I'm still a virgin because I will not settle for anything less than a 7/10. Anyone else like this?

I'm still a virgin because I will not settle for anything less than a 7/10. Anyone else like this?

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Yeah same here but I'm like a 7/10 so I don't know why I can't find a good one.

I would pump and dump an ugly girl but when it comes to a gf I will not settle for less then a 7/10

I'm 6'4'' and take good care of myself. I easily deserve a 7+ and yet I can only seem to attract 5s and 6s. Maybe if I was successful on top of that...

I won't settle for less than a 4/10 face and 5/10 body

hmm. Interesting point of view.

I'm 6ft and rich and I still only get 5s and 6s.

If you fuck a 5/10 today, you'll fuck a 7/10 tomorrow and a 9/10 the day after. If you stay virgin, well, then you remain a virgin, I guess.

>tfw i want a white girlfriend
>i have the skin of a pajeet

The idea of fucking below your standards is ridculous anyway.
>I will make this girl my girlfriend just because i couldn't get any better
I would then rather not have any girl at all.

sorry to burst your bubble user but they're all the same. they're just meatsacks with three holes. subtle differences in their facial/body aesthetics doesn't change anything. this just sounds like a massive copout because you're massive loser faggot incel pussy who can't attract women

nah, it's more about women being whores, I wouldn't drop less than 4/10 but if she's not a virgin, she can be 10/10 and that's a NO.

If they're all the same then I want the best looking meatsacks with three holes. And I do attract girls, just not hot ones.

You're a virgin because you are not a 7/10

I'm a virgin because I will not fuck less than a 7/10. If I was willing to fuck 5s I would've gotten laid by now.

>women have no personalities
>only looks determine a woman's worth
It's okay for a man to want to breed with the most aesthetic females. I'm just using your own logic here.

then you're genetically not destined for the top-shelf puss. get used to it you entitled shitlord.

I guess I didn't really flesh out my argument. My point was I've had amazing sex with 5s and really lame sex with 7+ If you're just trying to loose your virginity, for the sake of understanding the physical mechanics etc, then there's no reason to delay. Losing your virginity is a huge psychological weight off your shoulders that reflects in your disposition. That would aid you in pursuing 7+ women

Tell that to all the fat, ugly old jew Hollywood producers banging top tier actress puss. Genetics don't make a difference and I'm definitely better looking than them.

I want a 7+ gf, not some 5/10 cock hungry slut.

in that particular instance there is a very clear motive for the actress' to be fucking the kike producers. I can tell you with 100% women can stomach sex with absolutely repulsive men if it means personal gain i.e prostitutes

same. I've been getting into shape though and this new 4/10 girl at work is totally into me since her first day. first time I've ever had something like that happen. it's a nice confidence booster though and hopefully better looking girls will notice me as time goes on

yes. I was like that for all my school years. I was a 6/10 at best and wanted nothing less than an 8 lol I deserved it. after school though I came out of my shell and got a good amount of pussy, itll happen to you, i dint lose mine until i was 20

Femcels are the only real incels

So what I'm 6'4 too, same problem. Face is all that matters as long as you're not really short

I thought like that but then I thought some more because ive seen some 10/10s in my life but I have never ever approached them and it came to my mind that i am way to ugly and shy. Final thought, i will be forever alone because i am shy(and ugly) and picky and I used similar logic to justify my situation, not saying youre doing that but I do.

personally I figured since I waited this long I can wait till I find a girl I really like or at least a girl I find pretty attractive

You guys realize you don't have to marry the first girl you fuck

But I have good facial aesthetics too, didn't feel the need to mention because I felt it would make me seem too smug.

I think if you're ugly it's different, just bang anything at that point. I'm legitimately good looking and was scouted for modeling when I was 17. I want a hottie gf.

Not a virgin, I've banged a few 8's and 9's, but I know the feel of not wanting anything less than that now.

