Roasty tells her boyfriend about how she was a cock carousel riding whore in college

>Roasty tells her boyfriend about how she was a cock carousel riding whore in college
>he reacts accordingly

I fucking hate women so much.

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>girl got raped years ago
>boyfriend calls her a whore and treats her like shit
>tries to isolate her and won't let her talk to a therapist
Dude sounds like an abuser, why are we supposed to feel bad for him?

>rides everyone's dicks
>regrets being such a whore years later
Fuck you roastie

Youre unhinged. Leave my board.

>tailoring the story to fit your incel victim complex


These roasties are despicable

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but she actually wasn't being a slut in this case. you sound like you have an axe to grind and you're just trying way too hard to find a personal army.

Out out out no roasties in this based thread

So, she should suffer based on your assumptions about her virtue?


newfag, its "roastie"

We all know she was a shallow roastie that was out partying trying to get some dick. Theres no denying that fact. And she got exactly what she wanted. Which is to be fucked. Case closed

stop reaching lol

So if he found out why didn't he dump her immediately? Wouldnt that make him a cuckold? Are you defending a cuckold?

No not at all. I do believe that this guy is a major cuck for even considering a relationship with a roastie of this caliber.

Sounds like you are. Your are saying the lad is justified in his behavior which is what a beta cuckold would to attempt to assert his "dominance" as a last ditch resort to sooth his ego instead of dumping her and moving on like anybody else would do.

>hehe u spelled it wrong ur new unlike me xD

Off yourself.

haha okej whatever u say newfag
nice trips tho probably ur first ever! congrats!!!!

How was she a "cock carousel." Nothing in the post says that she fucked many dudes.

>drugged at a bar
you mean willfully took ketamine like a dumb bitch
>took me to my house and assaulted me
willfully gave my body to chad because the drugs and alcohol gave a roller coaster of emotions

It should be mandatory for all western women to be beaten the shit out of and then raped at 16 years f age. Then they probably won't be so pathetically naive like sheep to the slaughter.

I mean if we only go off of what she said in the post, it doesn't seem like she's a whore. Though considering how these stories tend to go and the boyfriends abnormal behaviour, there's a chance she could be lying.

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a roastie REEEEEEE

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What did mommy make for dinner tonight user?

Do you know user that women will lie to protect themselves no matter what the cost is

Idk, something about the way she's telling the story just doesn't seem right. She was raped and he responded by calling her "disgusting" and "immoral"? Is she dating a member of ISIS or something? I guess it's possible he could just be a complete asshole but people usually tell stories to paint themselves in the best possible light.

Sure some might, that doesn't mean every single women will always lie

so why is she going to bars with strangers essentially. if she did go in a group why did her friends let her go home with said guy. I dont think it is possible to take someone home if you are incapacitated.

if I was a girl. I would not go drinking with strangers. I would not take anyone home unless I truly knew them. and most importantly I would use critical thinking to avoid this happening to me.

she did not get attacked she let a stranger into the pirvacy of her house willingly. what did she expect

and no the drugs did not force her to take the stranger home

Stupid fucking roastie, thats what she gets for being a whore. Guarantee she knew what she was getting into and purposely got too drunk/took drugs or whatever then just regretted it afterwards. Dumb bitch.

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I dated a woman who got raped. She was sober during it and the guy attacked her outside of her apartment in this breezeway by the AC vents. The rape did not last long, around a minute but it was really violent with a lot of punching in the head. Sounded horrifying. I looked the guy up wanting to find out where he lives. Turns out his address has a cell number and he was sentenced to 60 years for 2 other rapes. I know one chick who got raped in a way similar to OPs incident (black out rape). She didn't remember anything other than visuals of various class mates being on top of her. I believe her story because I know the guys she accused and it completely sounds like something they would do

It sounds like they were mutual friends. She gets drugged and starts freaking out that something's happening to her. Rapist offers to help and get her home safely. She trusts him because they obviously know each other, she's on drugs, and probably desperate to get home.

