Why do you hate your parents?

what did your parents do to make you hate them?

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I guess I don't hate them. I just think they're dumb for making a conscious decision to have kids when clearly they had no interest in raising them.

One believes I owe them an intense blood debt for being given life and should basically be their slave as a result, the other wishes I was never born and thinks of me like the first parent.

They want for me to accept the society model - work, family, ambition and etc.

They were extremely strict muslims. I was not allowed to listen to music, go to school dances.
I couldn't invite anyone to my house or sleep over at other people's
Every day I was forced to pray 5 times a day and read an hour of the quran
almost every evening was spend in the mosque

As you might imagine, this fucked up my social development a great deal

But i'm recovering, and I will soon move out of my parents house at 23 and be free

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My father is an ex-heroin addict who was in and out of my life as a kid and also in and out of prison constantly. Don't think he's ever seen me as a person, kind of an asshole

My mum.. I don't hate her, she's just overly protective

They think of them selves as some gods and because my brain cringes at the thought of discipline.

Well my father is dead so there is really no hard feelings. Though I didn't go to his funeral and we had a very strained relationship towards the end of his life. My emotions wouldn't tend towards hatred when thinking of him, just general apathy and indifference. I'm kinda glad he's dead and not still around.
My mother on the other hand I do have legitimate contempt for and somewhat wish she'd just die, as awful as it sounds to say it, she recently told me she had some type of spot on her nose that could develop into skin cancer and I was kind of happy about it. I detest her personality, every word she speaks towards me fills me with an uncontrollable irritated rage. Everything about her reminds me about the aspects of myself that I hate the most and it seems she is completely oblivious to and makes no effort to correct, which is so detestable. I blame her genetics for me being the way I am and I wish she had sterilized herself instead of having me.

I respect and love my parents. Besides, family is one of the most precious things in a person's life. And dysfunctions of it, like disownment and betrayal, come from the lack of family values, which should be maintained, and sometimes, enforced.

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My father let me quit every worthwhile activity when I was a child (judo, learning instrument) and instead I did nothing productive so I became a loser with no skills.
Sure, just let a fucking 5-6 y/o make their own decisions about everything, they totally know what they're doing

I dont hate them, I used to my dad.
My whore mum made me and I just had shit upbringing.
I am a product of that.

lack of family values?

>dad tells me to quit my job because it doesn't pay enough, and to move back with them
>a few months later starts harrassing me on a daily basis because nobody would give me a job
>terrorizes and insults me every fucking day because nobody wants to pay me for labor
>finally get 1 job offer: i will make LESS money and pay MORE for rent
>take that job just so i can FUCK OFF and not see him anymore
>literally poorer than before, but happier because he was so horrific to live with

the only positive part of this story is that it makes him sad. i really, really hate him after what he did

My mom just didn't care, she preferred my abusive older half-brother which led to her eventually abandoning me. My dad was a useless alcoholic. He had many opportunities to go to AA and get therapy to work through his traumas but didn't so I have no sympathy for him and part of me is glad he died. I just consider myself an orphan at this point.

they agree with me that voluntary death is the best option for me but they don't want to help me do it and I need some help setting it up.

My mom took my sister out one day when we were kids and bought her this yellow dress. It was a medium length dress but it exposed her knees (not much of her thighs) and she went to show it off to my dad. He filled up a tube sock with quarters and just started beating her with it calling her a heathen and a whore. My sister was wailing and crying out for me and mom to help her but I was just frozen in shock. My mom ran to her aid and my dad turned and smacked my mom in the head with the quarter filled sock and started yelling at her for teaching his daughter to be a slut. Anyways, we were not allowed to go back to school until all of the bruises and shit healed on my sister because he didnt want outsiders to know what happened in his house. We had to stay home from school for a month because of this and it caused us both to be held back a grade for missing school so much. Every year after that people assumed we were retards who couldnt pass a fucking grade.

total invasion of privacy. they went through my emails, found out I was gay
proceeded to tell the entire extended family without my knowledge or consent. I had just come to this realization myself & was in no way ready so it fucked me up hard core.
And then they did the same thing when I attempted suicide. I have to keep my guard up extremely carefully or risk getting kicked out of the house or something else. They are about as conducive to living as the suicide hotline is to saving lives. Their efforts are more to stroke their own egos than anything and only make me wanna kill myself even more.

