Why won't you take the sissypill?

Why won't you take the sissypill?

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are you on a demonic mission to convert people or something?

Cause I'm a 6"2 hairy monster with masculine bone structure

Because I'm ugly, have a big Adam's apple and relatively deep voice. Also, that's gay

I like punching people

Too unattractive and have unchangeable issues that would keep anyone from wanting me regardless of how much time and effort I put into it

Plus I have basically no willpower or motivation in the first place

Because it never actually turns into the right image. I've got nothing against trans people, but I have never seen a MTF who actually looks attractive

im poor
no degree
no job
parents would kill me

such is life

i want to, but it's difficult to figure out women clothes and their sizes :/

I'm ugly as a male so I don't even want to think about how ugly I would be as a female

>tfw my gf (female) loves to crossdress me
weird feel

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>tfw when no Male (female) reverse sissy bf.

The "sissy pill" is just a delusional retard thinking they're cute but everyone on earth would know that you're just some fag in a skirt. You'll also kill yourself in 5 years max.

go back to discord faggotard

this is why I need feminism!!

>Why wont you take the sissypill?
I do and let me tell ya OP (and everyone else ITT), it was the worst decision of my life

Sure, I get a lot more attention but in my head I still feel as alienated and unwell as I did before. Gonna kms by the end of this month

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because it literally is gay and bluepilled

I'm built like a brick shed
luckily I can make lesser men take the sissy pill
>tfw no domme gf to sissify and fuck bois with

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I only like to wear dresses as a joke.

Because trannies are retarded. Do the world and kill yourself everyone knows your a mess no one thinks your actually a girl you look like a disgusting ogre.

Pic related is the majority of your """kind"""

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>Oh, honey, im so glad you're happy, but
>Father goes to the garage to shoot himself.

Trannies will be erradicated in the future when medicine is more advanced.

just a reminder homos

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I think the society should change in order for dysphoria to stop appearing in people.

I took the sissypill and now I am just a lumpy hon

because I'm old, ugly and straight

These, like verbatim

123qweasd asdasdz a dasd asd asd

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Because i'm 6'1 with big hands and feet and bigger than your dad.

Yes, there are trap cults on Jow Forums. They organize on Discord and do everything from tricking you into becoming trans to pushing communism. A guy named Reiko lead one about a year ago. Seems they're still around spamming tranny propaganda and/or doing anti-Jow Forums raids.


This user knows:

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I'm taking the sissypill and nothing you say will stop me.

>from tricking you into becoming trans
If you "become trans" because of a Jow Forums discord you're honestly retarded

>the jews are paying trannies to turn me gay
this board is hysterical, you're worse than Jow Forums

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Because God made man in his own form, and so to appreciate men is to appreciate God.
Only a retard and a heretic would ever defile their bodies to make themselves look like the inferior sex.
Embrace the gaypill and and men while you still can.

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I did and I tried warning you all.

It's shocking to me that after years of meta-ironic trolling, it suddenly became cool to un-ironically embrace Jow Forums and respond to trolls as if they were "shills" out to convert you.

I know every new "generation" of 4channers gets old and says the newest flux of shitposters is the worst thing to ever happen to this site and that the site hasn't been good in years but, here I fucking go.

I haven't enjoyed any of the boards since the Tribes vs. Reddit game and by then, it was already turning to shit. Maybe I'm just jaded and I've seen too much shit but god, the lack of OC on this site is appallingly sad.

I give up.

Extremely originally based

I'm not white or a twink

I love it when the hard truth about these faggots get revealed. This needs to be posted in every "Why don't you like boipussy?" thread from now on as a friendly reminder to the types of people behind the screen doing it.

You are mentally ill if you seriously believe this obvious bullshit.

your just as bad as OP and Good doesn't like faggots

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opinion discarded

It's okay reiko, you'll get all the boi pussy you could ever want while in the slammer.

Why do trannies say incel all the time when their logic shows they truly are incels.

Because I'm not a masturbation obsessed faggot

Holy shit is that Charls Caroll on the right

This goes out to everyone: take a good look at pic related!!
No! Of course not! We're just giving you some advice to be happy in life!
Stop making these silly excuses and just take the pink pill! You won't regret it!
It's easy! Just find clothes that are the same size as you!
Please don't tell these lies on the internet user!!
Good job user! Remember pic related!
You wouldn't be an incel if you took the pink pill!!

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