck off. This thread is for divine sorrow.
Isaac Brown
Not exactly what I meant. What I meant is having the joy of getting to the ultimate objective (death) with someone, not alone If having sex is your desire probably you don't really want to die
Living is too much of a bother. I feel no joy, only boredom. I never learnt how to enjoy "little things" and probably never will
That would be breaking a promise
Bentley Davis
You sound like you're just depressed, what is your life like at the moment
Aiden Young
I'm alright with breaking a promise if it means having something to live for.
Juan Wilson
I believe it too. Do you want my phone number
Benjamin Rivera
post a pic, if you're attractive maybe we could live happily ever after. I'm sure you'd like me :)
Easton Baker
>tfw not suicidal enough yet to agree to suicide pact with italian qt3.14 fembot >tfw this chance won't come ever again
William Howard
It's normal, really. I'm in school, I have a caring family and plenty of money. I have nothing to complain about
I am depressed and I already tried therapy. It was ok for a couple of months but here I am again. I guess this just isn't my place. I'd just want to find someone who has my view of things so we can end it in a peaceful way I'm not dumb, I'm not gonna ruin my image on Jow Forums before reaching death. I'm looking for someone to trust
Nolan Reyes
No, because I don't want you to die.
Cameron Carter
are you sure femanon? someone could steal your organs and turn you into their sex slave or worse (like Junko furuta). i'll definitely help you wether you want to kys or not though.
Jaxson Price
That's messed up, but it sounds like you're just lost and lonely. I was like that too and thought about killing myself multiple times a day, but now I'm okay. As long as you stay alive things can always get better.
Parker Ortiz
I'm unemployed and considered attractive, would you want to live with me for a while if you pay my bills? They're cheap!
Justin Hall
>Junko furuta user I wish I never googled this I'm already to go out at nighttime
Nathan Wright
ok yeah i shouldn't have read that ;-;
Jordan Reyes
I'm laughing so fucking hard jesus christ
user is trying to kill herself and the only thing you guys can think about is what hole you'll focus for max DPS in the DP gangbang raid
>I'm a fembot Immediate replies. Fucking dickheads. Remember to sage, you thirsty morons.
OP, larper or not, you're an attention seeking whore. Life isn't that bad and r9k of all places should convince you of it. Go to your nearest store and buy a box of ice cream sandwiches. Put them in your freezer. Bam, there's never any need to be upset anymore. Whatever happens, you just think of the fact you can come home and savor a delicious ice cream sandwich. Look at some memes, go for an hour-long walk, jog, or bicycle ride, ask your friends to take you to a bar. Meet a nice guy and have a happy life. The "I'm killing myself" meme is stupid, it shows lack of creativity, morality, and most importantly, of character. Only pussy-ass faggots kill themselves. >whiteknighting in this thread of all places You have to go back.
Hello vagina person ;-) I am a 24 year old male (maleoid) from mainland Western Europe (germanoid) I am very interested in vagina (vagina people) and suicide (suicide) I am a total Chad (genetically inferior beta maleoid) and if you want we can do happy pills (ecstasy) together and then kill ourselves (kill ourselves) while I am dressed as a french maid (crossdressoid) like the autist (schizoid) that I am.
>It's whiteknighting to mock robots for being irredeemably thirsty
Gavin Sullivan
Hi fembot. Not sure if you really want to kill yourself or if you're just feeling down and want some company. Either way i'd be willing to talk. We could even meet if you want (i also live in europe) or just talk online and i will do my best to help you in whatever way i can. I'm not suicidal anymore but i know what it feels like to end it all. If you want to hit me up and vent my gmail is [email protected]. If you don't want to talk then look for someone irl who can give you love and support. Best of wishes
Carson Sanchez
At least we know you don't have to worry about the other person being a serial killer.
Levi Flores
>he didn't search for junko furuta
Levi Carter
user, you couldn't use the pointy green text thing to save your life. You don't mock people by acting an even bigger clown than them. That never works and only results in pic related.
Half of this board is normalfags and failed normies. This is a natural response to seeing a female. If "she" pasted her patreon link or a donation email "she" would be getting money from these retards. We can't fight this system. But trying and letting it turn us to le leddit xD s o y boys is worse than being consumed by the normalfaggotry.
I am aware of the risks and I want to try my best to avoid them, I don't want to sadden my family more than my simple death would do But it's hard, really, when I can't even find someone in my same situation, ready to do the same thing together. Not even on an anonymous board, not even if I offer to be the one traveling and preparing things
I've been waiting for six, seven years? I don't know. I feel like I've always been like this and I simply am fucked up
I really wish I had the same simplistic view, really. If I had it i probably wouldn't be like this. Anyway the truth is that I am an ungrateful prick, that everything makes me say "meh", even things universally considered good (like icecream)
I probably am an attention whore, but I am more of a scaredy cat. I know that I can't off myself if I don't have someone to encourage me, so I think double suicide is the best option
William Howard
hey OP i'm looking for this as well. i'm also a fembot looking for a suicide pact friend but i live in north america. look forward to hearing from you
If you're on a r9k traveling trip you can come up to Slovenia for some cake. If you're under 30 you know nothing about life anyway so unless you're horribly disfigured you have 0 reason to go through with this stupid idea.
Jayden Butler
Well I am here, don't know what that means for your plans --- here it's actually morning time.
Connor Nguyen
Well at least make it live steam right?
Dominic Nelson
Couldn't we just grow old together and die by natural causes?
This makes me sad. I wish i could show a depressed fembot the meaning of the word love and bring her back to life through care and understanding. It's upsetting that you seem so determined to kill yourself when there is probably someone out there that would care about you
Owen Wood
probably going to exit bag tomorrow, but i can wait if you want to join. [email protected]
Ethan James
Honestly your head is so far up your own ass you should start policing Jow Forums instead.
Easton Ross
This is me. I was serious about talking. Nobody truly wants to kill themself. Trust me i've been there. Wrote the suicide note, prepared everything, stood on the chair and put the noose around my neck. Life is shit, there's no denying that. But it's less shit when you're surrounded by people who care about you. Btw i live in spain. So we can meet up,whatever. I'm willing to do anything in my power to help you
Robert Carter
Why do you want to die? I see this sentiment a lot on this site, but there's a lot to live for.
Nolan Morales
obviously b8, if any other anons reply, they are smooth brain betas