You Love You Lose

I've got nothing better to do. Post qts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah i'll bite here's the qtest qt

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Here's the only qt that matters.

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Kill yourself you pathetic fucking orbiter cuck.

>posts a cute girl thread
>thinks he isnt an orbiter
Oh my.

God damn I want a GF like this so bad hnnnnnnnng

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originale coment recuried

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y'all crackas got some weird ass ideas about what constitutes qtness

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op said cute girls not chupacabras

>posting in a cute girl thread means you were a mentally ill faggot that convinced himself some e-thot gave a shit about, had scenarios where they were together, stalked all her social medias etc
Who the fuck are you kidding? I'm glad muffy deleted her shit. Stupid cunt thought the vacuous comments of "oh you're so pretty" from anonymous faggots were friendship.
Again, this isn't a fucking orbiting thread you illiterate catamite.

>post pictures of girls you think are cute
>no not those ones

>Again, this isn't a fucking orbiting thread you illiterate catamite.
just because a girl is orbited it doesn't mean it's not cute


i want to rest my head on those thighs

Also lmao thinking the girl you posted, or any girl on social media for that matter, is any different.

More redhead qts pls

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how about we keep posting qts instead of arguing about what can be posted?
let robots post what they think is cute

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Attainable qt.

Just gotta find what slav camp she stays at

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>he brings it up as if I care
Thank you for letting me know I hurt your feelings, you stupid faggot.


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I really like girls with short hair but I don't know why that is the case.

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Nah you're just a hypocritical retard

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>settling for a discount Stacey

i dont know what to write anymore fucking filter

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lost. who is she?

Do you know the meaning of the words you post? It's rare to come across someone that has so little trouble coming across as a bigger mouth-breathing brainlet with each post. Enjoy knowing you're a literal cuck as she has a significant other, brainlet. And God, to humiliate yourself for such a plain girl.

tl;dr lmao
ur a nigger

Attached: 95854bf2ee2e9f8056fdbf93503284c38f5134529814aba06754bd70ae98d75b.jpg (1774x2364, 550K)

Cool I'm just gonna post this girl I find cute

Attached: 8a19c610f4a9bb08240408d5b8a8db042bf28fa96e0ba79776ec5f222063049a.jpg (960x1280, 224K)

Haven't seen that pic? Is it a rare?

Thank you for letting me know I have a 100% chance to knock up Muffy.

VERY refined taste

short hair is best hair.

Attached: AHannie-interstellar-portraitjpg-00964505448ae00b.jpg (1920x804, 126K)

Lost hard. What's her name?

Good luck not falling in love with this qt.

Attached: chrome_2018-07-11_20-00-08.png (592x898, 442K)

Nu-Crispy a shit but OG Crisp was waifu kino

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i have a crush for asian girls shes def a qt

Attached: ll67539c21f8b905a2ea4e5c0e8c97042a.jpg (794x1024, 832K)

Don't know, but I desperately want to treat her to a foot massage and breakfast in bed on a lazy Saturday morning.

Attached: 2f566aaeda6a7e8e7311c3a0c61bc9c314f97da662fa7f232a1aacd8bb6b2f23.jpg (600x900, 313K)

This thread is about girls of an aesthetic you enjoy who'll never ever think to interact with you.

>Seething toastie

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Isolated from the world in Alaska with a qt and a Husky puppy.

Attached: Alaska.jpg (1384x1836, 645K)

literal perfection holy shit. sauce?

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Holy shit you guys are fucking pathetic
Heres an actual qt

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blue eyes are so aesthetic

Attached: girl1.jpg (1080x1350, 272K)

This is a girl (boy)

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guy nose/10

this one is pretty cute, i either like em sticc or THICC (fat)

the fucking image didn't post goddammit

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Fine, fine.
Here's a legit female.

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this is the perfect female body, the left of course

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>yeah im still down to go out tonight, we're still grabbing DQ though right?
>haha yeah sure, so you wanna watch a movie at my place after?
>yeah whatever, you're paying though right? Nursing school is expensive af!!!!!!
>yeah i bet, what movie you wanna watch?
>doesn't matter
>okay see you in a bit
>actually user, I can't go out tonight, dad brought home pizza for dinner and I have class early in the morning
>oh okay, isn't tomorrow Saturday
And you would never hear from her again. This is exactly how I picture a text convo with her going. Fat chicks only want food and someone to clean the dust between their rolls and vag with their tongue

Are you ok?
Aboriginal austrialian pussies

depends if you are somewhat attractive
if she feels like she is inadequate then she will suck your dick quite often because you are settling

Lost. Androgyny and opposite appearing folks are my weakness.

Attached: androgyny.jpg (500x667, 63K)

shut the fuck up you stupid nigger, i dont ever want to see that fat imp again my fucking god stop posting that shit and delete it from your monster girl folder or ill castrate you fucking nigger

Please do not say the n-word we keep it clean here on Jow Forums.

