Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
Yes, we met every 2-3 weeks and fucked like rabbits.
yeah like 5 internet relationships. it took me until the fifth and final one to realize to stay far away from that shit despite how lonely and emotionally starved i am.
he ended up physicaIIy abusing me when he came back and i broke up with him, but ye
in one now. gf and i go to dif colleges and visit each other a few times during the semester and are together daily during breaks. agreed we fuck like rabbits any chance we get
same here, see him maybe once a month/month and a half and we fuck a lot
Wait that's a female on the left?
Yeah, opposite sides of the world, as anyone (but me at the time) can imagine..it didn't work out.
We never met, talked for a year and as expected she cheated on me with the motivation "I didn't love him, I just wanted to look taken until you came here".
Yeah.. I'm a retard in every sense of the word for ever believing my experience would be different then other long distances.. And that she'd ever stay loyal, I would wait forever for a partner, I've waited for so long already what is a year or two more on top of that, sadly very few if any share that way of thinking. It's always "live in the moment" way of thinking..
Legally speaking
>that's a female?
that's a female
>have you ever been a willing and knowing cuck?
No, I haven't.
My buddy is in one and I'm trying to help him out so much. She lives at least 900 miles away I plan on buying her a plane or train ticket to come see him for his birthday. It's tough trying to plan though she can't really get away from home and my friend is a little too proud to take my money. The dude deserves it though hes a good dude and I have money to spare
It's horrible to say, but hilarious that he had to specify that the girl is the one on the left.
what's he doing with his hand?
>Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
Yeah, we met up every month or so and it was nice at first but then it become increasingly obvious that she had some personality disorder like BPD and it Welt to shit.
Same since she was a 10/10 model tier redhead qt with cool personality when whatever she had wasn't fucking with her head
Fucking it is one thing but why is he lying and calling her a cutie?
We have eyes
absolutely. why do you ask?
can someone please tell me how the fuck is the dude on the left is a female
this is a looksmatch couple in 2019
you may not like, but thats because you are incel sweety
That looks 100% like a man.
Is he identifying as a woman?
He posted it on Reddit though, you can know without even checking everyone will be replying telling them they're a cute wonderful couple and telling him how happy they are for him that he's found such a beautiful woman
Internet relationships are a terrible idea. My friend is like 20 and got into one with a baby mama online, now he's a "my girlfriend's son" guy.
Just get yourself a dakimakura and tough it out. I guarantee you it'll be less emotionally draining and you might actually find someone in real life eventually.
Considering getting into one with a girl I talk to frequently online. The main thing stopping me is knowing that I would never want to live in her country. I've got enough common sense to know that a relationship with someone an entire ocean and thousands of dollars away from me would be too stressful and superficial to work out in the long term