This is 13 year old Barron Trump with his father

This is 13 year old Barron Trump with his father.
Say something nice about him.

Attached: 17454030-7372451-image-m-2_1566236130614.jpg (634x1001, 144K)

he's white

If he started lifting and eating right he would be gigachad himself

How tall is he?

get fucking mogged drumpf ahah

trump is like 6'0 so im guessin hes 6'2

wtf, google and other sources tell me trump is 1.90 metres, which is almost 6'3, no fucking way that's true, right? that would make barron trump almost 2 meters at age 13 wtf?

Not a manlet and into sports.

Pretty sure it's shopped but gigantism isn't anything new.

hey I have that t-shirt