Attached: tumblr_p9y0tiKZNG1th8zpyo1_1280.png (785x1018, 220K)

You have done it now you fucking nigger. Im taking the kids

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i've seen this broad posted on rk9 for so long and this is the first time i've ever thought she looked attractive

Whoa whoa you seem is upset. Don't worry jealousy is natural when in the presence of true beauty.

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I have a feeling I know you hmmmm. Post more imps or be castrated

Are you sure you know who I am? Was it something I said? Y'know I've been told I have a pretty distinct writing style before

Attached: ellipses.png (232x267, 22K)

hmmm, you a discordfag? if not, then i'm mistaken

I've been known to use Discord from time to time.

Attached: tumblr_o46v5wDgLW1th8zpyo4_1280.jpgI'.jpg (277x272, 18K)

I agree that a lot of these are falling short, and yours is entirely unremarkable as well.
Thanks for that.

Attached: 1554664342462.png (540x720, 410K)

hmm, alright straight up, no beating around the bush. Does your discord start with a and end with an n

Damn, I've now been doxxed on Jow Forums.

Attached: tumblr_og2t16KZnN1th8zpyo2_500.jpg (210x195, 11K)

Good taste, my friend.
What I wouldn't do for a gf (bf) like that.

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autistic girls are just the best

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Who is this stupid sexy imp?

This the goddamn text I'm supposed to put in these shitty posts.

Attached: kirst.webm (406x454, 1012K)

She's the absolute cutest that's what she is.

Attached: qt.jpg (506x207, 22K)

Reveal her identity that I might consume more media depicting her cuteness.

originally patrician taste my dude

Attached: VeryEfficientJa.png (434x369, 118K)

monerfags here

Attached: 1550678385681.jpg (1023x1023, 119K)

She's a hellmouth imp and she doesn't actually have a name.

Here's a link to her origin comic if you'd like

Attached: tumblr_obuhcdZCL81th8zpyo1_1280.png (556x603, 97K)

That Stein girl isn't German. She's Swiss.

Anyway, here is the absolute epitome of female beauty.

Attached: a745b5c8cfc9c3354c0a2db5bf15ae2d.jpg (480x720, 35K)

Austrian-Swiss*. And Austria is basically Germany so I'm half-right.


I wanna kiss that tummy, goddamit

Attached: goofy jordan gf.webm (640x640, 1.43M)

what le fuck did you just say about me you little bitch

You know whenever i see these kinds of pictures i imagine how the person would react if she could see and know me.
How disgusted she would be, how hard she would (rightly) try to get as far away from me as she possibly could.
I can't look at these pictures for more than a few seconds before i feel uncomfortable.

Right? How come people who cant afford a car be looking at and sharing pictures of supercars.
This is some femoid logic.

real comf looking girl

Attached: 1552670374679.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

THICC shortstacks are the best, thank you kindly.

its one of those unsauacable people sorry lads

>this will cease to exist within a century

the cutest
origin analy

Attached: 129958-004-C9B8B89D.jpg (229x300, 9K)

Are you a short-haired girl(male)?

Attached: c5cc8b4e2b55d457e7957888ecd66259b5f63eaa6a387fd1725ec2da5cdbd4e9.png (467x700, 149K)

here, have a colored version of her.

She's so qt

Attached: PZ1464134493426.jpg (469x700, 57K)

Truth. Short hair on a girl is gold. Also Anne Hathaway in Interstellar is pure sex holy shit. My parents thought I must have really liked the movie since I saw it in theatres twice, but really I just wanted to stare at a literal perfect woman for another two hours.

Attached: Real_Purdy.jpg (500x629, 35K)


I saw Interstellar when it came out but for some reason didn't think much of Hathaway, but when I watched it again a while ago she blew me away. She's so cute, absolutely perfect.

Attached: AHtumblr_noa5ff3uW01rj4v9oo4_250.gif (245x140, 1.48M)

Thank you fren, much appreciated.

Attached: Asymmetric-Short-Haircuts-and-Hairstyles-for-2017-2018-12.jpg (1312x1312, 170K)

>you will never make a timecapsule version of her your pussy slave



also, someone please tell me where do I buy pic rel8

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what the fuck is with this goblin posting?

did you say goblin posting?!?

Attached: goblins.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

>post qts
You didnt say anything about them having to be 3D

Attached: Assassin_of_Clan_Sniek.jpg (896x1280, 108K)

Goblin posting is a dead meme get over it.

that's a dude - with a bunch of mental illnesses as well

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This girl right here. All of my HHNNNGGGG

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you just can't love a non-Japanese girl.

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jus a qt i sppose

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an moar

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oh my sooo cut

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