I feel like I'm on an island 1 square foot large, surrounded by piranhas waiting for me to slip up one day so they can feast. The fact that I already lead a very intense life due to mental illness only fuels the flame; it's like being pelted with coconuts every so often while trying to stay within this one square foot of safety.

If it were up to me I'd shoot the lot of them and never look back. As it is, I consider my only family as my dogs and the handful of long term friends that I have.

Father's dumb, did nothing, doesn't care. Stupidly liberal with physical punishment, would smack me in the back of the head if my sisters were crying and I happened to be around. Now he just acts awkward around me. Looks like he's about to cry whenever I say I'm going to take off. Divorced when I was a pre-teen but it probably wouldn't matter anyway.

Mother only knows how to communicate through emotional manipulation. Constantly reminds me that she was molested by her father while nothing bad ever happened to me so I have no excuse. But the most insufferable segment of her tirades is the conclusion where, after "breaking me down" she "builds me back up" by telling me I am brilliant, knowledgeable, handsome, etcetera. It is the same structure every time, must be the same tactics she uses for her corporate job. She probably thinks it's super effective.

holy and christpilled

>But the most insufferable segment of her tirades is the conclusion where, after "breaking me down" she "builds me back up" by telling me I am brilliant, knowledgeable, handsome, etcetera. It is the same structure every time, must be the same tactics she uses for her corporate job.

That's literally a cult technique.

t. was briefly in cult

>t. was briefly in cult
how did it happen? how did they try to break you?

good luck. im 25 and recently left a similar situation. you might have flashbacks and conditioned hobbits, just ignore these and keep moving forward and they'll go away in a couple months.

No, family is one of the most precious things in YOUR life.

Stop infringing your fragile ego and your own world onto others' lives as though you're some pontifical god

You aren't shit, kiddo, there's a whole world outside your tiny ego that doesn't give a fuck about what you think

Wake up, faggot

my mom is the reason why I hate women. really despicable fucking creatures.

don't really hate them, but don't like them either
they existed, but didn't really matter or try to do anything to know me. They were basically walking wallets that barely addressed my existence, made worse by my siblings. The only thing that makes me mad at them is how they barely raise my younger brother, although my dad was starting to play some games with him last time I saw them a couple of years ago.

my GF absolutely hates my mother though for various reasons

>for various reasons
like what?

thank you, you've given me hope

I'm the same as this user, why did you have me if you're going to raise me on the internet

>parent's general apathy in raising myself and my siblings. examples include my Mom bitching out my brother when he was 7 or so for wanting to show her an art project he made in class, just giving him a tablet and sitting him in the corner since he was extremely young, screaming at him for talking, general neglect but not abuse
>no respect for boundries. One example being at a dinner after moving into an apartment for uni, my mom started talking about how big everyone's birthing weights were in front of her sisters/family.
>both parents not teaching common sense things. just about everything I do is self-taught/internet taught like cooking, laundry, shaving, etc.
there's a few more but you kind of get the idea

very little privacy, scolded for liking new things that was brought by the advancement of technology, forced into traditional rituals, abuse, manipulation, exploitation of childish innocence, severely slowing my development, thus missing out on 20 years worth of teen experience and barely having any friends due to my boring personality
there are so many things, but in short they should've never been allowed to breed

why didn't your mom call the cops? why haven't you beaten your father into permanent immobility yet?

Your own fault for not having good infosec.

Because they didn't raise me like below
>keep my mother's pregnancy and my birth a secret
>home school me
>not only make sure i come out incredibly brilliant but also master a few forms of martial arts, hand guns, and flawlessly passing as a bimbo cock sleeve
>give me top notch surgery to look like pic related but with my male genitals still in working order
>when I turn 16 send me out into the world as an assassin who pretends to be a high class prostitute to off highly corrupt people in positions of political and economic power
Instead I'm a 35 fat, hair, ugly man with degenerate fantasies

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cuz they raised me in shitty way easy

my father yeah, he is dead now
he never spent much time with me and when he did he would humiliate me then he wondered why I became the fuck up I currently am, he never taught me anything of value like most fathers would and thought I owed him everything because he did the bare minimum (food, clothes and a roof)
I didn't go to his funeral and I'm kind of glad that he died in intense pain hypocritically praying to a god he didn't care about when he was healthy

my mother not really
she made mistakes but it was out of pure ignorance

My father I saw on the weekends who set an awful example by being 350+ lbs but was otherwise rather cool, my mother let videogames and Jow Forums raise me, I've been here since 2010 and was born in 1999

This is literally me rn I hope you find an escape

antinatalism baby fuck selfish dumb fucks who had no interest in having kids and still did and end up fucking up their children even more. the human race can burn and go to hell!

they physically grabbed my laptop while I was logged in. What was I gonna do, fight them?

