Thoughts on my 2 week transformation?

thoughts on my 2 week transformation?

Attached: BLek.png (1370x797, 1.58M)

how hard of a cut was this, if legit? two weeks seems like not enough time

You can roid but we can all still tell you've got beta genetics by that face and those bitch boy clavicles that you are trying to out angle.

he just ate clen and trend hard :^)

What are bitch boy clavicles desu

>2 weeks

That’s more than 2 years


A bud of mine cut about 22lbs in a week to make weight for a fight.
He went freaking beast mode with cardio and sauna time.

1500ish calories a day, 6 days a week lifting, Ice bath and sauna almost every day, creatine 20g a day first week then 6g afterwards, nofap , no cheat meals, MEDITATION EVERY DAY :D

Incredibly narrow like a woman. It's very obvious in the front-on picture.