aikido and krav maga get the fuck out
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Is there a martial art that focuses on just being quick, brutal, dislocating joints and breaking bones?
Nothing pretty just brutal
Reminder that Morihei Ueshiba was a black belt in half a dozen or so martial arts and created Aikido as an expansion pack for arts like Judo and Jujutsu. Aikido works if you use it as intended.
Submission wrestling, or no gi bjj, cross trained with judo/freestyle wrestling, you slam your opponent onto the ground and lock their joint from your position. In other circles they call it flying jujitsu. Boxing improves your speed greatly and can break ribs easy if you can punch with power.
That's literally BJJ.
Sambo actually encompasses all that, but it's very rare to find a gym, if you can though 100% that's what you're looking for. Otherwise Judo and boxing with some bjj sidework.
why do judo fags always invade these threads shilling their dumbass game? It's even less of an applicable martial art than gi bjj, any high school wrestler could teach you more about takedowns and hand control.
For anyone looking to actually become a well rounded fighter, just do MMA. The entire point of MMA was to distill all the arts into pure effectiveness. Generations of fighters have done the work figuring out how to put everything together, you don't need to start in one and "build a base" to try and combine it with something else later down the road.
If you just enjoy one art for what it is, and you want to only compete in just that art, go head it's fun and a great way to stay in shape, just remember you're not a fighter. you're playing a game.
krav maga
JIDF shill detected
Bjj somewhat but not as much sambo, technique is emphasized moreso in bjj whereas in sambo there is great athleticism involved. Sambo + Boxing is the absolute god tier.
Absolutely true and based, but why hate on Judo, not a judofag but it does have good use also.
because it's an entire martial art that focuses on 1/5 of what an actual grappling art does, and does so in an extremely game-ified and rulebound way so as to be basically worthless.
>hates judo, not applicable
>promotes MMA, well rounded and balanced in striking and grappling
>doesnt realize that judo is the best form of grappling there is and most of the MMA schools integrate judo froms within them
This is why I rarely visit /fit.. fucking retards everywhere
>best form of grappling
found the judo geek who's never grappled a high school wrestler. face it nerd, your game is stupid
>mma schools
mma is literally wrestling and boxing in the year of our lord 2019, even bjj is barely taught past the basics in most MMA gyms
No entire point of MMA was a showreel for BJJ. Look up what Superfoot Wallace has to say about it. It's fake.
>every single MMA fight faked
>even those shitty amateur ones at your local casino
>all fake to set up bjj
schizo judofag absolutely seething
Yes, I have done Judo ever since a child, good job...
Have yet to meet a person to beat me in wrestling, gg
All the hate against Judo while promoting greco-roman wrestling really just is nothing but a fascination to me.
They both focus on one discipline, but are different in their approach, none is better from the other. Like lol, really. something a boomer would say desu, lack of intelligence and maturity really does show the character of such a ridiculous statement.
go drink a bud, faggot
krav maga...top kek.
op, bjj is what youre looking for for bone breaking. bujinkan has bone breaking but its only really taught conceptually. bjj on the ither hand inherently teaches and teains to dislocate and break opponents joints and bones. respecting the tap is a thing because competitions are a thing.
Karate also has some serious bone breaking shit but is not central to the art itself i think.
wanna know how I can tell you're a middle schooler in their first year of judo?
without any forethought, you gave this statement.
drop your ego, faggot. this is Jow Forums/
But please, formulate me your enlightening thought of me being middle schooler.
i have a buddy that does "ninjutsu".....its really cringey to watch. i don't have the heart to tell him how stupid it is
we can tell
because you type
like a twelve year old lil faggot
you got me, boomer.
>oh no we don't spar dude....it's a combat art so it's too deadly to practice on each other...........
how do i break it to him bros.....
found your sensei bro
took you some... 20 minutes to find a video depicting something in your point of view, in a bad light.
fascinating creature, you are.
Did some judofag cuck you or something? You seem to have alot of hostility for a sport most people seem to think is semi-decent.
judo is just the retarded cousin of wrestling
oh so judo is the new tae kwon do........great
>He keeps on posting about how much he hates judo
No seriously did some dude who does judo fuck your girl?
Seeing some of these sambo and BJJ techniques is very interesting. One question I have for any of you who want to weigh in....in a fight do you really honestly can see yourself completing some of these motions and actually breaking a limb?
can you imagine in the heat of the moment having some guy's leg in a scissor lock as you continue to apply pressure he screams and you just keep going until you feel the tibia snap?
