Why do you lift Jow Forums?
I lift to be mired by cute girl.
Why do you lift Jow Forums?
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The thought of being weaker than I was yesterday repulses me
To be feared. To be so big that I don't even need to fight anymore.
>they still haven't cured againg
>we will almost certainly have to live through this as we get older
because i'm already weak inside, i don't want to be weak outside too
Nothing else to do
If theres one thing i hate, its againg.
What the fuck is againg
>What the fuck is againg
A free trial of dying.
Unironically so I feel less guilt when masturbating to the thought of myself molesting underage anime boys.
I lift to make my dad not hate me. I'm a genetic mishap so I need to make up for it.
to become a twink
I want to feel healthier and more proud of my body. Always used vidya and romantic relationships as a form of escapism to hide from the fact that I led an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle and was ashamed of my skellymode body.
For tomboys
If there's something I hate it's reddit spacing.
The only based answer
Are you a girl?
I wish to be the little boy.
Because if the weights gets heavy enough someone will love me.
One day...that will be my made it day
I don't want to be mogged by women anymore
Because when you're in church, all reps are for the lord and the gains he provides desu
>Are you a girl?
Yeah actually
>I wish to be the little boy.
Are you cute and small?
You are still weak if you are unable to defeat a man of similar weight to you in single combat
Fuck off tranny
the average man of any weight is pretty fucking weak m8, that's not much of an accomplishment
>surving a life or death situation is not an accomplishment
Have fun being dead, faggot
what the literal fuck are you even implying here? I'm pretty sure most people on Jow Forums could beat an average weight male of their own weight, let alone those of us that actually lift. It's nothing
Killing someone with your bare hands isnt easy
I actually love lifting. Been hooked since high school. Lifting is like meditating for me. Gives me peace of mind. Looking good is just a side effect.
I lift because nobody but myself will ever love me.
based and red pilled
lifting for girls is the most beta cuck shit i've ever heard
spoiler it wont work
Yes it is? People die by accident all the fucking time because everyone underestimates how weak we are. You knock someone out and if you're on a hard surface (for example outside on the streets) there's a considerable chance he will fucking die from hitting his head which is the number 1 reason you should always avoid streetfights. Because people fucking die. If he doesn't you can just curbstomp him while he's unconscious if you really want to kill someone for some reason. What's your fixation on killing someone anyway? What the fuck
My cousin used a gender swap filter on my face and I looked like a fat paki.
Same cousin pinched my cheeks when I was angry.
I came to the realization I am skinnyfat and this is why some people disrespect me. I also aim to be mentally stronger.
You're the one telling me methods for murder. Maybe YOU have the fixation
>I looked like a fat paki.
So you looked the same as normal
muscular tomboys are gross. its like wanting to screw a man with a vagina.
No user I am a spic and I'm told I'm pretty attractive
>methods for murder
He was telling you to stop overestimating yourself because humans are pathetically weak and dying happens way faster than you think but that went over your head I guess.
I mean just look at a gorilla or bear, you ain´t worth shit compared to that.
>inb4 jamie pull up that picture
Objectively speaking that the's ideal woman.
ok but this woman gave her baby complications because of her addiction to looking like a weird shemale bodybuilder. Females aren't supposed to build up excessive muscle.
muscular chicks are fucking based, fag. Its only gross if they over do it.
You're using an image of an obvious libtard with half her head shaved and a choker while doing yoga as an example of "based".
Are you retarded? Would you genuinely breed with that?
Men should be hard. Women should be soft. You're attracted to butch, hard women because you're closeted homosexuals.
Having children is fucking cucked anyway.
>tfw openly bi
>like soft or hard women and andro men
What part is closeted?
>"""""""bisexual""""""" male
You're a homosexual.
because kanye motivates me every day
Tell that to my dick when I see hot women.
holy based user never change
>being so addicted to internet likes you take anavar while pregnant
Homosexuality is the symptom of the oversexed mind. You allow your sexual impulses to dominate you, therefore you stick it in every warm hole that'll pump semen out of your penis. Every homosexual is really a """"'bisexual.""''' Some pretend to be disgusted by women to fit in with the ideological cult. Others, like yourself, label thenslesves as "bisexuals" in a desperate attempt to stand out of the fold. But they're both the same breed.
tl;dr - you're a cumbrain.
I want to look like an antique statue, or a heroic fantasy character.
I want normies to react to my self like antique greeks thought of spartans - a cut above them due to my disciplined mind and body.
I don't think you have ever snapped a woman's neck, pathethic.
in chronological order
for grills
for strength
for strength and to look unnatty as a natty
being asked constantly what cycle i am on wasnt as fun as i thought it would be.
this and i also want to look like a shonen protagonist
>desperate attempt to stand out
No. It's just so people know what I like, I don't care about the label. When gay means bi I'll say I'm gay, until then for all intents and purposes I'm bi in the eyes of all other than you. Nice goalposts though.
>bring politics up
fuck off you braindead retard. Libtard or not I would fuck her into oblivion.
By your logic we should fuck fatass because they are the softest beings out there.
obviously landwhales are disgusting but women should still have a layer of fat to keep themselves soft. Hard women might as well be men.
why does every /fitizen want to fuck boys
we love you
Yeah those are two serious apex predators. But humans are suprisingly resilient. We can have all our limbs cut off, be set on fire, and fucking live.
Thats insane.
>that image.
Why do I feel like I’ve seem this before?
based and fertility-pilled.
You guys think he's still alive?
If not, RIP user.
It’s only weird if they’re crazy ripped and obviously on gear. Some muscle looks good, and compared to a dude they’re still slim and soft.
Based and Yepilled
I see you are a man of culture also
For this little cutie! [spoiler]Also, so I can pick up heavy stuff when I need to[/spoiler]
y-you too
And this is a problem because?
> excessive muscle
Fucking DYELs
Who the fuck slaps someone's shoulders, wtf?
I don’t want that live disease alkies get.
I don’t want diabetes.
I don’t want to die of a heart attack.
I don’t want to keep buying bigger shirts.
I don’t want to keep buying bigger pants.
I don’t want to have to wear two dive belts full of weights to stay underwater.
To be fair that pizza looks really fucking good and she's blazed as shit
To prepare for the war. Also, if I don't die from violence or accident, I want to be independent and active in my senior years.
Shit taste
>because of her addiction to looking like a weird shemale bodybuilder.
>Females aren't supposed to build up excessive muscle.
You don’t lift though, op
post body to prove me wrong
Do you have a discord?
>I'm told
your mama doesn't count
I lift to bench the future.
>literally not one is specific to tomboys
where is this from? saucenao doesn't work on it
It's been a long time since I've seen such a small-dick post. Low energy. Sad!
Because im the main character
It's the one hobby that doesn't really need money (buying shit) or having friends (everything else) because I have neither
you sure showed me user
i can no longer accept myself being weak.
There are no waman on the internet. There are only men and gays.
Why not become fit too?
You can't anime girl smug your way out of this one homie
I lift for the coming European race war.
excuse me user could you please capitalize your proper nouns? thx and god bless
Reminder: Finland > Sweden
>this is why some people disrespect me
Fat and even skinny fat people are treated like fucking scum in society. People don't even make fucking eye contact and literally treat you like filth.