how do people with a 8 hour work day, 5 days a week with a job they hate not kill themselves?
honestly? i had to quit after a year because i was legitimately going to kill myself if I didnt.
how do people with a 8 hour work day, 5 days a week with a job they hate not kill themselves?
honestly? i had to quit after a year because i was legitimately going to kill myself if I didnt.
They do drugs and party on their days off.
They slack off all day and chit chat with their coworkers
And a lot of casual sex/distraction
Here's a secret that almost no one admits:
Most jobs are fluff. They do nothing whatsoever. Especially gov't jobs and HRM in companies. These people go to work to socialize. They actually work less than 5 hours/week.
You are probably in a high-stress wagecuck occupation.
When it I had a girlfriend it was almost bearable. Worked six days in fact, and I was treated like shit.
So whenever some dumb roastie tells you that a relationship won't solve your problems shes a fucking liar. They wouldn't spend so much time maintaining orbiters and keep themselves attractive if it wasn't. At that women basically just want sex and to have someone buy them shit.
But men do need companionship. It's not a meme, it's not some incel bullshit. Its just fucking true and anyone who says otherwise is some fucking evil kike that enjoys watching you suffer
>how do people with a 8 hour work day, 5 days a week
By saying
>"Maaaaaaaan it must suck to to work 8 hours 6 days a week"
I don't know. I think you should consider, though, that not everyone hates their job. I don't hate mine. It is possible to get a job doing something that you find interesting.
And the rage inducing part is that the fluff jobs pay more than actually important jobs. Some office fuck who answers 2 emails per day makes twice as much as a garbage man.
Holy fucking shit I have no fucking idea. idk.
It's capitalism bro, but it's ok since the garbage man could in theory be a CEO.
I'm a NEET but i worked service desk before I quit.
shit was stressful and I hated everything about it.
I had a GF for the first 6 months of the job and I was relatively happy outside of it. I always thought it was worth it.
So I agree with you.
I feel the same way. What do you do now?
You contemplate killing yourself for years but never do it.
You start seeing opportunities for suicide everywhere.
See a window?
>Just jump out of that window, why not?
You take the train to work?
>Just step from the platform. Do it.
See a rope?
>Tie a noose. Stop wasting time. It's for the best.
At some point you just do it and then it's finally over.
Too tired to go through with it. Swing shift blows.
>8 hour work day, 5 days a week with a job they hate not kill themselves?
tfw 8 hours 6 days a week with normals annoying co-workers, jew dipshit boss and his wife, annoying managers.
once a co-worker saw my hand all fucked up with tons of bruises and she asked me what happened. the only thing i said was, WALL happened.
she probably told this to everyone, my co-workers used to ask me for favors and this is less frequent now. kek
>5 days a week
Would be nice, i have to work 12 days before getting a weekend off
Glad its only summer work tbqfh
After having dropped out of college this is what awaits me very soon. I don't want this shit
Same reason you don't kill yourself. Fear and a low level of self worth and expectation that maybe some day things will get better.
I only work one day a week and it's already too much. I hate work so goddamn much.
I got pity thrown out of my last full time job for being visibly depressed. Fuck me I actually tried to hold this one but the boss unironically suspected me of trying to kms during a break. It seems like I'm even visibly not cut out for work