I'm not so lucky that I can get girls like that without effort like some chad though, it takes a lot of effort and it's tiring. I'm on this board to see what other anons take on girls are while I wait around to try and up my game.

And if you weren't ugly, a 7/10 would be willing to fuck you.

ive only been with and had sex with 1 girl because im not willing to settle for boring normalfag roasties, which are most girls

>I'm still a virgin because I will not settle for anything less than a 7/10
I love to tell that to myself too.
The reality is that women don't even speak to me.

girls nowadays love shitskins

6'4" is too tall that's freak mode

If girls dont go out of their way to message you and make plans to hang out all by yourselves then you're probably just an incel.

I just refuse to ask out girls first. Whoever ask first is in the weak position.

You're still a virgin because anything more than a 7/10 will not settle for you

I hate myself and assume anyone will hate me, not to mention that I do not know how to initiate anything past meeting up for lunch or something. After that I do not know what to do.

I own four homes and two vehicles. I have zero debt. I have a single owner LLC. I have zero W2 taxable income. My bills always get paid. I'm about to buy another rental home when the time is right. I have a vacant lot half a block from the beach and I'm about to sell it.

My point is, a woman would just fuck me up. So what if I'm a little overweight? So what if I'm not perfectly handsome? I don't have a relationship or sex (I haven't had sex since 2016). There isn't a woman that wouldn't ruin the life I've built.

>I've fucked a few 8s and 9s
>now I'm on r9k to become an even bigger slayer
keep us posted on how that works out for you.

Here's a test. What do you consider Selena Gomez to be on the 10 scale? And Tay? Because your standards might not just be high, but unicorn level.

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Yes this is me. I had like 40+ likes on OKCupid but only one match because I refuse to go below my looksmatch.

And even that one match fucked me over. I kept panicking thinking this is my only chance, invested a lot of mental energy trying to game her for a week. Then finally today she flat up tells me she's not interested.

I dunno boys. That one finally broke me I think. I was so upset that I couldn't do my job at work and I got called into the office and told I need a better work life balance. My boss said he's going to call me on the weekends to make sure I'm not sitting at home. Now I'm thinking about just quitting, selling my house and being some sort of NEET or vagrant. Literally what is the point any more?

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>Then finally today she flat up tells me she's not interested.
how did you manage this? to this day I have never gotten a woman to be honest and open like this. they always ghost me or pretend to be oblivious that I like them until I break the contact off myself.
3-4 times over the years I've flatout demanded that they tell me they're not into me that way, assuring them that I understand that it's not under their control whom they're attracted to, that I'm not angry at them or anything. wtf is their problem? they just won't have an honest conversation with me. is it the type I go for? is it the type that goes for me (but then changes its mind)?

one of these girls I met by chance a year or so after we stopped talking. at this point I was pretty much hoping I would never run into her because being left guessing and neurotically overanalyzing (my bad, of course, but that makes no difference) hurt me and I was afraid I had given her the impression of a potential stalker by awkwardly confessing my interest in her. so I run into her after at least a year and she fucking greets me politely and calmly like we were casual acquaintances and there was nothing weird about it at all. I went full autism and stared right through / past her. literally acted like she wasn't there and continued walking. there was no emotion I could have expressed! what did she expect? she was a rather shy type as well, definitely not prone to greet random people she's had a few conversations with years prior so I must have made some sort of impression but I'll never know what was going through her mind during any of it. it's all so alien. if there wasn't anything weird between us she wouldn't remember and greet me. but the way she greeted me was casual as if we were something like old friends. my brain couldn't handle it and just shut down.

I'm still a virgin because women don't find me sexually appealing... Gay guys have asked me out but I'm straight and always turn them down... WHAT DO I DO! WHY DOES EVERYBODY ASSUME I'M GAY! I WANNA FUCKING DIE, DO I JUST ROLE WITH IT AND TRY BEING GAY??? OR SHOULD I JUST FUCKING KILL MYSELF!!!???

>how did you manage this?

