Lets settle this once and for all.
Should your routine be a heavy compound movement followed by hypertrophy stuff if you wanna look good?
Lets settle this once and for all.
Should your routine be a heavy compound movement followed by hypertrophy stuff if you wanna look good?
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you tell me
That dudes legs lmao
You're not gonna look good if you can't even bench 3pl8. You need to get strong if you're natty
There are dudes who barely have to do anything to stay in shape.
It would be hard to summarize every body type in one unifying theory.
It would be easier to say for steroid users since you are at least standardizing their testosterone levels.
No. I know some natties who can squat 3+plates for reps (170Kg so nearly 4 plates) and don't even look like they lift because they're fatish. I know some guys, also natties, that do meme bro splits routine and look freaking great.
Now strength and size are somehow correlated. But you need volume for size, more than anything. Strength helps because you can do way more volume if you're strong.
Yes. This means going very fucking heavy on all your main compounds. No fluff and pump shit. If you wanna look good as a natty, you have to build a body that’s capable
Strength and size are mostly unrelated. Strength makes it easier to gain size, that's all.
This thread is about to be flooded with cancerous broscience.
>bro 8-12 reps builds muscle while 1-5 builds strength
mostly size = strength but bench, squat and especially deadlift are all pretty technical lifts. You can get better at them by basically three factors: Muscle size, central nervous system adaptation allowing you to lift heavier, getting better and more efficient in the movement. There's guys who look small who can deadlift 3+ times their bodyweight. But you also aren't going to see a guy who is jacked being super weak. Maybe if he's for some reason completely new to the movement but then it shouldn't take him too long to get strong at it.
> Should your routine be a heavy compound movement followed by hypertrophy stuff if you wanna look good?
That's a common and good approach
Depends what your definition of strong is, but in general one does not equal the other. I'm tired of people pushing the YOU MUST GET STRONGER TO GET BIGGER! SIZE IS A BYPRODUCT OF STRENGTH! meme. It's fucking tiring and a 15 second Google search for Long Nguyen or "Asian Powerlifters" will prove you wrong. There are guys out there deadlifting in the 600-700s that Jow Forums would screech DYEL at.
> train for strength
you may get some size, depending on your diet
> train for size
you may get some strength, depending on your intensity/frequency/programming
>There are guys deadlifting 600-700 that look dyel
not natty
yeah man this guy is roiding hard for sure
Eventually you won't be able to lift heavier, your gains will stall. You simply cannot lift heavy all the time your joints will get fucked or you will get injured.This is when you maintain your strength, but work on hypertrophy to get mass. My two cents
even powerlifters while spend long times of doing hypertophy blocks when they are far out from a meet. Volume has a lot to do with hypertrophy
Good deadlift proportions. Those long arms
What is good volume?
The opposite is true, you can be very strong without a lot of muscle as a natty but if you're big without lifting heavy something's wrong. Frauds gain muscle just for existing
Who's this cute dyke?
It entirely depends on your current level of fitness. There's no one-size fits all answer.
I mean, it's not a meme that you can lift more weight for less reps and less weight for more reps. The more you lift, the more your muscle tissue breaks down, which is where protein synthesis comes in.
David laid is my trigger. Fuck, I'll never look that good no matter how much I lift. Guy is unironically a genetic god.
I really agree with this.
I mean if it weren't for the roids he'd still be really skinny, but yeah his insertions are fucking ridiculous, perfect pecs, 2:1 shoulder:waist ratio, perfect teardrop legs, nice thick bis and tris, and a pouty model face.
I'm full-homo for him. Goddammit I wish I looked half that good
This is true imho. granted size will always give you some strength but it does not necessarily improve your movements or your nervous system, and a lot of the muscle tissue could be bloat instead of dense thick fibers
It's not entirely broscience though, is it. Straightforward rep ranges aren't the be-all and end-all (you can still do hypertrophy with loads of sets of 3), but you're not going to be doing CNS-taxing strength work if you're repping a weight 12 times a set. Volume and proportion of your maxes might be the real factors, but that often translates into sets and reps.
Exactly, you eventually plateau as you max out all the strength additions you can make via adaptations and technique, and need to do some work to gain muscle mass in order to increase your lifts further. It's not a case of either/or, most intermediate and advanced programming will seek to do both.
I mean, so what? He's a manlet with long arms, it's not a bad deadlift but it's not incredible. I managed 400lbs at around 180lbs body weight before I got myself a one-way ticket to snap city, and I would hardly have called myself strong. There are more impressive skinny deadlifters out there than in that video.
This is bullshit.
I get compliments often and only bench 2pl8
I get compliments and I don't even bench 2pl8
I get compliments and I can't even bench, I'm disabled and jewish
I bench 3pl8 from time to time. The compliments are not as great or numerous as you'd think. I've seen guys squat 3-4 plate yet my legs look better and bounce between 2-3plates.
doing low reps will build strength but not size so you will end up as the guy who who looks dyel but benches 315, squats 405 etc while if you stay in the 8-12 rep range you will be the guy who looks great but is weak af.
If you wan to be actually big, no. If you want normies to think you're big you can stay with your 1pl8 bench forever
I don't think the difference in strength would be that much. And a proper program has you doing both rep ranges, so