>femanbots don't exis-
Femanbots don't exis-
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I haven't had sex in 4 years. I just masturbate and it doesn't really even matter.
I don't know how anybody can live like this. I go crazy after about two weeks without sex.
jeez can you imagine guys??? 3 months??? wow I can't that's for sure haha!!
i still remember the taste of vagene and it makes me slightly gag
I haven't had sex in my whole fucking life
Fuck you
I haven't had sex in 26 years but hey who's counting
Translation: I've CHOSEN not to have sex for 3 months for reasons known only to me, maybe I'm just fucking bored of all the sex I've been so easily able to get in the past and having exhausted every kink that's ever come into my head with guys desperate enough to do anything for a chance to be naked with me
That's a realIy nice pussy.
Probably because she's went 3 months without sex.
What's your point? She could go on Tinder and find a guy within an hour. 95% of guys can't
Notice the lack of hanging beef flaps.
She's a virgin.
no shes just only been with white guys
that is not how vaginas work
one you've seen a couple belonging to women you know youll figure it out
that's not how that works
that's not how that works
or maybe she has social anxiety
or maybe she's ugly af
or maybe she's worried about getting raped/murdered, so won't go home with random guys who could easily overpower her
or maybe you're just a cretin unable to put yourself in someone else's shoes
Amazing bait myman
Source of the pic OP? It looks like a post on reddit
>or maybe she's worried about getting raped/murdered, so won't go home with random guys who could easily overpower her
this is unironically why i'm a hikkineet and don't ever meet with people
She must have an incredibly ugly face.
Only c ucks like the taste of vegene. Real men don't require a warm session with a woman to get her going like most faux chads will claim. A real chads presence alone is enough to get her wet and ready.
this is a weird thing to go and lie about on the internet
You know where you have to go back to. This website isn't suitable for people like you. Its a slippery slope once you start eating out first it just her and then suddenly it will be another mans cum you are eating out of her. Very sad. Many such cases. So stop trying to warp the minds of innocent robots to become like you.
>isn't suitable for people like you
People who have sex? Yeah, desu I am a bit of a tourist here.
I'm 30, I've been eating girls out for over 10 years and the only girls who've every cheated on me weren't the ones I did that to. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm 32 and I've been in a relationship for over a decade. I've never had to eat out any woman I've ever been with because they were always ready to go. I'm sick of tourists like you coming to this board and making poor robots turn into cuckholds like yourself, trannies or other shit. I know exactly what I am talking about because I've seen that shit happen to friends who have been married and divorced several times at this stage. Eating out is the road to relationship failure because you were never good enough to begin with. If you're not in a relationship its fine, you can do what you do but I wouldn't ever recommend it to people who are serious about finding someone.
>been in a relationship for over a decade
Well I guess if I wasn't able to satisfy women in bed I'd settle down with the first one that would tolerate my amateurish fumblings, too.
You may have been able to find a girl who can come from penetration alone, and that's great. They're fun. But trust me, most women aren't like that. It sounds like you're really insecure about the power dynamic in your relationship, if you think she'll take you less seriously for going down on her. If you don't like it, that's fine, but don't pretend there's anything backing that up beyond a personal preference
>Its a slippery slope once you start eating out first it just her and then suddenly it will be another mans cum you are eating out of her
i'm fucking choking
Why is filter/shopped pussy so alluring?
Jesus Christ my dick can't resist
I didn't settle down with the first one. I settled down with the right one. I had about 5 years previous to that experiencing everything I needed to experience of women. I also have strayed a few times in the last decade but thats okay, its what men do. We all have our needs. Still never need to go down and eat out like some sort of homosexual ass eater because essentially thats where it comes from. Its a filthy habit that is unhygienic for both people and is lesser pleasure for the woman (zero pleasure for the man) than being with a guy that knows how to use his dick and body properly, and doesn't cum within the first few minutes of penetration. People who eat out vagene are compensating for their massive shortcomings (no pun intended) in other areas. Its a compromise, a woman will sleep with you if you stuff your snout in her snatch. You disgust me.
you don't eat ass either? what a fucking prude
but seriously, yeah it really sounds like you just don't like the idea of doing it. So that's cool, don't do it. But projecting your own or your partner's pleasure/preferences onto everyone else is just stupid, and trying to back it up with half-baked shit about cuckoldry or hygiene is pathetic.
Some say prude, others say that I have self-respect. Bet you that you're the kind of scumbag that would take a blowjob off the mother of your children like she was some cheap 5 dollar street corner hooker. Thats literally what whores/interns/one night stands are for. I don't project my insecurities on anyone, I tell you what I think and how it is. If you honestly believe licking someones anus isn't unhygienic then you are a literal grade A retard.
I don't even eat ass, that was a joke. But it's probably pretty hygienic if they clean it beforehand. Some people are into it and that's ok. Why is sticking your penis somewhere hygienic but not your tongue? I'd think the situation with two urethras would be less hygienic than the situation with just one.
Yes, I'd get a BJ from a babymomma, because that's just another type of sex. And I'm pretty sure most women would prefer to give a blowjob than be cheated on so you could get the sex you actually want to have. You've got some weird hangups dude. American by any chance?
>Laughs in 11 years
i'm a virgin too. I hate when normies complain about not getting sex for a few weeks
Also worrying about hygiene then saying you should use a prostitute instead is hilarious
>or maybe she has social anxiety
Someone with social anxiety wouldn't post nudes on the internet for thousands to see and comment on.
>or maybe she's ugly af
From even what little we can see on the pic we know that she can't be ugly enough not to get sex if she tries.
>or maybe she's worried about getting raped/murdered, so won't go home with random guys who could easily overpower her
Completely irrational fear, the chance of a hookup ending that way is so small that it can be ignored.
>Someone with social anxiety wouldn't post nudes on the internet for thousands to see and comment on.
Fucking really dude? Do you know what website you're on?
>From even what little we can see on the pic we know that she can't be ugly enough not to get sex if she tries.
No, all you can see is that she isn't fat
>Completely irrational fear, the chance of a hookup ending that way is so small that it can be ignored.
I bet you're the exact type of person who blames chicks who get raped for being sluts.
>Fucking really dude? Do you know what website you're on?
Yes, what's your point?
>No, all you can see is that she isn't fat
That's enough. Actually more than enough, even fat chicks can get laid quite easily.
>I bet you're the exact type of person who blames chicks who get raped for being sluts.
What a bizarre assumption.
>or maybe she's worried about getting raped/murdered, so won't go home with random guys who could easily overpower her
Fucking weak ass women
Or maybe all the sex she's had has been fucking shit which is statistically likely.
Yeah I fucking doubt it. Don't cite your sources or anything by the way, ya fucking nutsack.
The majority of women don't even orgasm during hetero intercourse mate. If it weren't for fear of (or actual) violence or resource leeching, we'd have died out long ago.
The imagethat destroys incels. See women can't get chad too, this is your chance to pair bond, oh wait she only went 3 months without sex because the guys on her snap and tinder are too ugly and short.
Cite your sources or stop posting this drivel.
>In US singles
Casual sex is meaningless and bad, what else is new?
Well feel free to post other sources that disagree.
But I'm guessing the woman in OP would be having casual sex - that's what the original post was about, that she could have sex if she wanted, and I merely pointed out that it wouldn't be good sex. So I'm glad you agree.
No, your claim was "The majority of women don't even orgasm during hetero intercourse."
Believe it or not, despite the state that our world is in, the vast majority of hetero intercourse out there still happens in marriages and steady relationships. Do you think maybe if you've been together with someone for years you know what gets them off compared to some fucking tinder one night stand?