By pathetically reading dozens of articles about how to game a woman online. Saying all the right things. Investing so much of my time and brain power just to get one more two-word reply from someone who clearly wasn't interested. In the end it worked only insofar as to get me an honest rejection.

I spit upon myself for caring so much. I really wish I could just give up. I'm never going to attract a woman I'm attracted to (7/10) and I'm never going to settle either. I want to just stop caring about it altogether.

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>normals actually believe this

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you've told us nothing about yourself. surely you've already put some thought into this yourself so what can we exclude as an explanation? do you lisp? do you walk weird? do you have effeminate posture? are you submissive in some way? do you wear pink clothing regularly?

being hit on by men regularly is definitely not normal. there's something visual or auditory about you (something people perceive basically at first glance) that leads them to speculate this way.

>Saying all the right things. Investing so much of my time and brain power just to get one more two-word reply from someone who clearly wasn't interested.
that's definitely what I did one time and nope, the woman kept ignoring my requests for dates but also wouldn't stop talking to me or tell me she wasn't interested. she wanted to just keep me orbiting forever which makes no sense because we didn't live in the same place and if we didn't meet up to date we were likely going to see each other maybe once a year from then on. when she didn't respond to something for two days or so I wrote a pathetic "you can't fire me, I quit" tier last message and deleted and possibly blocked her, I don't recall. this was after a WEEK of trying to make plans to meet up which she initially sounded interested in and then quickly ignored more and more, changing the subject to neutral smalltalk shit.

>I spit upon myself for caring so much. I really wish I could just give up. I'm never going to attract a woman I'm attracted to (7/10) and I'm never going to settle either. I want to just stop caring about it altogether.

I relate to this very much. I could settle for a 6/10 as well (I'm barely a 7 myself) but I suspect my idea of a 6 is other men's idea of a 7+.

>thinking back to when you had time for any of that shit

i only have time to work, eat and sleep now and that's not even 100% hustling. if i was really hustling at full capacity, i would have zero time for anyone.

>i only have time to work, eat and sleep now
so which of these are you replacing with browsing an imageboard now?

Not even the guy you're replying to but this is how the world works.

You figure out the game as you grind, and reap the rewards of figuring out how to play the game better.

I'm sure you finished placements in diamond.

>selena gomez
>you have unicorn levels if you don't drool over her!!!

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oh im sorry, i didnt realize an autist was gonna struggle with this.
i didn't mean literally only have time for those 3 things.
you know there's literal and figurative speech, those 2 iterations are up for you to distinguish, it aint my fault you're pedantic and gay.

in his defense, she was around a 7.5 when I met her IRL working stage construction for her concert.

I don't know how some men put up with rejection after rejection like that. This one rejection literally shook me to the core. It's humiliating to put yourself into that position and then get denied. I used to think loneliness must be worse than rejection but after today I wish I had just not even tried at all.

Fuck it bruh we're mgtows now.

absolutely fugly face and breadboard. She's a 5.

I think my main problem has been selecting targets purely on attractiveness and not taking anything else into account. there are plenty of ways to gauge interest without making a fool of yourself and you can make yourself available without making any bold moves. that's my plan for the future any way. don't day-dream about the prettiest chick I've seen today or this week and rather pay attention to who seems available. oftentimes I've been ignoring a 7 because I was obsessed with an 8 at the time. and that's retarded. I don't know if you do that, too, but think about it.

Not quite. I'm a virgin because no woman will settle for anything less than a 7/10.

It doesn't work, only women you're not attracted to will actively approach you. At least that's how it's always worked for me.

Taut body, round healthy tits, nice armpits, thick silky Latina hair, nice slit outline, cute pixie-like face. She's also got $60 million dollars. She's at least an 8.5, but probably more.

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Another relevant pic. She's very attractive, don't kid yourself. Perhaps not a perfect 10/10 but definitely the type of girl you don't want pull out of.

