What kind of food should I be bulking with...

What kind of food should I be bulking with? Since the point is just to gain weight would eating like 4 big Macs a day be okay? Cause eating that much food all from the grocery store can 1) be fucking expensive and 2) gets tiring to cook that fucking much.

Please enlighten me

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Where do you live?
A pound of ground beef, some premade veggies, pasta/rice and some sauce is cheaper, healthier and contains more calories than four big macs buddy.
It literally takes 15 minutes to cook.

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How is 4 big macs cheaper than buying groceriers?

How much of this do I need over a week to be able to effectively bulk?
Ok maybe not cheaper but it's simple af

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If i had the money i would never cook, apart from maybe breakfast since finding good breakfast on the go is hard. There are so many food options these days, you don't have to eat something as low tier as mcdonds

I hate these "just cook" people. Do you shitwits not realize that people not cooking is the majority of why all restaurants/fast food/frozen foods even exist? A LOT of people don't cook, no it's not rocket science- it's like growing your own weed. Sure anyone can do it, it is just a plant, but if you want the best then there's going to be some inevitable complications.

Just eat 2 mcdoubles 4x/day

That's 180g protein, not too many carbs, a little too much fat, but at least you'll be able to hit your calories

It's not very hard to cook $5-15 restaurant food at home and most the time make it taste better, honestly anyone could do it if you know how to follow a basic recipe and use a pan. That being said I'm all for eating out, out of laziness. It's your life do what you want.

Not OP but what if I (6'-137lb skinnyflabby) just straight up ate a fucking cake every now and then?

>64g of sat fats
Please dont do this bro you'll fuck up your health

Do it pussy

>It only takes a few weeks to grow your own weed. Most of the time it's better than street weed anyway. All you have to do is follow instructions and mix some nutrients.
Yeah you can get your spices wrong, you can fuck up and get bad ingredients, you could accidentally get a shitty recipe. It's not 100% dumbass-proof, famsalad.

Ok cool
Lol fuck you, well poisoner.

drink your calories
>1 cup rolled oats
>1 scoop proton powder
>1 serving peanut butter
>1 cup frozen blueberries
>almond milk to w/e consistency you want
700 cal 45gram protein ez

eggs, milk, rice, oats, fruit

Damn this sounds pretty good. Maybe 2 per day? Morning and night?

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Imagine being this inept lmfao

1) dirty bulking (eating literal shit food for the sake of calories) is a meme, don't do it.
2) buying groceries and cooking at home is 100% cheaper than eating out, without exception.
3) learn how to cook nigga

How would any of this realistically happen? Get your spices wrong? Just measure them out, dude. Get bad ingredients? Do you go to the grocery store and accidentally buy expired food? Bad recipes? Who cares, just try stuff and see what sticks.

I know how to cook but I think depression keeps me from getting off my ass some weeks

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ya go for it, little high on carbs but you'll gain weight

Nice trips. But these digits won't cure your depression.

You know what just might though? NOT eating fast food like a mongoloid and actually experiencing the satisfaction of producing food, then enjoying said food because you made it to your taste, and enjoying the feeling of eating actual healthy food rather than grease and saturated fats.

Getting used to cooking is the same as developing any other habit. Just force yourself to do it for a month and it'll become second nature over time.

How do you grow up not knowing how to cook some basic meals?
Your parents failed you

You're right, the weeks I do cook healthy I feel fucking great. Just some weeks are worse than others, usually starts out as not having enough time to cook then just spirals from there

How do you grow up not knowing how to scroll down and read the rest of the thread? Your mother failed you and your dad probably fucked you

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>t. manchild

Have you never cooked a meal?

Where to acquire proton powder?

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>Who cares if it tastes bad? Just eat raw ingredients
Lil buddy I've got the money to spend on food. Time and patience? Shits thin bo. I like to do things right and do them right the first time.
Sure. Have I straight up shot my own deer, skinned it, cleaned it, gutted it, cut it up, and then cooked it with a dish? Not really.

Let me lay something down for you fellas right now, where I come from, the women do the cooking. I could kill every fucking raccoon, squirrel, deer, fox, wildcat, etc in a 1 mile radius right now. Could I cook it up and eat it by myself? Nope, I was raised to say cooking is woman's work.

Regardless, I'm not knocking cooking at all or else I wouldn't even be here. I just wasn't hardwired in the kitchen I was raised outside. I want to learn and this isn't the place to shit on people who don't know things. You have to start somewhere. Even if that is damn sandwiches.

Ralph? Dont you have some reviews to be working on? Anyways read the sticky icky

>>Who cares if it tastes bad? Just eat raw ingredients
lmfao dude what the fuck kind of recipe book are you reading from that could literally give you food poisoning? Any recipe you find from a semi reputable website on the internet will be safe to eat, just potentially bad-tasting. And if it tastes bad, you change it or just don't try it again. Are you retarded?

To bulk literally just add like 500 calories to your diet by eating more carbs or eating fattier cuts of meat. Dont eat a bunch of fucking junk.

