No guy ever tries talking to me
No guy ever tries talking to me
im not a guy but ill talk to you :3
I'm a guy and girls don't really talk to me either
Im a guy, no girl ever tries talking to me
I don't know why, you're so cute and smart. I'd be all over you if I saw you in real life haha
>I don't know why, you're so cute and smart. I'd be all over you if I saw you in real life haha
>Why are guys not letting me shoot them down for my personal enjoyment?!
Start talking first, or you are not really honestly interested anyway.
Problem solved.
See, it's literally that easy for you
dont be ugly. people come up to me all the time and im a decently attractive man i cant imagine being a hot woman and hw much attention they get its awful
Its the weakest virgim bait i've seen
>she waits for you to start the conversation
I'll talk to you if you're pretty and a virgin.
I hope you guys realize these posts are bait
For me the problem with other women is their beauty and my lack of confidence. Their beauty is intimidating to me, not that I like ugly girls. I just know the only way she'd like me is if I changed my personality with faux confidence and being outgoing and charming etc. I could never be myself.
The other problem is when I was younger every girl was taken. They already had boyfriends. Now they're all still taken, but they're married and starting to have children. If they're not, why the hell would they want anything to do with me? So why bother. It's over.
Fucking weakest bait ive ever seen
Yet it still works
Just kill me already
These threads are so original and funny.
Im pretty but not a virgin
Damn. Into the trash it goes.
was the guy that took your virginity a mute?
>no guy talks to me
>gets fucked by some breh
Kys OP you attention seeking whore
>No guy ever tries talking to me
Yeah I don't want to get called a creep and have threatened to have cops called on me
>retards don't get the joke
hay bb u want sum talk?
>TFW saw this cute girl hanging in the park
>Wanted to walk over to her and talk to her and see what she's like and ask her out
>Current culture looks down on talking to strangers because of fear and mistrust in others
>Woman seem to still have fantasies of being swept up off their feet and asked out in public places like parks, libraries, coffee shops, even grocery stores
>Its become so convoluted that woman are the ones that now need to initiate moves on the men to get something started
>Not realizing that maybe men on the inside really do want to whisk a woman away but rejection is to frightening
Honestly if we started changing our culture so that woman started saying yes more often to being asked out by chance encounters after men approach them and then the men actually put effort into thinking of and planning a date with the woman he is pursuing then maybe things would start to change.
How do you guys ever expect to date women? Most girls over 18 have had sex. Its a normal and natural part of life. You have got to be retarded to only want a virgin. Its impossible to find a girl over 21 who is still a virgin. You will never get a girlfriend if you keep thinking your women have to be completely pure and other bs. Step into reality for once
I've fucked four virgins. It's not unreasonable if you go for nerd girls.
I will date you, I'm not a virgin though
literally wverything on this board is bait. got this poace is such a rancid shithole but here i am anyway. why
See Im fine with that. Because only normal people without any problems are not virgins past 18.
kek they told you they were virgins but nerd girls are as slutty as they cum
So are we gonna get to know each other then?
Lose some weight then piggy.
Sure if you want. Post your email
Alright here's a throwaway
[email protected]
>Actually believing this is a female
Well, even if it's a guy, what exactly have I lost?
no wonder, into the trash with you
I lost mine at 20, so i'm full of problems? no wonder guys don't talk to you
>How do you guys ever expect to date women? Most girls over 18 have had sex.
The guy who asked if whoever fucked OP was a mute was simply pointing out that if OP isn't a virgin, clearly at least some non-0 number of guys have talked to her. Unless she fucked a mute guy or guys.
here this dopamine dose is on the house
Dignity you fucking neckbeard faggot. Hes probably malicious pajeet catfishing as some cumslut. Newfag
Looking at the way you type, you sound pretty reddit and newfag, man. It's pretty simple to figure out it's a girl online or not. I doubt they'll even reply anyway. What dignity? My life isn't connected whatsoever to my posts on r9k. If you knew anything about this board, you'd know people used to connect outside of it pretty fucking often in the past
>malicious pajeet
Those damn malicious pajeets, man.
First they shit in your street, then they catfish you on Jow Forums.
Guys try talking to me all the type, but they're always neckbeard creeps.
I know I shouldn't complain, because at least I get some attention - but it would be nice to just one time get chatted up by a guy who wasn't a short, overweight creep wearing a worn t-shirt and baggy shorts.
I feel like these are all larps. Too over the top, you guys are trying to hard to bait
Usually you robots get mad that women can't admit that they get attention, just not from guys worth getting attention from. I'm just trying to not be like that.
It's's frustrating that other girls get a choice. They get to have a type. I don't get to have a type, I'm just supposed to be happy anyone is interested in me at all. And not having a choice like any normal person has just sucks.
I'm hardly a robot anymore, and I don't really care what women do with their time, most of the time. It's just why come on here then if that's actually true? Most likely is not, too over the top of a scenario to believe
Why do you guys respond to these shit fucking posts every fucking time.
I claim this user as my gf.