Mental Gains

When did you guys outgrow organized superstition?

I personally was right around 7 or 8 when I stopped believing in santa, I don¨t think I ever believed in any of the gods. Anyway it really helped me get a perspective on life and learn to think for myself.

Anyone have any stories?

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not fitness

Holy moly, did they move the health board?

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You can frame it however you like but this is politics and philosophy albeit infantile at that

You could say it is mental fitness related.

Frame it? It is by defenition superstition. Superstiton and politics do not mix. Philosophy maybe, but it is definitely related to mental health. Whether you like it or not.

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post body

Disprove God pls

Protip: you can't. There's more evidence for a deity than there isn't, at least philosophically speaking.

>he doesn't do offerings to Tyr

for religion, it was probably around 11 or 12. I always hated going to church, but around that time, I just said that I wasn't going anymore. Folks tried to force me, but then I just started pointing out the ridiculousness of the contradictions and hypocrisy, and why didn't the preacher talk about cool stuff that's in the Bible, like reincarnation, etc. Asking questions about stuff that's actually IN the Bible was basically heresy in our church, so I was then exempted from going. After that I went through a childish phase of agnosticism where I just repeated the meme that "maybe there is a superpower in the sky, but it isn't a bearded white dude". Then I matured enough in intellect and character to fully commit to atheism, probably mid-20s. I've raised my boy to be objective and rational. He's 6 and he was raised knowing that there is no Santa, toothfairy, Jesus, Easter Bunny, etc. My hope is that he grows up to be a critical thinker and to trust his parents.


But like 99% of humanity you are too weak to set your own value system and keep to it, nihilism will crush you.

LOL Not how the burden of proof works.
Also, disprove Vishnu please. I bet you can't. Therefore Hinduism is true and you're going to be reincarnated as an even bigger idiot.

no, I have values. I currently live according to libertarian, objectivist principles. And I'm studying philosophy to round out my knowledge

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed by lack of. There are thousands of dietys, claiming the one invented in the bronze-age is the "real" one is just as silly as the rest.

Wow, it is crazy how they tried to force it upon you. Where I grew up parents could not really force us, because of the UNs child convention. Very cool, i have myself worked in camps for asylum-seekers and I have now worked in a school for 5 years. Children need to be able to ask questions and think for themselves.

Superstition and politics are very intertwined. As I said you can try to frame it as you like, but others won't accept that frame.

Sadly in some countries they are. But it is a private matter. Freedom of religion is first of all; freedom from religion. What restrictions you put on your own life, based on what superstition you are convinced of, does not concern the rest of the population. If I made political choice based on my belief in scientology, I should never be allowed in politics again.

Get your ideology away from my fitness board. I don't care for agenda, agree or disagree doesn't matter

This is a thread about outgrowing superstition and how the real world works. Many people today are trapped under their parents sick rule and are struggling to break free. This is very much a health thing. Mental health is a part of fitness. If you can not handle it, you can leave. You are of course welcome to stay and get educated.

No, all of them.

Found the Merchant.

Theres literally nothing better you can do for yourself

" I was smarter than Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas at age 8"

Fucking die.


>Where I grew up parents could not really force us, because of the UNs child convention.
We could pick for ourselves. I did not believe in it then. It really gave me meaning later in life, but at that time it gave me the opportunity to question and think for myself.

Did someone get offended?

I don't understand these people who are chest pounding fanatics about not believing religion. Are their brains stuck in zealot-mode... did their parents rape them dressed as Jesus or something?

Why care so much? Religion was just a form to promote good behavior and laws before the world became so sophisticated. It's alchemy before chemistry, philosophy before science... it's not so much evil as outdated.

I think they have a need to fight against this extreme bigotry because they have seen what damage it does to ones health, especially in children. Imagine the gains they are missing. Not only that, the hate against homosexuals is almost exclusively from the superstitious bigots. The genital mutilation society is almost entirely superstitious. I think the reason is that people are "chest pounding fanatics about not believeving in organized superstition" is because they fight for a better world for everyone, where gains can be had on sunday. Where children are taught to ask questions and learing about the world and how it works, ulimately leading them to workout in order to take care of themselves and other, because they do not need superstition for that. It is called humanity, and it predates religion. It is very much evil and one of the main culprits of gains in this world. Some of the worlds best athletes are religious, the people who on average live the longest are religious, less depression etc. many of these things are because of the communit religion provides. And of course it can bring people a sense of meaning or whatever. But it does not make it true. And people are suffering all over the globe because of it. I WISH FOR THE GAINS OF EVERYONE.

Bro, you know that Santa I'd actually just a western-commercialized distortion of the image of Wōden right? If anything, Santa I'd the only vestige of the true God left in modern Western culture.

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Is* sorry for the phoneposting. I'm taking a long and strenuous egg-shit.

if you want to save the planet, ban science. What destroys the enviornment more:
- a church
- a factory

i outgrew it when i was 13 or so. grew back into it when i was ~26 when i realized i how stupid and arrogant i was

>Being this much of a reet
Were past the point at which a primitivism revolution can fix anything and the momentum of the modern economy is too powerful to stop. Science is the only thing that can save us now. All the scientists are working together to try to fix this problem. You have to get behind the scientists. Most of us do t want to accept funding from the oil Barron's anymore either. All the talented scientists are working on looking for solutions.

Let me tell you something. Classical atheism is for people who want to feel smarter than the rest, while not actually being smarter than the rest. I used to be one of those militant atheists, but I kept thinking, and now I'm further in my line of thinking than I used to be, and further than you currently are. I haven't found to any of the traditional religions, but I now believe in a god or god-being. Maybe it's multiple beings, I don't know. But think about this. Dogs don't understand computers. They can't and they never will, because they're not advanced enough. Imagine yourself as a dog. You get up in the morning, eat, bark, sleep, piss, eat, and sleep again. This is what life is for you, you don't know there's more than that. Dogs don't know about the school or financial system, dogs don't know you have to go to work, they don't know why their owners go away in the morning and come back later, they don't know about politics and how it could affect them. Dogs don't know there's this whole system, this whole order of things, that we humans call every day life, above them. They can't understand it, they can't grasp it, they can't imagine it. We're the dogs to whatever comes above us.

Wait, are you actually defending faggots? Fuck off nigger. Go to plebbit's Atheism+ subplebbit, and get the fuck off of here. Intolerance is the only cool thing about religious fairytales.

Zizek explains this perfectly: the distance between men and God is so great, that even God (as a man, Jesus) at one point became an atheist.