Maybe that might feel good to do that to someone attacking me...I guess it just takes a lot of mental commitment to say that you will destroy someone's leg that day
it's not some long drawn out continuous process, you just pull and snap if you go for a break. Hell tons of people do it on accident. You could just panic in a real fight and apply alot of force without thinking and snap city.
>21 nearly 22
>never got into martial arts but wanted to as a child
Is it too late?
It's never really too late. 22 is probably about median time to start.
There is an MMA class at my BJJ school, with a nogi open mat on the side. Is it worth going to the open mat if I'm a beginner?
>guys that grappling discipline sucks it's all about wrestling!
>a wrestler's career ends after high school or college if they're really good
Starting university in September. Any recommendations for a new martial art to try out?
I did kickboxing for a few years when I was younger, and I'm thinking of looking for something new and fun since there will be lots of opportunities.
Just go for MMA
Seeing as you do things for fun
Yep, international wrestling doesn't exist. You got it man.
>just go get trained by Olympians to work on your ground game in a bar fight dude
I did ninjutsu and it was really good. I've done bjj and judo and currently do boxing and wrestling, before anyone gives me anything about not knowing about full contact. Yeah I can see how most people would do it really badly, and not train properly. Just wanted to throw it out there that there are some good bujinkan places. That being said most of the people there had done lots of martial arts before, and were nutters from a rough part of town. All solid, hilarious guys, that were really good at fighting and put my game on another level when I was stagnating. Just wanted to say that it can be really good with the right people but I would strongly recommend having a few years of something decent first
I see your point user.
Not a bad idea, thanks.
If you've been doing it for about five months I think you'd be alright
Essential readings ?
And what about 1 class? I heard mat time is the most important thing for a beginner, but I'm not sure about open mat
1 class of experience I mean
1 class of experience is worth about as much as 1 day of lifting man.
I personally would. The better people probably won't mind rolling with you. Depends though. Do you mind being crushed by others and manhandled? You'll learn a lot but some people aren't good with that
>Do you mind being crushed by others and manhandled?
No, I fully expect that to happen for the coming few months at least. I just try to have a mindset where every roll or every time I tap is just more experience which will ultimately make me better. I have no problem getting destroyed by people better than me in the beginning.
I know, but is an open mat worth it?
Sure, practice is always good. Just realize the better guys will probably try new shit, since you can test new things with little resistance on new guys.
>quick, brutal, dislocating joints and breaking bones
yeah bro they're real common because training for them is a blast atleast that one singular time you can properly train it you stupid fuck
made a thread earlier
32 year old boomer here. Will it be awkward to join a boxing gym with no experience? Not sure if my ego can take getting my ass kicked by someone 10 years younger than me.
If your ego really is that fragile, you're ngmi
It was an exaggeration but still wouldn't feel good. Is awkward for an old fart like me to join at this age though?
Twi weeks ago 40 year opd joined my gym
It's much more common than you'd expect
BJJ is fucking bullshit
as a brazilian gyms for this shit are everywhere and you can only spar with fucking oldass ladies
also what the fuck is up with "respecting this place piece of EVA foam" and "bowing because he has a different colored piece of cloth on his belt"?
i would like to learn BJJ without having to go through the symbolic useless bullshit of it
Do it. Get wrecked. Learn.
it's literally aikido tier bro
To answer your question, three (3) times I have fucked someone's ankle in a self defence situation. My stand up sucks, and I've been attacked, my go-to is slip a right handed punch (havent trained for left) and rear naked them asleep. They only stay asleep for like 5 seconds so I quickly run around the other side and do a standing straight footlock til something pops, then I run off knowing they can't follow me.
I also arm barred a dude at a concert once and had that cunt at a 270° angle. The screams were sickening. Got into trouble over that one.
imagine larping this hard jesus christ
>best form of grappling
>if you grab someones leg you're disqualified
Why is kickboxing not more popular than boxing? Not trolling just curious. Seems like boxing would be the worst form if self defense to learn since you'll probably break your hand.
The crux if this argument is, if you already have good throws the booj will make them better. If you already have good standup the booj will make it better. If you already have good joint locks the booj will make them better... ad infinitim.
Here's the thing though Old boy. If you have all those things, and can already fight, adding the crap that the booj teaches will only make them worse. Not better. Not different in a good way. Just plain fucking worse.