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I'm not talking about waiting for women to approach, I'm talking about playing the tedious kind of game they want to play where you pretend to be just friends at first as you search for clues if there's interest. once you're already hanging out "as friends" you then of course make basically all the overt moves because she won't. but the risk of a harsh rejection or awkward situations is minimized this way. you just organically sit closer and closer, eventually you put your arm around her and lean in a little and if she's not leaning in as well that's about the harshest rejection you face. protects your ego, protects her reputation, it seems to be the way women want it to go these days.
of course they'll say they still like romantic gestures but the truth is, those are like their rape fantasies - they require Chad. a male 9+/10 would win their heart instantly by handing them fucking flowers in front of their coworkers and proposing on his knees after a month of dating or whatever. but real couples seem to find each other among "friends" and in their approximate looksmatches with a bias to uglier woman, prettier man (like 1 point difference).

You'll stay a virgin forever with that strategy, and that might just be an excuse for not being able to get a girl at all. You have to prove you can get a girl before you can get a 7/10. You have to lower your standards and realize that most girls are not going to be porn stars. Sex is less about looks anyway and more about "I'm going to fuck anything with a hole" energy.

>Sex is less about looks anyway and more about "I'm going to fuck anything with a hole" energy.
redpill me on this. I've been thinking about these kinds of mindset questions a lot lately. sometimes I feel like this and most of the time I don't. any tips on how to snap into this or out of asexual ayylmao mode reliably around women?

absolutely cringed and cuckpilled. fucking spics

That's fine, user. Continue being wrong.

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Fuck that. I walk now in the path of light, free from the darkness of vaginas

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women will come at you with sexual energy. it's when they out of the blue try to initiate a conversation with you and you can tell by their tone they want you to initiate.
ill be honest, this has prolly happened to most dudes from black women.

those vibes make me cringe for some reason though. the way women try to get sex makes me fucking cringe hard.
imagine a kid coming up to you and trying to ask you to buy them candy without actually asking you, that's what it reminds me of.

>women will come at you with sexual energy. it's when they out of the blue try to initiate a conversation with you and you can tell by their tone they want you to initiate.
I know how that feels but there's a component I'm missing. it's not just sexual attraction, there's a more fundamental kind of masculine-feminine dynamic that I'm just missing with most women. when I'm around female relatives I'm at ease and I feel secure in my role as a man. and I don't feel that way around most strange women or acquaintances my age. and then rarely I do, and I want to feel that way more often. because in those situations I can naturally do the right thing and attract them. but with most women even when I can tell they're interested I still just don't feel the chemistry. I feel tension, self-consciousness etc. from both of us (her and I) but something's just not right. and I can't be incompatible sexually with the vast majority of women, that doesn't make sense, does it? I can't tell you off the top of my head if I've ever had both modes with the same woman, comfortable one day, awkward asexual mode a different time. I want to say no but I'm really not sure.

sounds like you might just be ugly or something. something inside your head is making you self-conscious, hard to tell what it may be without knowing you.

I'm good looking enough that some good looking girls have kissed me in the past so there's no logical reason I should assume failure as the outcome. of course I have insecurities, who doesn't? I guess what I was trying to describe about those girls is that they aren't feminine in some way. I'm wondering if it's the modern egalitarian upbringing that's fucking me over. the more traditional / lady-like / girly she acts the more at ease I am and everything works out okay. it seems to be with girls who try to be "one of the boys" that my mojo won't turn on. I had ED with the first girl I ever went to bed with because of this.

in some way I'm losing my masculine frame when girls don't present a consistently feminine frame. and since I can't wait for girls to fix themselves I wonder if there's something I can do to fix them. imagine a more subtle version of converting a lesbian. imagine a girl who is sitting with her legs open and uses slur words (cliche examples) and some vibe that you as a man could introduce that would inspire her to act like a proper woman. that's what I need.

I only settle for an 11/10
And those dont exist
Volcel for life

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Me too, I know I'll die a khv but I'd never "settle" for a girl less than 9/10