>go to psychologists website to request an appointment
>use an alias because embarrassed
>he emails me, referring to me as my alias and asks if we can do it at a certain time
>I email him back asking for 1 hour later
>he writes me back using my real name saying he will let me know
Holy shit fuck this I'm done. I just wanted to get some fucking help
Go to psychologists website to request an appointment
You have no reason to be embarrassed in front of a shrink, user. I can understand maybe not wanting your friends to know, but that's the shrink's literal job and without you they cannot survive. They want you to come in and talk to them, not only for money but also because they likely went into that profession in order to help people like yourself.
Please don't let this deter you from getting the help you need, user.
Thoughts lead to feelings lead to behaviours
He used my real goddamn name and I didnt give him any identifiable information to do it I'm so fucking worried
you go to a shrink and tell them everything, even your name you dingus.
also lol at emailing from your first.last@email
Could your email be connected to your real name somehow? I don't see why a therapist would be out to get you and trying to dox you.
I used a fucking disposable email..
Not that I know of, on the email profile I think it had my real first name and last initial but idk how he could see that? When I get emails it just says its from the email address...
Jesus you gotta hit the gym and raise that IQ. I have no doubt whatever web service his office uses allows him to see the name you put on that box. You're not being doxxed, there is no conspiracy (for once)
Could be a technology issue. Don't know much about it. What I can tell younis that your paranoia about it is classic anxiety. It will be okay, user. Just talk about it to the psychologist.
First time I talked to mine, I thought she was a cunt, but I felt better. I still think she is a cunt, but a little less. It will be okay.
He's already in your mind. He knows all about what you do. He is your guide in this life. Go to him and find meaning.
I'm wondering if I should jump ship now to be honest, in the email he told me that his office is one of those large buildings with hundreds of suites and security in the lobby/plaza will ask for a photo ID when I go in and then I guess I take an elevator up to his floor. I'm so fucking distraught. This is what I get for trying to improve my mental state
idk why this made me laugh, anyway don't be ashamed, they can't tell anyone anything about you by law; not even the fact that you're a patient of theirs. as long as you don't tell them you have an immediate plan to hurt yourself or others you'll be fine. i was just as scared as you were about getting a therapist, try not to overthink it (i know that's hard)
I had to show my i.d as well. All my medical records now reflect my anxiety and depression. It's okay to be nervous. You're human. I actually cancelled my appointments a couple of times. But then I went back. It's a process. Healing takes time. Seeing the psychologist actually helped me put a name and description to what I was feeling. I got the tools i needed to cope and positively deal with my emotional trauma. Don't worry. Today you are scared, but one day soon, you will be glad you went. It's okay, user. I understand the need to be anonymous. I was afraid to confront reality. I wasn't just an anonymous person with bad emotions. I had to accept that the person whose name I wrote down on the paperwork was me. I had to accept that the picture and name on the i.d was me. The medical file was mine. It was me, this private person who acted normal in public was the person who had been suffering for years. It's the first step and the hardest. You are nervous and afraid, but you will be okay.
This as well.
I had the irrational fear that everyone would somehow find out all about my traumas. No one knows! Don't run away. You can do this. We did. You will too.
i promise it's not a big deal. i live in a major city and when i go to the doctor i have to show my id to the door staff and get a ticket, i promise it will be okay. you'll be nervous the first time and after that it will be routine.
Normal people won't find out about your sessions but the government can get access to everything the psychologist writes and legally force him to spill everything you've talked about to their investigators. In fact, if you've been involved in any way with unusual activities in your life, had an IEP as a kid, etc, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets in contact with DHS or FBI or at least the local police department and gives them progress reports/heads up, if not more.
You must be willing to be profiled and targeted if you share information. At least you won't be publicly embarrassed by peers or family but worse things are possible but implausible. I'm not even paranoid, this is mostly found in the papers you sign on privacy, that he legally has to share anything with the cops/feds.
If you commit a serious crime, obviously. Of course if you are suspected of making bombs or some shit, the police need that information. But it's a very severe case. I've gotten speeding tickets. When I filed for citizenship, I had to do an FBI background check and give them all of my update medical history. I'm fine. Ive had no issues with the government and no one has come knocking on my door. I work a job for the DOD and never had issues because I have depression and anxiety on my records.
thank you for writing this for op, he needed it
It's my pleasure. We are all afraid and paranoid sometimes, but that's okay. We all eventually will be okay.
>All my medical records now reflect my anxiety and depression.
cool now you can't get some specific jobs
although if you end up with neetbux it might be worth it
That's cool user, I thought all government jobs beyond IRS-tier need perfect mental/physical condition. I had a history of making threats when I was a dumb kid and I know DHS/FBI looked into me (confirmed by school admin). I'm just very cautious now and already write too much on here, which I need to cut back on. I'm completely different and would never hurt anyone now, but I have a feeling it's a permanent mark. That's why I was warning OP if he's paranoid, there are reasons to be sometimes, if he's done bad things before.
That's fine. I can't join the military either. That's okay. I'm happy with where I'm at. Would I trade getting help for a job that would only affect my psychological state of mind negatively? Hell no. My mental health comes first. Not everything is so bad, user.
I understand, user. Don't feel bad. Every situation is different. We all did stupid things as children. It might be on your record, but there are solutions for that too. Live your life as peacefully and kind as you can. I believe you when you say you would never hurt anyone. Also, you're right. I'm not qualified for every job. That's okay. It is what it is. I'm not aiming for something fancy, just comfort. Granted, my experience is different that what others may have gone through, so it does very greatly. My point is that, yes, some doors will close, but having sanity is one I'd never shut. And hey, neetbux are fine too. You do what you have to do.
Anyway, I'm off. To everyone who may have stumbled on this thread and need someone to talk to, get the help you need. Life is life. It has much suffering and sadness. We carry regrets and dwell on past mistakes and dissapointment, but there is always a solution that doesn't involve death. There is much kindness and love in the world. Whatever we find those things in is different for all of us. Some of us are angry at the world and the people who brought us to this stage in our lives in which our minds have broken. Even when we find something to be happy about, we will always chase after the next thing to smile about. We are always running from something or to something. Sometimes we have to just stand still and accept we are lost. Don't worry about being afraid. Don't worry about not getting help right away. It will come eventually. Be like the wendigo, starve for your taste of humanity until you achieve it. (Don't eat people) Never give up. Yes, some paths end, like not being able to work at your dream job or enlisting. It is different for everyone. But eventually you will get to where you needed to be all along. Drugs, alcoholism, depression, these are all illnesses that must be dealt with to help us advance in life. It will be hard at first, but with a clear mind, we will find our way. It's normal to be afraid or anxious. We all deserve love and happiness. We will all get it. Don't give up. Thank you to everyone who commented here, offering the pros and cons. We can't make the decision for you, only add our own experiences. Regardless, I wish every one of you all the love and happiness you deserve. Be kind and never ever give up.