I am currently chatting with one girl on internet. How long before i should make a move and how?

I am currently chatting with one girl on internet. How long before i should make a move and how?
Little info :
> I am 23 she is 17.
> She is really nice christian girl.
> I really dont want to scare her off so i just give occasional hint i am interested.
> There is 200km between us.
> We are chatting daily for like 2 weeks

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Posted first on advice but its dead board.

>She is really nice christian girl.

So a dumb slut? Treat her like any dumb slut.

how did you meet her?
I'd love to know a girl like that

Attached: yuma.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

Incels strikes again

tell her anal is ok since it won't take away your virginity :^)

I was on the other side of a similar situation once. Go slow and play the long game, user.

Random chatting room on internet. Stupid luck.

>> I am 23 she is 17.
>> She is really nice christian girl.
>> I really dont want to scare her off so i just give occasional hint i am interested.
>> There is 200km between us.
>> We are chatting daily for like 2 weeks

When her parents find your online correspondence, they're going to accuse you of "grooming" and say that you're a child molester.

Enjoy prison. And enjoy dying in prison, molesters get fucked up in the big house.

I want to go slow but i dont want to end up like her friend she is top tier wife material. Did you get that girl?
In my country i dont do anything illegal and i dont say anything sexual to her anyway.

And she will be 18 in two months anyway.

Robot bump for more

No, I mean I was the girl. We met online when I was 17 and he was 21.
You should show some interest regardless, but try not to be too pushy about it this early into it.

OP, does this girl reside in Texas?

How long do you think i should wait ?

I'm relaying factual information. My incel status is irrelevant.

No we are both european

Are there girls you would not consider "dumb slut" anyway ?

Shes not going to travel 200 km for an incel pedo like you faggot You have no chance The fact that you are wasting your time on this dumb shit shows how desperate you are

Well in my case he waited for a year before making an actual move, but only because I was so flaky/shy.
Anyway, I think you should soon make it obvious you're interested, but at that age difference I'd recommend at least waiting until she's 18 before trying to make something truly serious happen. Especially when taking the distance into consideration.

Sure. You had bad day brother ?

Thank you for advice i will keep it in mind. Would you mind sharing full story?

since she is so close to you inviting her to an event nearby would probably be a good idea

>all the normalniggers in this thread calling OP a pedo because of a six-year age difference
thanks for outing yourselves faggots

Take a trip to wherever she is, and ask if she wants to meet up. 200km isn't much distance. It is better to meet her in person before you start getting awkward.

Don't worry. She already likes you otherwise she wouldn't be talking every day

>17 is pedo
c'mon lads, I thought we were better than this

I will make a move irl. But should i do it first time we meet ? It feels kinda wrong.

I dont know whats so wrong about it. I would understand if she was like 15 but she is 18 in 2 fucking months.

Just talk to her about visiting. She will probably be excited and you will have fun planning something to do. You can leave it ambiguous whether you are visiting specifically to see her or not. Just try to have a good time. If you both enjoy each other's company the 'making a move' will happen naturally more or less

Sure thing. We met on an anime forum after having an argument about something I've since forgotten. We started regularly chatting there after that, and moved onto email at some point. Although at first we were purely friends, very soon both were already showing clear interest.
There were a few long breaks in between, but we got to know each other more and more and continuously discovered new similarities between ourselves; we were both conservative, very asocial, autistic (only in the Jow Forums sense), had similar interests, etc etc. But what really made me realize I loved him was how he never let me put myself down or doubt myself. And I did do that a lot, still do sometimes. He was/is the most genuine person I've known and just understood me perfectly. It's really the best feeling when someone like that truly wants you and cares about you.
I'm getting sleepy now, so I'll finish this rather bluntly if you don't mind. After about 2 years we eventually met up for the first time. And right now we're planning the second one.

I hope this satisfied your curiosity, user.

Yes thank you. Really sweet i hope it will work for you two in the future.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the first real 'move' he made, which was him basically saying he didn't want to be with anyone else. After that point I considered us to be exclusive.

Np, and thank you. I wish the same for you.