Pre-marital sex is a sin

>pre-marital sex is a sin
>masturbation is a sin
>lust is a sin
>even when you are married can only do missionary for the sole purpose of procreation

What the fuck God?

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Well I was going to say the world got a lot better for us since society has become sinful, but that'd be a lie.
Having very low sex and family is far better than the alternative.

This but for poor people. Smart people can have lots of sex and good families. Poor people cant be trusted

I bet more than half the losers on this board are rich. Why you are so slow?

Wouldnt bother me. Im saying poor people cant be trusted with sex. Give them a strict religion while we have some fun

That's all you can do? Pretty boring.

Why exactly would you want to have sex?

Orgasm is the reward for procreation. If you masturbate purely for pleasure, you're abusing your body. You're robbing yourself of the joy of raising a family with a woman that you love. God struck Onan down for masturbating while his tribe went extinct. A white man that masturbates is essentially Onan. 1.5 kids per white woman, and you wonder why you're going extinct? God is going to get pissed at you, and will throw a curve ball at you soon. What do you gain from masturbation? 10 seconds of orgasm? What next? You've ejaculated living cells from your body, a part of your soul is gone after you orgasm. Notice how you feel better and are more productive after a week of not jacking off. You must resist the temptation. Reserve your penis for your loving wife.

You are destroying your soul when you masturbate.

Attached: cat_hentai.jpg (243x301, 9K)

P normie opinion for a gay board. How many kids do you have?

What a surprise, the reddit atheist is also a faggot....

Going to guess a grand total of zero kids kek

I have no kids, but I realize abusing the reproductive system for pleasure will only make orgasms worse and worse, to the point of where you feel nothing at all, it's just the demons milking you of your soul. Stop jacking off for a month, and see the truth. You either stop jacking off now, or you'll be pathetic in the future. As I said before, you are LITERALLY expelling living material from your body. Your body isn't meant to ejaculate daily. You are killing yourself slowly. Your soul will surely suffer if you continue this degeneracy.


I cum in pussy but I jacked off from age 13 to 19. I believe in Science Rules!!! so Im not actually killing myself sorry.

>no kids

Women cannot love the same way men can
They can be obsessed, they can crave what they do not have ,but they cannot love the way you think user
This has been a theme since time immemorial.

Man love is pure love. Every man deserves a warm male body

>thinks casual sex makes you anything better than normie scum
>values SCIENCE! and is an atheist
>use reddit spacing
>think you have "won" because "muh no kids"

Dude, you really made me laugh

Still, you have no kids. And you pretend to value family. At least you have laughter

I know this. Marriage is the transfer of property from the father to the groom. The property being the wife. You can tell this to a woman anonymously online and they will flip shit, but when they see that you're a 6'6" blond Chad, they'll accept it. Women don't feel love, they feel attachment. I think "love" is just friendship with beauty attached to it. I have never felt love, and I don't think I've ever been loved, romantically at least.

You claim to believe in science, but you don't realize what I say can be proven with science. It can't be good for you to expel living cells from your body daily, especially for "good feels". You'll be a zombie, numb to the orgasms you constantly try to achieve.

You seem to think me and that poster are the same person. We're not.

God's standard is absolute perfection and no human can ever possibly meet it. That's why Jesus' sacrifice was necessary and everybody ultimately needs God's mercy to be saved. No one can "earn" their way into Heaven.

>science proves ejaculation makes zombies
Ill ejaculate into my zombie loving wife tonight for you

>le take what u said literally and make joke out of it instead of attacking your central point
Enjoy having no motivation to do anything. God will get pissed at you soon.

Hes just jealous that Im not having sex with him instead

If I were you, I'd leave this shit hole as quick as you can, there's no such thing as a former Jow Forums user

Need to put something here for the words to go through right.

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Jut because the Pope says something is a sin doesn't mean it actually is. You should read the Bible to see what God actually wants.

The claim that sex is for the sole purpose of procreation directly contradicts the Law of Moses, and there's no scriptural basis for sticking to the missionary position.
Masturbation is not a sin. The claim that it was a sin is due to missing the point of a passage in Genesis. What actually angered God was Onan's refusal to let the woman he was shagging get pregnant.
Lust is not always a sin, but it can very easily lead to sin, particularly the breaking of the tenth commandment.
To say premarital sex is a sin is a slight oversimplification. Sexual immorality is a sin, but that doesn't necessarily equate to premarital sex. And with the complexities of human relationships, this is really the wrong way of looking at things - rather than just trying to avoid doing what God doesn't want, we should concentrate on doing what God does want. In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus explains God's purpose for human sexuality, but admits that not everyone will be able to fulfil it.