Rank the boards from comfiest to least comfiest

Rank the boards from comfiest to least comfiest

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/mu/ is probably the least comfy imo. There's a shit ton of elitism and you're judged harshly if you like the wrong things

/c/ is the /c/omfiest board

least comfiest - everything else but /x/, Jow Forums, and /v/ in particular

/s4s/ is 100x comfier than any other board. i dont know what comes after that, i guess Jow Forums is pretty comfy

Personal experience:

Least comfy:
/a/ if you're an outsider/new who makes it apparent
Jow Forums
/v/ and Jow Forums on a bad day

/v/ and Jow Forums on a good day
/trash/ if you stay in the niche porn threads

I'd say /a/ is pretty comfy 90% of the time. Its easy to find a nice little group to fall into where you can discuss shows you like and you'll usually drown out the haters

Comfiest? Probably /out/

Worst? /r9gay/ and Jow Forums

comfiest vg

least comfy /lit/

/tv/ and /sp/ are pretty comfy if you don't take anything seriously

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums during a happening
>everything else

tfw /wg/ easily the comfiest board its not even close

/out/ is by far the comfiest board. there is no contest whatsoever. runner ups would be /an/

From those I visited from most to least comfy
/ic/=/x/>/an/=/diy/=/out/>>Jow Forums>/co/>>>=Jow Forums>Jow Forums

When can we get a dedicated comfy board? I just want to talk to anons about random nice things and feels. I'm tired of all the women obsession, depression, and negativity.

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Jow Forums is pretty comfy as an internet zoo

>implying Jow Forums isnt comfy

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It can be but all the negativity, agenda forcing and name-calling makes it uncomfy. Happening threads are the only good part

and /fa/


/tv/ produces some of the funniest shit on this site. just dont expect actual in depth discussion

kpg is cancer filled with blackpink autists

you misspelled twiceshitters

/co/, /sci/, /fa/, /ck/ and /tv/ are very comfy
Jow Forums is a fucking asylum and I don't know why I still come here when I know 99% of you are thick zoomers and transexuals
Jow Forums is both my favourite and least favourite board

/an/ is definitely the comfiest board on this site

Comfiest - tv, CK, his, sp

Semi comfy - fit, n, p, r9k, toy

Not very comfy - g

qexcellent quads

>Jow Forums
>/x/ sometimes
>Jow Forums once in a blue moon
In regards to that last one, where did all the comfy threads go? Seems like the whole board is just bait now.
Anyways, least comfy:
>Jow Forums
>/v/ a lot of the time
>Jow Forums in its current state