How can i make a girl lose weight??
How can i make a girl lose weight??
Keep her in a cage and starve her.
Tell her she's overweight and you'd like her to lose weight. If that doesn't work, then nothing will and you might as well leave her because convincing a woman to do something she doesn't want to do is impossible.
Make her want to work out. As a girl myself my boyfriend made me realize all the benefits of working out outside of just losing weight but building self esteem. Girls are into that self-esteem shit.
Conversely, How can I make a girl GAIN weight?
Jeff? Is that you? Is this a cry for help?
Cheat on her
By cumming inside her unprotected and making a new baby brain with your cum.
Why post that image though, right side is better?
Spike meals with clen
Negative and Positive reinforcement, my favorites are:
>Grab her belly and jiggle it like jelly, while making gross schlup-schulp noises or doing baby talk about how chubbywubby shes getting
>Everytime you catch her eating junk food adopt a southern accent and tell her how noice and thiccum she gettin, just like a porky pig hee haw
> Everytime you see her looking in the mirror whisper "chumba chumba chumba chumba"
> Take her on a "nature walk" and find a switch to playfully whip her with until she inadvertently runs a quarter mile or so
> Pretend to be a southern HS football coach or that FMJ drill sarge and get in her face and make her do burpees until she cries, then cuddle her gently and tell her how proud you are
> Get her to fast all day with you and tell her how sexy she looks having not eaten
These work at all stages of weight gain, but I generally use them to keep my gf at that line between skinny/thicc where she has sexy thighs and decent tits but no stomach pouch
Literally just eat less.
That's it.
That's the only thing you need her to do.
Stop shoving greasy dogshit down her gullet for five minutes.
This isn't rocket science.
Sometimes when I see a fat bitch with a semi decent face I can almost see what she would look like if she were skinny and I think about putting effort into helping her lose weight if she has a decent personality but then I remember that all women are bitches and whores and she would just end up cucking me at the end of the day anyway so I offer to buy her meals instead.
You don't
Get her doctor to tell her she'll die early and that you'll replace her with a younger, fitter woman.
This pic is incredibly arousing though.
absolutely based
all according to keikaku
Who’s Jeff?
Seriously, I’ve gain about 10 lbs this year and one of my me friends jokingly said “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips” to me while we were having cake at another friend’s birthday. i think about it every time i crave sweets and its so effective
Why would you ruin such perfect progress, mortal?
Don't get her pregnant
wish mine was as redpilled. she doesnt like to sweat and no amount of talking about health benefits etc changes that.
Put her on a treadmill. Dangle your cock in front of her.
This tbqh, told mine that I'm afraid she will get too fat if she keeps this up. She got little bit upset for moment but realised I was right and she didn't want to get fat either. She's lost few kilos so far. Improving sex life and makng herself more desirable for me seems to be good motivator for her.
This is good also. I keep pinching and poking her belly when we are lazing around and keep complimenting her hips and ass after workouts.
Honestly my boyfriend started dating me and I just wanted to lose weight and exercise because that was a huge part of his lifestyle. He was jacked when he asked me out and I instantly knew I would have to change. If your gf won’t change for you or for herself maybe it’s not a relationship that’s worth it. Lead by example.
I’m in a somewhat relatively similar situation, but from the other side, how jacked and joocy do I need to be to elicit a response like this?
Cut her limbs off
If you cant be honest and tell her then why are you dating her? Tou dont have a good foundation if you dont have honesty
Yeah I agree on that, I was 30 lbs over weight and much fatter than my bf. I wanted to get fit before and copied his diet. Turns out it works great for me and I lost the weight. He didn't put any pressure on me to lose it but probably because I already said I wanted to get healthy. OPs girlfriend might be in some hard denial about herself
Shame works better on men to enact changes. I've noticed women tend to just hate themselves more which makes them more inclined to binge.
my GF is fine weight wise, she eats well and has high metabolism (noticeably higher body temp than me). just not active. i try to encourage more physical activity but she's not that responsive. i'd prefer her to be more hard bodied but it's not a deal breaker. most other areas of the ship are fine so no point in my mind breaking it off just on this.
Start mooing every time she eats something she shouldn't
i can't stop laughing at this retarded post, how are people responding to it seriously
Find fun things to be active at. Like tennis or kayaking or something you wouldn’t normally do. Disguise it as some romantic crap and she may not even really care that it’s physically more demanding because it’s “us time”