>Be a man
>Be evil like the rest of men
>Can't feel empathy towards a raped woman
>Can't feel empathy to anyone
>Would rape women if he could anyway

Men are violent, sadistic and evil.

Sometimes Jow Forums makes me genuinely question the value of women. Then I see threads like this and remember that these posts are made by sour-grape bigotted incels that will always claim the woman was in the wrong in every situation.

You people grasp at straws to help "prove" your point. It's pretty pathetic tbqh.

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That's something all men would do. It's in their nature

No, its not. I would never beat the shit out of a woman and rape her.

>girl goes out to have a drink with friends
>dude puts drugs in her drink so he can rape her while she's unconscious
When feminists say we live in a culture that excuses rape and blames victims this is the exact type of shit they're talking about

not really relevant to the thread but i'm going to use it to ask anyway. does anyone have the post of that guy whose girlfriend went away to school and he saw pictures of her with other dudes and got obvious hints she was fucking around, so he broke up wit her and she and both of their families flipped out on him and berated him for it?
it's a reddit post like this that's what reminded me of it


I can hear your meat curtains flap from here

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>I haven't laughed in weeks

Bitch please

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>all men are evil

Aren't you just as bad as OP at this point?

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Can a girl really get raped in college?
I mean, I get the sexual assault and all, but can she genuinelly say she wasn't asking for it?

Dilate yourself to death, filthy abomination. May God have mercy on your soul.

Mate, we probably didn't hear the whole story, what with there being no reason for the bf to be mad at her in the situation as she presented, and all.

However, to state she's a whore in this story when there's no evidence, and its about a single instance of rape, sounds a bit fucked.

Statisticly, as a modern day 22 year old woman, probability is she's a whore, but to twist this story into it, your making yourself look like a delusional dickhead.

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3 in 5 women are raped on college campuses you retarded dickhead, do not minimize our trauma.

Thats bullshit. She got out of that relationship unscathed and she was the one that decided she had had enough of her own bullshit.


She cheated on him and blamed it on the alcohol. Even went as far as crying rape too.. which is super fucking disgusting.

>gets drugged
>its her fault
Something doesnt add up here...

Look, guy. Only a slut would find herself in a situation where it's possible to be raped. No sympathies from me. Ever.

So children too? Do they deserve your "symathies"?

we need to hear the boyfriend's side and the guy that assaulted her as well.

Well we already know exactly what they would say.

Children of Whoredom can go to hell for all I care. Most of them grow up to be sluts and savages.

Aww! You're stupid!

Tell your single mother that.

checked. truth

nice dechu

Most likely the BF talked to someone else in her friend group and got a different side of the story.

Like ketamine being found in her system because she's a K-whore.

Nah bro, we must white knight roasties even if it's clear what happened.

I mean she had Ketamine in her system user!!! The poor woman had ketamine!!!
It's not like it's a reasonably popular drug for bar sluts or anything. Ketamine!!!
The poor, poor roastie...

Nice 7D psyop Chess plays with this post.
>OP is aware that occasionally Jow Forums posters have women hate threads
>in these threads it's common to take screenshots of reddit posts about promiscuous women
>OP then takes a screenshot of one legitimate woman rape and reconciliation story where she leaves her unsupportive boyfriend
>OP then posts screenshot with overly angry and fraudulent summary of the reddit post
>uses commonly known """incel""" buzzwords like Jamal
>does this all to make it seem like he is your average incel poster and thus paint lonely men in an even worse light
You're see-through.

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as if anyone on Jow Forums has intelligence

You've got to be MENTALLY ILL/RETARDED, if you think that going to a bar with one's roommates means that they are whores.

>She leaves the house unattended by a male relative or her husband
Human garbage. Would not touch.

first post best post, extremely based and redpilled

on the other hand, OP is a whiny little cuck faggot who needs to go outside and be himself!

>she is human garbage
Says non-human garbage, who no woman will touch unless forced.

5 in 5 women are retarded

That's basically because men only want to fuck retards, shunning women of intelligence.

What actually happened
Roasty >I dated a guy in college
Cuck> What the hell bro
Roasty> Fuck off