>biological parents
I hate them for not throwing me into the dumpster the day I was born
>adoptive parents
Low T cuck married an infertile woman because niether of them could do better and they tried to have at least somewhat normal life. Me and my sister had to pay the price for that but Im not coping, it was over for us from the beginning.

ctrl + L is the hotkey to lock your computer for future use i guess

Cursed me with smol peepee genes

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Lmao why did you move back in the first place you dumb cuck?

Lol just jump off a skyscraper nigga

Did she cuck your daddy?

My dad treats one of my sisters better than my other older sister and myself, despite the fact that me and my older sister are both actually doing really well in university and working on PhDs and stuff. But yet, my other sister who doesnt do well in school is allowed to do whatever she wants and they treat her way better, allow her to travel to places with her friends, go out and party all night, they buy her expensive things like a brand new car, and im left with nothing. My parents didnt even get me a birthday present last month, all I got was some manga from my other sister who actually takes care of me better than my parents do. I even heard my dad literally say to my good for nothing sister that she was his favourite child once, and that she just needs to use her "discipline" to get somewhere in life, yet he still is never strict with her. I worked so hard in school because my dad was so strict on me, and now I fucking hate it. Even now that he cant find as much work as before he always asks me to pay bills and asks to borrow money to buy gas and shit like that. I make just enough money over summers to pay my tuition, but not enough to move out of this place. Once i start my grad school ill move out once I save enough money, even though im gonna literally be living in poverty.

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Is this bait?
Do you even know what you are typing?

Like the one you just described! :^)

Honestly I'm lucky in that my parents were never abusive or harsh at all to me. But then again that's just the problem, I never seemed to have any figure in my life who I could trust to force me to do things I didn't want to do, therefore resulting in a long term total lack of self control and willingness to improve. I know by now that at my age that it's my own fault I'm not improving, but I'm still no less bitter about it.

Met sommer when I was in LA got a picture with her and no cap she's a basic starbucks white girl but that ass fat asf on god

>grad school right after undergrad
A-user. I am in a similar situation. I bust my ass in school, pay for it myself, work my ass off in the summer and even now as a fulltime mathematics student I am putting in 40 hour work weeks, all while my sister gets her tuition to a nice out of state school paid for by my parents. I want to go to grad school too, but fuck that right now. Work a bit, buy a house, get some income before making such a financial commitment like grade school. Oh no, you may graduate at 28 instead of 25, big deal. Get out of the house while you can.
Also, in response to your question, OP, I don't. Not anymore. I used to, because of the obvious preference they show for my sister, because my Dad would beat me and throw me until I grew bigger than him at around 16. My mom still beat me until I was 18 because she knows I won't hit her back. She also would tell me she didn't love me on a regular basis and her and her sister would call me hot and touch me inappropriately when I got a bit older(they are both 60 year old overweight hags). My mental illness was met with nothing but denial and aggression. I got into a major car accident as a kid which basically left me a paraplegic for a year and fucked up for the rest of my life in the brain, and yet any mental problems I had were supposed to just be in my head. There's a lot more but I'm done, this is making me sad and I got shit to do. Anyways I don't hate them anymore because fuck that, it is all baggage. I understand now that my mom is mentally ill, addicted to alcohol and benzos, and has the mental state of a 10 year old. She is fucking retarded, legitimately, and my Dad just wanted some quick pussy with this 40 something milf(she looked nice before the pregnancy due to having rich men subsidize her lifestyle), and got the old cunt pregnant. He got conned into marrying her because she would have bent him over a table in court for child care etc. It sucks for them too.

Listen, I'm a complete failure, my brother is a complete failure, and my sister is a damaged slut. Clearly they failed if all three of us suck, if it was just me then maybe it was something else that fucked me up

she a shitskin

If no-one made you care back then, you're hardly going to make yourself care now.