Yfw it never gets better

>yfw it never gets better

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It does, but you feel the same. Sucks.

>mfw it already is

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On the contrary, it does. Fitness is not something you should ever expect to really notice the results from. Only when you look back in the past will it seem like you have changed completly. The same will apply for your mind. You many feel like garbage today and the next day with many more to follow, but if you get out there and keep trying you will one day look back and see the difference.

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When will Billy wake up? He's been sleeping for a while now. I'm starting to get worried.

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What never gets better, exactly?

Guys, how do I stop being such a fucking loser ? I used to run for 45 minutes without stopping and now i can barely run 5 minutes. I try to empty my mind but I can't stop thinking I'm tired and I can't do it. I listen to upbeat music but I can't enjoy it. I tried self talk but I can't keep it up when I'm running. My mind won't acknowledge anything but pain.

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There's always a brighter tomorrow between a woman's legs.

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"god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can, and wisdom to know the difference"
learn it user

>tfw it improves slightly

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you have to learn to thrive in the suffering user, it does get better but sometimes it has to get a lot worse first

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run faster and harder than ever before and it will get better, I promise

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who else here thought it was getting better, then had everything fall apart right when you thought you were truly happy?
I miss her, bros

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Everything feels pointless when the day ends with me alone in my bed.

I used to be able to do anything, I wasn’t afraid to fail because I knew I had the girl I loved to come home to.

an it won't get better. and if it does it will feel the same.
embrace nihilism, take the honkpill or quit.

It's only getting better

Git gud, bitch boi

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I want to lick pussy soooo bad!!!


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I really struggle with motivation but holy fuck that helped. That lit a fire inside me man. I'm going to reread that every time I think "I can't be fucked"

Just count the steps and breathe accordingly. You need to breathe properly from the belly. Make sure you inhale longer than you exhale.

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl


By knowing that the best days are yet to come.

Had an awesome dream last night. Kept me happy during my entire waging day. But reality caught up to me and I realised it will never happen for real.

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Limiting belief
Set goals that make you afraid

I once dreamt that I was cuddling with a gf. Waking up can be so cruel...

h-haha what a weird dream