>broad shoulders
>wide hips
>narrow shoulders
>9 inch dick
>140 IQ
>amazing frame
>perfect genetics and muscle insertions
>10/10 face
Choose your character wisely, your journey is long and hard
>broad shoulders
>wide hips
>narrow shoulders
>9 inch dick
>140 IQ
>amazing frame
>perfect genetics and muscle insertions
>10/10 face
Choose your character wisely, your journey is long and hard
Other urls found in this thread:
I think I'd take B, all I'd have to do is show any woman my dick and we'd guaranteed hookup, and you're also very intelligent enough to do well financially. You're only slightly below average height which isn't terrible, and your giant dick compensates for your lackluster shoulders.
t. 6', 120 IQ, 6"x5" dick, slightly above average frame/insertions/face.
B. 5'10 Isn't really that bad plus with lifts I can fraud up to 6'0, 140 IQ is going to be amazing. The narrow shoulders can be counterracted by lifting and putting on mass
>very intelligent enough to do well financially
I really have to start proof reading.
>5'10 is slightly below average height
yeah in the Netherlands
Even in America, the average male height is 5'10"-5'11", and that includes all the midget chinks and taco pseudo humans. I like to use 6' as an "average" height, because that's what northern europeans are, and most of us on here are white. My biggest failure in life is not having more Finnish DNA, the most based ethnicity.
t. 25% Finn, 25% German, 50% unknown white mutt DNA.
I'd unironically go with C, you could easily get up to 5'7" with shoes which isn't that short in burgerland and you could easily pass for 5'9" because literally 90% of guys lie about their height
Plus it doesnt matter how stupid you are if you're 10/10 because everyone is biased in your favour and you'd probably get a free pass in any education you did
All this on top of perfect frame and genetics and you're set for life
the average height of northern europeans is not 6'
yeah, it's higher
>Denmark: 5'11"
>Sweden: 5'11.5"
>Finalnd: 5'11"
>Norway: 5'10.5"
>Iceland: 5'11.5"
Most of these numbers were around a decade old, and considering humans are continuing to get taller due to better nutrition, it's safe to add another .5 inches.