Remember that this physique is literally all you need to bang sluts and get mired.
Other urls found in this thread:
thats pretty muscular though
God I want to slip my hot juicy cock into his tight asshole
True, but I can still see him being called a DYEL by like half of Jow Forums
post a pic of him wearing a t-shirt
Here ya go, his name's Sid Malhotra, he's some Indian chadpreet actor.
Post body, OP
so what dude :D
That's because he IS dyel
Don't get me wrong, i agree with op but he is.
You need his face, his physique is pretty much irrelevant
Not pictured: His pajeet micro-cock
Ya, he looks good bro.
1,5 years of lifting + cut
With good genetics ~1 year
I had that exact physique and got zero pussy. I have maybe a 6/10 face.
Doesnt matter how lean you are with your shirt on.
1.5 year of dedicated lifting isn't easy, for most people
face is important af
Yeah if you want to bang low quality sluts.
But when most people talk about getting laid, they mean 8/10 girls with great bodies, not some skinnyfat/chubby slut.
A body like in OP will definitely NOT get you a 10/10 girl. Most super attractive girls have guys with top tier bodies (Alongside the fact that they usually do sports as well such as MMA or boxing or something to make them even more alpha) trying to pick them up.
So if you'e not in the top tier, you might as well forget about a super hot girl. These hot girls have at least 3 (Three) jacked turbo-chads vying for their attention at any given time.
Jow Forums is full of fat retards who pretend they are powerlifters.
Most massively underestimate how hard it is to have that kind of balanced musclesmass with a low bf% and without using roids.
Being totally ripped all year 'round is fucking retarded.
have you ever had sex with a woman
This the dumbest shit ever. Women don't care how jacked men are. 85% is personality, 15% looks.
Found the woman
Reverse those percentages
nobody who does not look like this has ever had sex
>85% personality
Literally this. I've seen the gfs of the most jacked dudes in my gym and they looked like perfect 10/10 hot models and the dudes look like fucking hulks.
Yeah ugly 17yo cosplay whores might like OPs body because she knows she can't do better.
Found the incel
>Literally this. I've seen the gfs of the most jacked dudes in my gym and they looked like perfect 10/10 hot models and the dudes look like fucking hulks.
The average ugly faced small acne faced but 250 lbs 7% roid monkey at my gym is single or fucking a butterface,
My boss is a semi autistic jewy jew and his wife is super hot and loves him.
My model ex (was ottermode when we were together) got pregnant from her fat indian husband.
The woman with the best tits I ever saw married a tranny.
Kek, this though.
look at boyfriends and husbands of starlets. Taylor Swift is hot, rich and famous yet has never dated a guy that even looks close to OPs pic.
Money is a much more important factor for most women. I'm willing to bet the people in this anons post all had plenty
demoralizing, dividing kikes detected
None of these are truly rich.
Fat indian is well-off, but salaried well-off, they don't employ servants and live in a normal house.
My boss probably makes like 200k base, with bonuses and stocks he might be at 300k, in a coastal city mind you. Well-off, but not rich.
Tranny is not rich.
Women bang broke skater kids, bouncers, bar keepers, hipster poets. Women bang all kinds of people. Some women love muscles. Some love people with face tattoos. Some love bankers in Porsches, some love broke artists.
Some - very few - even low people full of insecurities, neurotic about their own bodies and deeply vain.
I'm not saying there is no pattern - on average, the richer, more athletic, taller, more confident, more famous, ... guy will have more luck. But all kinds of people fuck, and almost none of them are perfect.
Just a bit of reality.
lmao he's a 3/10 facially
What body fat is that?
if i had to guess i would say in the below 12% percent range, prominent abs, decent vascularity and good separation of muscles.
So what?
This is (supposed to be) a FITNESS board, who cares what is easy for "most" people.
Have you looked outside lately? "Most" people don't exercise at all, and it shows.
If someone is unwilling to work out for a measly year and a half, they shouldn't be here.
Cardio takes discipline that most boy builders lack. Lifting is pretty low will power. Hence why women find cardio bodies with a bit of muscle attractive--it speaks to positive traits, besides showing actual health. Body building slobs look like lazy, unhealthy, marshmellow muscle, losers with mental health issues. This board should be about fitness; not mental health.
10/10 girls have looks and personality and look at far more in a guy than his looks. Anyone who isolates looks like a high school kid is by definition at most 8/10 themselves.
It isn't that's about the same as men. A "top tier" man I' say cares about looks and personality in equal proportions in women. Betas and bricks prioritize looks above all else. Looking good is far easier than being an actually interesting person.
This gives me hope
I've seen massive dudes that really don't look that good, it does seem to be primarily about the abs and chest
This seriously makes me very happy. I started in July. So January 2021, I might be ready...
You were a bitch in July.
You're a bitch in August.
You'll be a bitch in September.
You'll be a bitch in October.
You'll be a bitch in November.
You'll be a bitch in December.
You'll be a bitch in January.
You'll be a bitch in February.
You'll be a bitch in March.
You'll be a bitch in April.
You'll be a bitch in May.
You'll be a bitch in June.
You'll be a bitch in July.
You'll be a bitch in August 2020.
You'll be a bitch in September 2020.
You'll be a bitch in October 2020.
You'll be a bitch in November 2020.
You'll be a bitch in December 2020.
You'll be a bitch in January 2021.
But good luck!
user that's simply outright plain rude.
This guy is peak natty
Looks like you're still a bitch in August, I think user's got the right idea.
I'm not the user who posted before.
Post face
This. Facial aesthetics are king
imagine typing all that out
>imagine typing
imagine having nothing better to do than imagining yourself typing
Basically what he's trying to say is that by February 2021 you'll be an absolute sick cunt mogging on the entire world. Keep at it bro!
>lifting to bang sluts
you were a faggot always and will always be a faggot lmao
Me too brother wgmi
you're gonna make it user. Godspeed
I want him to fuck my ass until I bleed. And I'm not even gay.
Hahahahahahaah imagine being this girl
Lanklet cope. Nobody gives a shit about your skinny physique. I used to be anorexic, with a body to crush an Ironman and nobody gave a shit about me. Gained like 50 pounds to ottermode and suddenly I'm getting lots of attention
You also need all the sluts not to form a pact together in which they all agree to pretend and act like you are inferior to literally every other man.
i used to believe that too, however, a beatiful face is everything, i am at gym for a year now and could only bang a fat boring girl, getting Jow Forums for sex is the biggest meme ever.
Pic related is me;
You also need a good frame and face.
Post body
I think kid cudi fixed his shit up though.
tooker get out
I mean shit it worked for me but I'm sorry to hear that bro.
Mega cope
cudder looks a little better nowadays
I have this physique and went to a festival last weekend. Had atleast 5 thots a day hit on me. In 3 days 5 different thots just grabbed me and made out with me without saying a word. I think I might finally be attractive.
Look at those arms, he is literally a dyel
No no no, you only know half the truth, let me show you the real world user:
>This the dumbest shit ever. Women don't care how jacked men are. 85% is face, 15% personality
Exactly, but it's probably also partially due to facial features. But yea the point is proven, one does not need to be jacked to bang sloots.
based redpill