Why aren’t you aiming for what has proven to be the best male body for alphas? If pic related isn’t your goal...

Why aren’t you aiming for what has proven to be the best male body for alphas? If pic related isn’t your goal, you are simply uneducated

Attached: 5A9B0082-6E4F-4C15-8E66-F09146C6BDB0.jpg (1167x1842, 388K)

Other urls found in this thread:


but fedor is literally a can

He's "literally" a pro wrestler
Reminder that the referees in japan have ear pieces
Reminder that the Yakuza has been confirmed to fix fights left and right
Reminder that Fyodor and his pride buddies couldn't string 3 wins together in the west where fights are real

The meta changes rapidly.
Now its all the lanky skinny striker bois like jon jones and stylebender thats wrecking divisions

Whittaker is better than stylebender and he’s also lanky.


Attached: tumblr_n47p0dSuiF1qz7b12o1_1280.jpg (988x1122, 259K)

This is the perfect fighting body, as it belongs to the perfect fighter

Attached: 1565828087211.jpg (821x1199, 123K)

Who is this?

>almost gets KOd by Pettis
>almost does a Chris Benoit


>having no cardio