Am i a beta?

Hey pol/ just wondering. I'm not a beta. At least i dont think im one. I think im a confident guy. Mostly conservative. Dont watch anime or cartoons in general. But i also dont do any sports and im not super strong or anything. Is there a middleground between an alpha and a beta? Or does my insecurity of where i stand automatically turn me into a beta? Ask me shit so we can determine my place in the faggot spectrum.

Attached: DEbLj7o.jpg (904x960, 52K)

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Is that Wil Wheaton?

being alfa or beta depends of your caracter and of course you can be more alfa and more beta

215 area philly hmu, I know a trick or two to rile up that inner sissy in you

Attached: Untitled.png (1431x1022, 1.4M)

If you are asking on this board if you are beta or alpha you must be beta

Lmao wut

the general rule is 'if you have to ask, you already know the answer.'

The thing is. Betas and onions boys are very specific. They all look and behave the same. Im nothing like them. Im just a boring normal dude. Im a multimedia producer. I work in politics. No nintendo shit. None of the stereotypical beta shit. But i also dont think im an alpha in most groups. Theres always someone else doing the decision making.


Yes i wanted you to know exactly what i mean by beta/basedboys/numales

There's also something called being a regular male. Stop seeking the approval of randumbs on a tunisian underwater basketweaving board if you consider yourself one.

Beta. The alpha always leads.

Thats a good point

Man it feels like that's never good enough for girls but I know that has to be a regional thing for me

Well if you’re so fucking unsure if you are a beta or not, then you’re beta.

I do when its needed. By i work i hierarchies. I have to move some people arround, but theres someone above me most of the times.

Have you trusted Christ as your saviour?


Sure dude. Im a Demolay brother. We follow the values of Jaques DeMolay. The last grand master of the knights templar.

And if you brag about being an alpha, then again, you know.

Glitterbitch makes me think you are gay

Are you?

What's my bloodtype then?

Thats will wheaton lol
Onions boy final boss

Wesley Crusher has fallen from grace

Transgender God is the final boss.

Onions* boy, why did my shit autocorrect onions to onions?

There is your problem. Harness your own awareness (power level), and lead yourself. You are yourself, not the others.

But the face screams tranny

He reminds me of those cute dolls with the big eyes - dear God I think he might be subconsciously emulating the doll.