How do you keep yourself occupied between sets?
How do you keep yourself occupied between sets?
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stare into the void and contemplate existence
I coom
browse Jow Forums hoping someone will recognize the blue board on my phone and become my bro
I'll be your friend user
Pace the gym and check my phone/timer/fit/ autistically while twinks look on
Look at thots on Jow Forums for test boost until antithot posters fucked it up
are these anglo genes?
I pace in counterclockwise circles. How about you?
youtube 'count to 60 seconds'.
Put on repeat for 1 hr.
I keep perfect tempo and I'm not dicking around on the phone between sets.
My workouts end exactly in 45 mins everytime.
I pace a bit.
user are you newly autistic or have you always been like this?
That's some serial killer shit lmao
Same lmao but my gym is full of normies
I've only been lifting for 2 months but I am the only person in my gym who rests between sets. Small apartment gym that's good for starters like me but what are the other guys doing? They fly around doing 3-4 things in a row. None of it seems to be a lot of weight but I honestly don't understand what they are doing.
why not just set a timer on your clock?
I read a section in the economist, they're pretty short pieces that are usually pretty interesting so I'll read a 3 paragraphs then do my next set
looks more eastern european
if it's more than two it's likely a circuit.
I've actually started reading between sets. My shortest rest time is 1m30s and there's still a lot you can get through in that segment, just set a timer.
Absolute schnoz
cells interlinked within cells
I stare very intimidatingly into the mirror, looking into my own eyes. I get entranced by my own visage, only thinking "you're a piece of shit." At this moment I get a burst of adrenaline I use to complete a 4th set of barbell flies. I cum a little from the boost.
This is pretty much what I do.
I look around and watch random people do their thing, but not to much so people wont think im a creep. Sometimes I walk around and watch while drinking a bit of water.
I'm scared to do this. Stay brave frein.
I’ve never wanted to hit a girl until I came to this board
i smell a pair of my girls underwear to keep my test up
>Occupied between sets
Home gym user here. I have no idea what this means. Between sets I just focus on breathing in the minutes between sets. Didn't know there was such a thing as waiting time.
holy shit white women are so ugly
>he thinks being 5'10" is acceptable
me too
something in your home gym has made you retarded, buying a carbon monoxide detector and checking your water for heavy metals would be a good start.
This. It's unavoidable really. The iron forces you to stare deep into it.
You know, you could be making some points that are worth discussing but your writing style is just so scattered it comes across as you just being unstable
The only thing that destined to fail here is the failure of you in school, for your spelling and grammar mistakes.
What is your first language, user? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely curious because your grammar/spelling errors are interesting.
That's spelling, not grammar. And i wasn't criticising yours, i was pointing out how desperate it reads
Try harder.
You are an uneducated midwit who thinks he's smart, sitting right at the dunning kruger peak. Just because you graduated middle school while picking boogers out your shnoze doesn't mean you know everything or understand everything. How about you actually learn a bit about economics before embarrassing yourself further?
what are you trying to say? The grammar is off enough in your post where what you said could mean multiple things.
And if you're from the shithole, your grammar and sentence structuring is disgusting. Typical of a fucking subhuman.
anyone who uses proper punctuation and grammar is a glow in the dark nigger
I've seen better quality grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation on /b/
Your grammar and punctuation are atrocious, you fucking ape
Learn basic grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation before you attempt to post again
please work on your punctuation and grammar.
Fucking asshole doesn’t produce offspring. Maybe you should try better punctuation and grammar next time?
What are you, illiterate? Only low iq morons don't use grammar when posting.
Half the English-speakers on this fucking board can't even stick to basic grammar and punctuation rules, the fuck makes you think they could handle a second language?
based schizoposter
I work out in my basement like a goblin so I just pace around in between sets.
Anyone eat between sets?
I eat gatordade + EAA's btw sets.
who is this girl? i want to profess my love for her on instagram dms
lmao reddit spacing
This bitch is a soft 5 at best who is trying too hard to be cute
hahah weird i imagined marrying her lol weird huh
That's not what my body is telling me.
I want to fuck that corndog.
She's weird looking, but I also want to impregnate her. After a traditional wedding, of course.
Is she slavic? I have a crazy thing for slav girls and slav-looking girls. And redheads. God help me if the two were ever combined.
>blocks your rack
Please no
Her skin looks really smooth. That's a seriously underrated feature in women. A lot of times that alone is enough.
From the looks of it she seems a little bit autistic though.
There's nothing lewd about the webm.
It's like she's transforming into a goldfish.
Much less critical for girls. Any sons you have with her will be sperghetti monsters though.
Browse Jow Forums, play games, or look up form techniques. I keep my phone low so people won’t think I’m recording them, but chuckle every now and then to remind them that I may be. You can feel the insecurity radiate from them.
On this note, anyone go to the Gold's in Aiken, SC?
I start singing a Disney song and try to get everyone to join in.
I started lifting last week. My gym doesn't have wifi and I don't get cell reception there, so in between sets Ive just been staring straight forward. A guy was doing what looked like one handed rows and made eye contact with me. I didn't want to seem like a weirdo or a coward so I didn't break eye contact until my timer dinged for me to do my next set.
no it isn't. maybe in your lgbqt body acceptance it is but outside of your dilating circle it is appropriately regarded
pic unrelated
I usually read a page of a book
I get a lot of reading done in the gym. I polished off like three books this year alone in the gym
Let's say 4 warm up sets and three work sets, 7 pages on bench
One warm up set and three work sets on flies, 4 pages
One warm up set and three work sets on tricep isolation, 4 pages
Typical chest night I pound out 15 pages. Work out ~3 to 4 times per week and you knock out 45-60 pages a week at the gym alone
Sometimes crunch some of the book when I get home.
Gotta train your brain too
Ps gas the kikes race war now
Sauce is one of Brooklyn and Bailey, their twins from youtube. To answer your question OP, I walk to the water fountain get a drink and then think about how to min/max my DnD character for Sundays session.
This is four chan buddy. I don't gotta do shit
spelled and grammarpilled
I liked her when I saw her webms.
I’m infatuated with her after learning she is saving herself for marriage.
i usually spin around on the spot
pretty good
never be afraid to look like a total piece of shit, own them. own the people. own the gym.
based but when i do squats i stare in the mirror cuz we don't have a full body mirror at home
Lol that's an anglo from the midwestern US, what is it with the internet assuming every hot girl is slavic?
No, you gotta do figure eights for balance!
Post body
It's called makeup, user
You can see girls' crater faces even with makeup.