The more things change, the more they stay the same. Thoughts on pic?

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Thoughts on pic?

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Sugar rtc TNT c4

Can't wait until the EU enables holocaust 2.0 desu

It's already enabled, just targets whites instead of jews.

Then the op pic is inaccurate and misleading desu

What's inaccurate or misleading about it. It's just two pictures spliced together. The viewer finds his own meaning in it.

What is comparable about the Nazis and the EU if they aren't killing Jews?

Also, you can just leave the EU. The Reich was compulsory.

Hey, go back to Jow Forums you faggot.

[thing I don't like] is LITERALLY HITLER
Oh grow up.

A superstate with one country seeking hegemonic power over an entire continent and the loss of self-determination. It's an empire. The Fourth Reich, or the EUSSR.

Yeah, because Brexit is going smoothly. History is repeating itself. Britain once again stands in defiance to Germany.

If you can't see the similarities, I feel sorry for you. You truly are a man of your times, unable to think laterally about past, present and future. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Call me when Brussels starts gassing Jews or creating famines you utter dolt.

Feel sorry for yu, man. Always trying to be right.

The domineering power of the EU is France in a few years and the Netherlands right now stands on face level with Germany.
Brexit is not going forward because the brit government is retarded. If they were all on one side they would've already been out.

Remember, segregation, eugenics, bigotry and violence are okay as long as you do them for the RIGHT reasons!

Attached: generic.png (1235x1559, 374K)

The EU is still not gassing Jews retard.
>muh brexiddd :ddd

I should've known the thread must have been created by some norf nigga bong

fuck australia

>If you can't see the similarities, I feel sorry for you.
>democratic voluntary Union of memberstates
>fascist genocidal dictatorship forcefully annexing countries
Golly gee.
You seem to believe you're much smarter than you actually are.

This. It's not the German government that keeps pushing Brexit back, it's brits who realize their country is in deep shit without free trade and free travel.

So who is the EU segregating and in what camps is it practicing eugenics? Who's the EU's Mengele and where is its Treblinka?

Literally nothing beyond the fact that the EU will eventually fall and get replaced by something else with some other fancy title. It's never a question of if, only when.

Digits of truth.
The bongs are holding themselves back with their parties and their autism. The only thing that Germany (and Brussels in general) does is that they neglect the Brexit deals that would fuck them over themselves, they've become too dependent on the euro.
Also people pretend like that the EU forces you to abandon sovereign culture, it's pretty much just an alliance with the only compromises being of economic nature. And even those can be neglected. But I've heard of the punishment and fuckery system and I'd look into it if posted.

It's not likely to fall. But it will evolve after some crises.

It won't work because the human nature is not capable of remaining peaceful. Bands break up, friends separate and international allies break down sooner or later, all because we just can't be peaceful, cooperative or work towards the greater good (which is subjective in itself). Egoism always wins

please do not talk about the politics of a small irrelevant country in the center of Europe you clearly do not know anything about.

The Nazi thing and the EU thing are only similar on the surface level. The photo on the left was shortly after Austria was annexed into Hitler's Germany, shortly after that Austria ceased existing, including the flag, insignia and names. This was done to ensure an independent Austrian identity could not form in the annexed country. In general the annexation was a very interesting story, featuring things nobody outside Austria has probably ever even heard of, such as the Austrian hyper-conservative christian dictator, Engelbert Dolfuss. And a large scale civil war that happened because the political parties in the country had their own private military forces.
Dolfuss opposed the annexation and so the Nazis attempting a coup in Austria assassinated him. His successor Schuschnigg didn't do so well either.

And herein lies the major problem with the comparison of the EU with Nazi Germany as far as Austria is concerned.
There was no reason to join Nazi Germany, Austria was doing mostly okay after everything settled down, there was no benefit to joining the Nazis and they very much were pressured into it with threats of violence. Hitler himself said (paraphrased in English) "I will solve the Austria question, one way or another", the implication being "either you fucks join us willingly, or we'll invade".

The EU wasn't really like that. There are clear incentives to be part of the EU, and Austria can leverage their geographic location and infrastructure to some degree.

And more importantly, even as part of the EU Austria can retain the politically neutral position and this was addressed when Austria joined as well, something that was certainly not possible with Nazi Germany.

Please do not talk about things you do not understand, things that require a lot of complex and arguably esoteric historic knowledge to understand.

One dictatorship of the bourgeois vs another dictatorship of the bourgeois

All nations with a functioning democratic government are a dictatorship of the bourgeois