Clearly and obviously you're still clinging to your idea that there's a lot of good in the booj, if you just find the right angle to get to it.
Go back to the old Takamatsu videos, look at what he is teaching. If you really did and Judo or kyokushin worth a damn you can see it for the bullshit that it is from miles away.
That fat crack whore in torn fishnets sitting on the corner, you don't need to get intimate with her to know she's a fat crack whore. There's not a beautiful princess hiding inside those cum crusted panties of hers.
I'm sorry, I really am, you wasted a lot of time and money I'm sure, but give it up.
>just remember you're not a fighter. you're playing a game.
Oddly enough, collegiate wrestlers have an advantage over people from other backgrounds going into MMA because of the format of their competitions.
But, agreed. Traditional martial arts have inbuilt limitations in their systems. That's before you even factor in the mystical bullshit from eastern styles.
At first it was. As soon as it became a sport strikers trained in grappling, and grapplers trained in striking. Hell. the Gracie mythology started to fade as soon as Shamrock drew Royce in the second fight.
There's a BJJ school near me I'm interested in joining, it seems like it be a lot of fun. It's certified Gracie Barra, which is supposed to be a good sign, but what are some MC dojo red flags?
From what I've read, it's mostly
>no rolling
>no brown/black belt instructors
>instructors won't roll with lower belts/noobs
Also common sense
>Have yet to meet a person to beat me in wrestling
oh, SHIT. we got the wrestling world champ in here!
>Is it worth going to the open mat if I'm a beginner?
BJJ for manlets and skinnyfags
Boxing for men
Bjj works well against 1v1 on the street if the fighter is much taller and stronger than you
Boxing works even better if you have some weight behind your punches.
You can also easily KO a BJJ cocksucker if he gets near you.
Boxing also makes you much more into a fighter and ready in a dangerous situations
YOU, my friend, are truly pathetic.
jordan borroughs aint got SHIT on this nigga
Barra is a not a mcdojo, because the instruction is good, but it is seen as a cult/mcdojo in the bjj community. Lots of weird rules, and brainwashing. I would recommend a different spot. What else do you have available in your area lineage wise?
I’m 6’6’’/230, and I do BBJ. We get into a fight and I’m killing you with my bare hands. Bjj gives the smaller man a chance. A big strong man with bjj is like Rottweiler. Good luck.
Kek I'm also 6'6 but 249lbs and I've been boxing since I turned 11.
Good Luck to you and your american MCDojo skill.
Who here competes local/national and which style? How has it impacted your life?
I'm also 6'6 and I do CCP. Both of you are faggots.
12'10 here and I've been doing your mom for quite a while now
Catch wrestling is pretty much all about that.
It's money first with GB stay away
Boxing if you punch hard enough
Currently lifting 2x per week on Mondays and Thursdays and doing roughly 5 hours per week of muay thai on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday but thinking of changing Friday to be a lifting day and just doing muay thai Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Would this be all G or should i keep running what i'm doing now?
I'm 15 feet tall, my dick is half the length of my body, and I have a 3'8 peruvian girlfriend. fight me irl.
whats cheap but effective? BJJ is too expensive
Running away
Jiu-Jutsu was all about that in the 80s. Some schools also trained with sticks guns and knives. The idea of pyjama martial arts has changed, it used to be just about fighting, got McDojo'd and took on details from elsewhere.
I want to get back into BJJ and MMA, but I don't want to give up on going to the gym 6 days a week
with classes at night and getting up at 4am, is this even doable? I want to get strong and get my BJJ blaq belt
There are some cheap judo classes around
redpill me on muay thai. it seems fucking badass and really fun, but obviously you can get pretty rekt due to its nature as a striking art. my other option is bjj, which is probably safer and better to learn for pure self defense purposes.
local gym/dojo/whatever the fuck teaches both bjj and muay thai and the dude who founded it apparently spent like over a decade in thailand and shit learning from the best of the best, and the gym has produced legitimately competitive fighters. which one should i go with for maximum fun and ability to defend myself reasonably well in a couple years of training?
BJJ is fun as fuck, but I think if you're looking for self defense, muay thai would probably be the way to go. BJJ is good to know for if a fight goes to the ground, but in a lot of situations that's not exactly optimal. In a street fight you're not going to be armbarring cunts, and when it comes to muay thai absolutely everybody untrained is going to crumple like a sack of shit from a leg kick
is judo effective for whoopass?