This is gunjy, the guy who keeps spamming "join my discord" threads everywhere and goes by these names on discord. (the rumoured alts are all true. I've checked.). He has the voice of a literally MENTALLY DISABLED, low test, girly homo and is the epitome of mental illness. This is the person behind those anime avatars on discord and megumin posts. Just think about that for a second.
Other urls found in this thread:
shut up Ritalinbot
Why should I (or anyone for that matter) care about this discord shittery? I see this niggers name mentioned in every third thread, on an anonymous imageboard.
Fuck you, gunjy. Seriously. You are mentally ill to the extreme, to the point where even pity can't extend to you anymore.
so you stopped being a coward and put your name back on you were scared of those logs being leaked hehe
He fucking spams fucking everywhere his shitty discord server and is the absolute epitome of mental disease. He should be put to death immediately. His existence is an absolute tragedy and we should put him out of his misery.
sounds like you're projecting coke addict
I was supposed to put the name when I started the thread, you filth.
keep up the name calling and logs go out then you'll be running and hiding in rehab from the shame
You're the filth that keeps spamming discord shit everywhere and you're absolute thrash in every conceivable way. I've talked to you. You're fucking disgusting. You're absolute shit in everything you do and pathetic. I hope you cry yourself to sleep again like you've done every single night so far, you mentally ill crybaby filth.
any fren wanna invite me to a discord im sad and lonely lol
Has anyone asked him if his balls ever drop?
You're mentally disabled, gunjy. That's what the fuck you are. You can post whatever you want. It won't harm me in the slightest. What I do want though is for you to fuck off and stop shitting my fucking board with all your discord faggotry abd spamming, you piece of shit. Release whatever you want. I hope you fucking choke on your own piss and vomit and die a painful death. You know what? Maybe not. I'd prefer for you to continue living because your existence is simply pain and shame and that way you'll suffer more until the day you rope yourself, twink faggot.
If you use dischord youre a low IQ faggot regardless of how you use it
people who want me to join discord and people who discuss discord drama will kindly kill themselves
hey i was here to ask the same thing
That's what I fucking mean. You're filth, gunjy and you can't even respond. You're probably crying over your misery at the moment. You're the definition of pathetic. Please go to your discord and kill yourself and never come back, you filth.
What's his tag
He goes by the name of Xumi and Catboy on Discord.
Gunjy may be legit disabled, I remember calling him out on shit he brags about all the time and he kept calling me a discordfag dick rider because only a discordfag would know those things when he has been spamming and bragging about them for months. He really couldn't remember himself saying all that shit lol.
be quiet pedo drug addict
Yeah, gunjy is really really dumb. He doesn't even remember what he says. He's 25 and he's really really idiotic. The fucking guy can't even hold a conversation on fucking discord messages and has no intellectual aptitude for literally anything. It's pathetic really.
>look at this anime persona posting retard, he isnt like us persona posting retards
more projection from the delusional coked out pedo who begged to be let back in his server
what else am I fucking supposed to use then? Everyone has moved from skype to discord.
>he actually thinks that he can make me quiet on Jow Forums when I tell people his aliases
God, you're so fucking dumb, Gunjy.
Hey, you were the one who told me that he had mental problems, agoraphobia and literal dysgraphia (mental deficiencies). And besides listen to the audio, you have the mental ability of a 12 year old. You're beyond pathetic.
So you've heard this ma.. thing talk?, Tell me how it:
>How you were able to talk to it
>What's its end game
where is the screenshot guy when you need him
bbc thread post cocks finnish roleplay for the music
Why do you hate him SO MUCH? I mean, yes the dc spam is autistic and annoying as fuck but still, what made you care about it so much?
he used to be best buds with him and became upset after getting kicked out his server. he's basically like a jaded ex
Both of you need to be permabanned honestly.
well hello there
If it leads to gay drama shit like this, you should probably stop using chat services altogether. You're embarrassing yourself, retard
Why don't you keep all that D*scord drama on D*scord? I wish there was an automatic ban for posting it here
Listen to the vocaroo, user. Can't you see it on OP's title?
>Why do you hate him SO MUCH? I mean, yes the dc spam is autistic and annoying as fuck but still, what made you care about it so much?
Nice try, gunjy. It's because you were trying to get my personal information and you were trying to get info from me while denying me to have yours. You started as a fake friend, and I learned you were a broken human being in every single possible way, not even worthy of pity. You sounded like a nice person at first but all you were doing is trying to get people's personal info to blackmail them, and when I wanted to talk to you as a friend you were the absolute most uninteresting and sad human being I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. You're not a human being, gunjy, you are something lower than that.
>He has the voice of a literally MENTALLY DISABLED, low test, girly homo
more proof that he's mad about getting kicked from the server. Ritalin bot is too proud to apologize and get back into the good graces of the best friend he pines for
stop projecting you filth.
What did I just listen to? He's got to be trolling, right?
No. Gunjy is REALLY THAT mentally ill.
MODS please ban these underage attention seeking faggots.
I'm sick to fucking death of seeing you discord losers shitting up my board.