>you can't get big on calist-
You can't get big on calist-
Anyone who unironically says that is such a fucking memer it’s not even funny.
lifters btfo
being able to do hundreds if not 1000 reps with your favorite calisthenic is more impressive than lifting a heavy object 8x3
you can't
enjoy your no-progress believing roided people on youtube
thats like your opinion man
Okay twink
Shit anyone roiding can get big on calisthenics
you cant even do 100 pushups straight
88 burpees while you got your cell phone hooped GO!
youll cowards dont even lift 315x5
eat clen tren hard anavar give up!
>1000 reps
gay shit, try doing 1000 strict muscle ups or 1 arm pushups. no one is impressed by 1000 standard pushups.
>try do
stopped reading right, bet u cant do a thousand pushups in a day
He's roiding you fucking idiot.
And you can't get big on calisthenics.
Can someone make this thread useful by posting about how to make effective gains using calisthenetics? I've been looking around to find a routine and all I've got is reddit bodyweight with antranik progressions, which aren't bad, but is that actually the best?
if hes roiding, why dont i see gyno?
because you dont get get gyno on roids if you do it right
Why cant I do both lifting and calisthenics you faggots?
>roiding without getting gyno
>in prison
are you retarded?
hes not roiding look at his shoulders
No but you are. I'll never not think it funny when somebody outs themselves as a brainlet. In your case, you know nothing about roids or prison life but insist on arguing the topic. Keep it up, nigger, I'm sure you'll go far in life.
You can and that's the best option. Mixing weight training with body weight training is God tier.
How tall is Wes?
100x100 burpees
There's a pic of him and his dad on instagram and apparently his dad is 6'5". So just going odd the picture I imagine 6'3"ish.
Calisthenics are way better than weightlifting lol. There's no limit to how big you can get and your physique will usually be more symmetric and aesthetically pleasing
How do you honesty combine the two in programs? Just add cals in with lifting routine?
Looks like hes in the gym in prison, thats where its really crazy so many ppl packed in small space -source did 10 yrs
and roids.
I love how people don't realize you can sneak dbol into prison.
you make any routine "the best" by doing it long term and ajusting it according to your specific goals in mind. so go do that
He mentions the gym in at least one of his vids.
hoop that shit
look who's talking
Pick only two
I was born to be Wes prison fleshlight
Its where youll show paperwork to the homies, its where temporary housing is till they find you a better less crowded spot, also not sure if he talks about showers but your ppl will have own showers or shower time in gym, dont use the other ppl showers or you're gonna get fucked up. But he mostly speaks for whites and some of his stuff seems to be a lil wrong
I love bodyweight exercises, but nothing will ever impress me as much as eddie halls 500 kg deadlift
>no one is impressed by 1000 standard pushups
You know how to do a proper pushup, right user?
t. cope
Aight, we goin out to the yard, 88 burpees with my homeboys, and you STAY IN THE MUTHAFUCKIN FLOW OF TRAFFIC, YOU WANNA BE GREENLIGHTED MUTHAFUCKER? that's what i thought, now hoop this cellphone and wait til that prison riot kicks off, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK GANGSTER THAT SHIT!!!! SUPREME. WHITE. POWER.
I don't understand this meme, shouldn't it be
Pick three but leave one unless you're on steroids then just a choice of three without limit
Who the fucks got the keys in this thread? I got my shit hooped and ready to put in work for my people
>missing the point
It's already good the way I posted it
>TLDR: You can only get big with calisthenics if you're on steroids
This thread is retarded. He literally has gym videos inserted into his self help channel vids. He’s literally signed to Blackstone Labs. Do you faggot Wes posters even follow him?
He wasn't roiding in prison you stupid fucks, he looked nothing like he does now when he was in prison. He was under 200lbs then, now he's 250 and shredded at 6'1''.
Is that the guy called scoobert?