Prep meals anytime you have free time and freeze them, I always have a few meals in the fridge and like 10 in the freezer. Anytime I eat or take a meal to work, I take 1 out of the freezer and put it in the fridge. Never have a time where I wont have a healthy meal. Takes less time to cook 10-15 meals at once than over the course of a week. I always count my cals for meals so that I have enough left to throw on some ranch or sauce if they're tasting dull when I reheat them

Lol white cuck, women are supposed to cook, not men. Every women in my life cooks and feeds me what ever I want

Imagine having to rely on women for food. This isn't 400AD, you don't have to sit and babysit the food for hours anymore.

>ITT: Either you know everything and need no help ever
>Or you should /self
>There is no "learning"

Not every recipe tastes good, some of them have variations. user you're not really that ignorant are you

Are you an actual retard? You don't know how to cook yourself a meal as a adult an you're proud of that?

I used to do meal prep using the Chipotle sofritas bowl recipe. Did everything exactly right but it still tasted shitty, didn't keep well, and I ended up losing money compared to if I just went to Chipotle and didn't tip. Things can absolutely go wrong. It's not impossible. People die taking shits every day.

That would be an assumption little buddy pal. Do you have a little teeny tiny penis? You seem very angry for no reason.

>Not every recipe tastes good
Yeah, I know that, can you read dude? My point was that even a shit recipe will be edible, nobody's gonna tell you to stick raw poultry into a pile of baby arugula and wolf it down. I don't see why you even mentioned eating raw ingredients.

This is true. The only true reason men want a gf I'd so the don't have to cook for themselves

Yikes... See now we're going in a circle, we're back to "but if taste doesn't matter then why even try, why not just eat straight bean paste". user I've been working the whole time this thread has been open, I am now sitting down eating dinner. I hope you're okay I don't know if you've been in an accident or something but I'm not trying to hurt you. Hope you get to feeling better.

Jesus your ability to follow the flow of a basic human conversation is as underdeveloped as your ability to cook food. Enjoy your dinner nigga.

The key is to tip yourself.

I understand that you're trying to instigate on the Fitness and Health board. Maybe you should try /b/, I'm here to make my life better by doing positive things, one of those being avoiding engaging someone as negative as you because I just can't help you. There's nothing I can do for you. Seriously I hope you get to feeling better.

>I'm here to make my life better by doing positive things
Like what

Haha right, personally it works better for me, again, personally, me, just to go out, buy a large meal, cut it into portions. I save money, a lot of time and general effort that way, i apologize if that offends you, jeez.

user, please, now you're asking me to talk about something completely unrelated to the thread. Please get help. We dont know each other, I didn't call out your name, I didn't reach through the screen and punch you. Please get help, the world can be a really nice place if you let it be.

If doing positive things is unrelated to this thread, then apparently you aren't here to do positive things, because this thread is here, on Jow Forums, which you are posting on but apparently not posting about positive things. Whatcha have to say about that bud?

Since you must know, I came to Jow Forums to get help with exercising, this thread is about food. If you want to break the rules and post off topic go right ahead dude but I gotta start ignoring you dude, got shit to do. Maybe take a break from Jow Forums for a while dude... Just a mild suggestion.

Well, friend, I asked you to tell me what you came to Jow Forums for which is supposedly helpful and positive, but when asked what you're doing in THIS thread, you told me I was bringing up something unrelated, which tells me you did not come into this thread with the intention of being helpful or positive. Is this true? Don't run from reality.

Oh did you ask what I was doing in this thread? Didn't see that. I'm here for the same reason as OP. I didn't ask you to talk at me though. Really did I accidentally type your name somewhere? I promise I don't know you little buddy

We don't have names here, this is an anonymous imageboard. I just thought I would correct you on that small detail so you can avoid any possible gaffes in the future.

Just eat and hit the protein. People telling you they "clean bulk" are narcissistic faggot DYELs.

If you need to drink a gallon of milk to hit your goals just do it. If you need to eat a dozen eggs a day or eat 1.5lb of fatty ground beef, just do it. It's way easier than trying to eat a little of 12 different meals every day, especially if you don't larp that you are some high quality chef because you can overcook chicken in the oven and throw lentils on it.

>People telling you they "clean bulk" are trying to save you from dying in your 40s as a result of clogged arteries.

You sound like the type of guy who thinks restaurant food is just adding butter to everything.

google "(insert food) calories" retard. and read the sticky

i gained 15kg in a year eating whatever the fuck i wanted, and my waist only went from 86 to 90 and my upper body is more vascular than ever.

I love you.

How many Ensure do I need to chug before a workout to get fuggin ripped as shit?

An-user... I'm... I'm pretty sure th-that's what the cardio is for....

tell me now if you believe it when your fatass coworker says "I'm pretty sure I just walk off the three McChickens I eat every day for lunch, I live like 30 minutes away bro"

If they ate less of them and walked further, absolutely, that used to be me! I ate WHATEVER I WANTED. I'm talking ice cream dinners three days in a row once. No car though. Walking fucking everywhere kept me anorexic, however I was weak af. But skinny nonetheless.