So you still do leg presses, user?

>So you still do leg presses, user?

Attached: final_5d5b8b5bba43f000148702dd_962986.webm (360x360, 1.99M)

never did them, completely pointless

no D:

fuck i know what's gonna happen, not going to play your video

Attached: johBO.png (299x288, 14K)

This. I've seen enough.
Jow Forums is unironically the reason I quit leg press.

Don't be a pussy, do your leg presses.

Attached: crazy strong.webm (720x720, 685K)

I love the leg press, i just dont do stupid things, like overload the weight.

No sympathy

I still do it but low weight and lots of reps. It terrifies me

t. Stickleg

Leg press is completely safe if you do it correctly and don’t lock out your knees like a retard. You’re not supposed to go that much heavier than squats, it’s the same fucking movement but it takes the stress off your upper back. The problem is retards load up like lmao12pl8 and do quarter reps where they hyper extend their knees on lockout. People who hate on leg press are simply uneducated.

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