wtf do you bros eat to keep weight on? I do a good amount of cardio and pic related is the only thing that keeps me from turning skelly. I eat autistically healthy and nothing I eat seems to fatten me up
Wtf do you bros eat to keep weight on...
Do you drink coffee? I'm skelly but I found that when I stopped drinking coffee my apetite increased by quite alot.
Its not an appetite problem really, i just dont know how to keep weight on while eating healthy
Eat a jar of peanut butter a day, down it with milk
i wouldn't recommend it, but fast food is the best way to fatten yourself
alternately, you could just eat the same but swap out cardio for anaerobic
I would fucking bet you never checked whether you meet your macros, you absolute retard attention faggot
>eating peanut butter
>eating healthy
pick one
Natural peanut butter is literally just peanuts my guy
You sound gay and mad, have sex and report back
"Natural" peanut butter still has fiber which is unnecessary at best and can damage the gut, cause constipation, IBs, crohn's at worst, it contains a lot of omega 6 fats that are nutritionally insignificant and when you consume more omega 6 than 3 biomarkers of systemic inflammation will rise causing all sorts of issues and cellular oxidation. Peanuts also contain phytic acid which strip the body of calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and have to be soaked in order to reduce the amount of phytic acid, which can't be fully eliminated. I'm curious as to whether your brand of peanuts is monocropped on nutrient deficient soil as well, making it more useless as well.
damn based and redpilled
I eat at a slight caloric surplus
You have a misunderstanding of phytic acid and what it does. Its sligthly impairs absorption of minerals from the nut itself but has no affect on the actual meals or future meals you eat. Id guess youre an “antinutrient” meme guy too
you make it yourself do you?
I didn't say it stops you from taking in minerals from future meals, I meant that as it passes through, it binds to minerals and strips your body of them as you secrete waste with said phytic acid that has bound to minerals that you had. And then of course, yes, it makes getting minerals from plant foods, specifically nuts, almost impossible.
This nigga doesn't like fiber. Enjoy your colon cancer.
I find grains like rice bread pasta etc help me pack weight on. preferably refined ones with high glycemic index
the fuck are you saying? so if I eat peanut butter regularly I'll be zinc an iron deficient?
Maybe if you eat a lot everyday without eating any meat. I don't know how much it binds to in the way through the body, though.
Lack of fiber doesn't cause colon cancer. Fiber is unnecessary to consume. Having to wipe only once is a good bonus along with lack of gut destruction when there's no intake of fiber
>I do a good amount of cardio
>I eat autistically healthy and nothing I eat seems to fatten me up
bait thread
At home:
>Go to the gym every other day, 3-4 times a week
>40g oatmeal for breakfast every morning
>300g chicken breast on workout days/200g on rest days, bowl of rice, spinach + other seasonal veggies and rarely anything else for lunch/dinner
>Subtle muscle mass growth, subtle definition unless flexing, still dyel and finding it difficult to reach sub-15% body fat
>No changes in weight
While on vacation and 4-day cruise last week:
>Inconsistent or non-existent workouts because back-to-back cruise destinations
>At most, spend an entire day doing cardio from walking/swimming
>Eat a fuck ton of sausages, pancakes, charcuterie meats, cheeses, pastries, and fruit for breakfast
>Eat a fuck ton of beef, pork, lamb, veggies, fruit, and desserts like cake, mousses, flan, pudding, etc. for lunch and dinner
>Basically not watching what I eat for several days and eating several times more than usual at the ship’s cafeteria
>Notice larger muscle mass across entire body especially shoulders and arms, slimmer waist and torso with better definition of abs and other groups
>Didn’t gain any weight despite eating uncontrollably
How the fuck does this work?
Were you drinking lots? Depending on what I drink and the timing of it, I’ll often wake up crazy lean the day after a night out. I assume from getting dehydrated