On your marks......GET SET.....GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Attached: 1496271155_Trans AM.gif (500x281, 872K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1507602634418.jpg (556x446, 86K)


Attached: Quads.jpg (640x360, 18K)


Attached: vulpes inculta.jpg (1024x749, 105K)

I hope I get those


Attached: Superboy.full.2013852.jpg (596x798, 421K)

What's up mark

Simply astounding.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x276, 725K)

Not so fast! You have to get through me first.

Attached: 1dd3efc31b2005e9f32cb54d6e8b8eac5b43772b_hq.jpg (800x480, 27K)

sounds easy enough

Attached: BMNP1401_large.jpg (384x480, 45K)

You really think so.

Attached: untitled.png (1060x265, 158K)

will be a mark get

What's a "mark get" exactly?

I have two Quint under my belt. It's going to be easy for me.
Yes mark will get them
New Meme

Attached: 250px-SupermanRoss.png (250x363, 103K)

Two quints? Not bad. I've probably obtained up to 6 quints in my span of 10 months here. I remember when they were a lot more easier to obtain due to less posters.
And please shed some more light on this new mark meme?

How do I into quints

Trial and error, buddy.

I said oh hai mark in a few threads and it's a movie quote from The Room.

So you single handedly created a new Jow Forums meme? That's pretty impressive if you ask me.

it's probably going to die out in a few weeks to be honest

Attached: 1517754646585.jpg (1000x1000, 79K)

This. Mark is right. It doesn't have any longevity

Agreed. Jow Forums memes nowadays tend to be short lived. They'll surge in popularity for a week or so, then slowly die down. Quite sad.

>implying this trend is specific to Jow Forums


We need to meme as hard as we can then

Attached: Deadpool.gif (441x426, 368K)

Well, I barely use the other boards so I wouldn't know.

remember this

Attached: 1512179772582.png (349x491, 203K)

Agreed. We can't let this meme die!

What about this particular image?


PALACATA?! I'm not following???

Attached: 742.jpg (220x229, 12K)


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Attached: 1506955936877.png (772x804, 414K)

I need to resurrect this meme now, dammit! Care to join?

Do it

Attached: 1524609918778.png (1060x893, 543K)

I will then!
Also, the first reference I made of it.

Attached: untitled.png (601x215, 8K)

As you wish lord



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Attached: -93Pim5-I24.jpg (1080x803, 48K)


My hopes are with you, t. God cum.

based and redpilled whom quota my wife chino so cute despacito *dabs*

going with bant was really a good idea better than kagari~
hope the mod is okay with that get :^)

Attached: le who gave her le cavfefe.jpg (443x500, 134K)

is it wrong i miss kagari

He is dead ;w;
I wish he will come back

i bet kagari is still lurkin
wonder what's their secret, they gave us some ""tips"" but i think he uses something different to get so many GETs so easy
1) auto refresh plugins
2) tapping / setting a metronome to the post speed (it actually works!)
3) using the hidden API (sys.)
4) refreshing the API instead of the index (often I still do have the index open tho, so I can see what people are posting)
end quote

Good job fren