What kind of food should I be bulking with...

What kind of food should I be bulking with? Since the point is just to gain weight would eating like 4 big Macs a day be okay? Cause eating that much food all from the grocery store can 1) be fucking expensive and 2) gets tiring to cook that fucking much.

Please enlighten me

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Where do you live?
A pound of ground beef, some premade veggies, pasta/rice and some sauce is cheaper, healthier and contains more calories than four big macs buddy.
It literally takes 15 minutes to cook.

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How is 4 big macs cheaper than buying groceriers?

How much of this do I need over a week to be able to effectively bulk?
Ok maybe not cheaper but it's simple af

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If i had the money i would never cook, apart from maybe breakfast since finding good breakfast on the go is hard. There are so many food options these days, you don't have to eat something as low tier as mcdonds

I hate these "just cook" people. Do you shitwits not realize that people not cooking is the majority of why all restaurants/fast food/frozen foods even exist? A LOT of people don't cook, no it's not rocket science- it's like growing your own weed. Sure anyone can do it, it is just a plant, but if you want the best then there's going to be some inevitable complications.

Just eat 2 mcdoubles 4x/day

That's 180g protein, not too many carbs, a little too much fat, but at least you'll be able to hit your calories

It's not very hard to cook $5-15 restaurant food at home and most the time make it taste better, honestly anyone could do it if you know how to follow a basic recipe and use a pan. That being said I'm all for eating out, out of laziness. It's your life do what you want.

Not OP but what if I (6'-137lb skinnyflabby) just straight up ate a fucking cake every now and then?

>64g of sat fats
Please dont do this bro you'll fuck up your health